Ahh the weighing thing is such a pain. Its funny at first because when you are loosing at the start, you relish getting up and popping on the scales then it starts slowing down and you go on them more often, usually I am 'just checking' lol.
I found 2 tops in my wardrobe today, one is a summery one that I got last year and it was too tight so I flung it at the back of the cupboard in a huff, and of course now it fits =)
the other is a black cotton shirt I wore loads but I used to wear it with jeans but my jeans got too tight at one point and I didnt wear it for ages. So I am happy.
I'm still doing the sort of Atkins/Dukan thing, because of the veg,plus I can eat pork on Atkins which I have to eat as we have a freezer full and it seems to be working for now, I cant seem to eat too much oat bran or very fiberous veg (which I love, eg, broccoli, tomatoes cabbage etc) so i have an oat bran(in a PP day) every other day and alternate that with a Atkins day which is PV and I have courgette, mushrooms and cauliflower.
Today is the PV day and I am going to make courgette and spring onion soup which is yummy and it also means whilst dh is home I can sneak a cup full of it lol.
Poor dh though, it is annoying him being off, he works in a quarry full of big machines, so its a boys and their toys job for him. But the nurse says it could take a while for the wound to heal because its healing from the inside out, normally when you get a cut a scab forms and it heals that way, but because it was torn inside , the inside needs to fix back together first or the top will close and the skin becomes tight. Yuck its revolting anyway, it looks horrible now because there isnt a scab on it, it was forming but the nurse took it off.
Its blooming cold here today, I see there is snow on the mountain tops that wasnt there yesterday. Yesterday was horrible, such heavy rain storms with thunder and lightning and they came on all of a sudden. We even had a power cut for about 3 seconds, so switched off the internet and unplugged it, Ive had 2 modems and a pc blow up because of lightning, I wasnt taking any chances.
Right best go and catch up on some other diaries, I feel bad not replying to them all, but there are hundreds now lol and I would be here all day. Hope everyone is well though \=)