wannabe - does that mean i should take it as a compliment that weirdos chat me up...or think why me
saraian - thanks hunni it meant so much to me getting it down!!
karen - ull be there in no time i bet so dont worry xxx
i have had a BRILL day!!
oh was off all day, so the little lad was off for couple of hours so we spent the morning in bed
he told me how proud he is of me, that im after loosing loadsa weight and how im looking gorg!!
coming from him that means so much i was all smiley lol!
spent the day then just the 3 of us, which was lovely!! even though he tried tempt me with his yummy potatoes, but he knows im not tempted to actually eat them so it was more in a joking way than trying to sabotage me!!
hes gone to work there now so have the bed to myself to night, so gonna have an early night and read!!
hope everyones doing ok xxx