I know what you are saying, but its so disheartening when I'm doing the same as everyone else and not getting the same results, I STS for 3 weeks, I very nearly gave up, but I didnt, I just seem to have a body that likes to stay the same all the time, I managed to stay the same for 5 years doing slimming world and weight watchers and an hour of aerobics everyday, I didnt loose a blessed thing, on SW I did but only about 3lbs and that went back on when they brought out the diet that was a mixture of the red & green days. So low carb/fat is certainly what I am sticking to, I'm not going over to Atkins from here, just not having oat bran and yogurt, just a kick start, then next week I will go back on cruise, I have done so well , I cant believe i lost 12 lbs, its more than that really because I didnt count my practice run when I was waiting for the book etc, its about 15lbs, so I know it works, but I'm just very good at stalling and I cant let my self get upset about it or I may just think sod it no diet works, when clearly this Dukan one does. So sort of trying to trick my body into something, lol, not sure what but hope it works, just till Friday morning, hopefully.