Cathys Dukan diary

Pasta is my downfall, so versatile but more so in winter as in summer it's only in salads that I use it (plus the kids all eat it). Could manage quite happily without rice and just use couscous/bulgher wheat instead though and would still need potatoes for my stovies!

At least we can have 2 gala meals a week, so pizza parties won't have to be cancelled!
At least we can have 2 gala meals a week, so pizza parties won't have to be cancelled!
lol true :D
im looking forward to saying...oh but im allowed ;)
i think in the book it mentiosn for the 1st half of conso do only 1/2 the amounts you are one slice of bread, one gala meal.
I was going to do conso for the minimum length of time then just carry on with it until my weight was constant for an extra month or so, but that's a good idea - build up gradually.
Right so tried to read the book, but I found him so crap at writing, and he is just repeating himself, so I sort of know the basics, he has written it in a very complicated way. The recipes are great, so going to make some mayo from it first, need to put dijon mustard on my shopping list though, but English will suffice for now. I am just about to make a start on my orange wine, I need to sterilise a bucket though, so off to look for the milton tablets, ooh I love the smell of those, they remind me of sterilising my breast pump lol
lol he does repeat!!!
On the French coaching, for the first half of one's consolidation period, he advises just the one gala meal and one pasta portion per week BUT the bread allowance isn't halved... it's so small anyway it wouldn't be feasible to halve it.

Vicky... being the closest among us to Conso, how long will your Conso be? (ie, how much will you have lost?)
well when i get to conso i will have lost 38lbs in total, 27 of which on Duakn, but I will use the 38lbs
so...190 days = 27 weeks !!!! plus a while longer. Im really looking forward to it really. (not just the gala meals!)
I think if i did change from dukan ever (which im not planning to) i would still use the same principle, basic low fat, not too many carbs and plenty of protein and greens/salad/veg.
Its the only way to keep the weight off I think no matter what diet you do.
Im going to need lots of help from you Jo as you have done it before.
Done it before and failed miserably! haaaaa!

(I'm good at the theory part of exams, just mess up the practical!)

I actually think that Conso - Phase 3 is probably where I need to be for life... Stabilisation - Phase 4 when on holiday (aka "do whatever") but Conso does allow one enough rope to feel happily hung!
I dont think i could ever go back to eating carbs every meal every day now anyway!

Pants are on fire!!

If I could eat cr*p from dawn to nightfall without gaining a gramme, I'd be right there!
and of course the exercise... I read somewhere early this morning from home someone saying (and I'm not deliberately singling anyone out here - this used to be my attitude): "when I stagnate I'll start exercising".

Unfortunately, while I do understand you, this isn't the way we dieters need to think. Exercise has to be a part of our lives, and a pleasure... we have to find something we like doing. I hate all forms of exercise. And have joined expensive gyms, not bothered going or, worse, gone and hated it! Been swimming lots. Hated it. Hated faffing around endlessly with my hair. Stressed myself into trying to keep up with my 3x a week for 1/2 hr non stop plan. Etc etc. Then I found something I liked doing - walking! And now it's a doddle to get up an hour earlier than usual and walk to work (6-7km depending on which way I go).

I obviously didn't start doing as much... and Dukan does say 20 mins per day minimum...

Please please, if you haven't already started some form of exercise (pregnant women aside - you've already done the exercise!!), think of trying a little... and building up gradually...
lol :D but after having carb blowouts now they make me feel tired, bloated fat and miserable I could easily go back to atkins but not to eating carbs every meal.
[My French pseudo] absolutely agree with you Vicky... and realises how bad we feel after a carb binge... (and how lovely our intestines feel empty!!) and how wonderful meat and veg is.

But I (you know, the "other one") will do it again and again irrespective...

Schizo me?
Lol deja vous Jo. Ive seen you write about being a schizo before? No i think Jim on the atkins forum says it best..."do as I say not as I do"

Plus I dont want carb face!
Good morning, I have woken up a bit grumpy today and sad feeling, I dont know why either. I had a massive order to do which took me ages because its the school hols and I had to keep clearing up and tidying up, the boys are pretty good at not spreading themselves around but Emma is awful, she plays with hundreds of toys at a time, all tiny ones. I thought I was going to get a day off today but Dhs uncle just came in with farm admin work that needs to be done by tomorrow, so I need to do that now, because I promised Emma we would make glittery paper plates, why paper plates I have no idea, just another messy thing to clutter up my house. Its not raining at least today, so maybe the washing that has been on the line for 3 days will dry. These holidays have been crap weather wise, seriously not one day of sunshine, WTF is that all about?? Then Ds2 was moaning last night about when they go back to school, he hopes they wont have to write a story about what they did in the holidays, because " I havent done anything". So I need to get his cousins over for the day sometime so they can do something. Its not true that wehavent done anything, we went camping in Skye and went to loads of places, but its just the way he said it made me feel really crap.
Right enough wallowing best get this work done, hopefully it wont take long.
awhhh... I'm starting to think I'm definitely better off in the office, with no work to do and time to surf!!

Good luck!
aww Cathy dont stress mine always say they are bored ...they do loads or dont want to do anything ..what happened to kids making their own fun im sure we had too
Ive left the holiday to nearly the last weekend so thet they are conned into thinking they have benn really busy ...doesnt help weve some of the best beaches but its too cold and wet to go down to them
Oh cathy, sorry you feeling so down. Does your DD not have any friends that could come over? or does that make it worse? Yes weather has been rubbish. Always is when the kids are off. Roll on september.