Good morning, I have woken up a bit grumpy today and sad feeling, I dont know why either. I had a massive order to do which took me ages because its the school hols and I had to keep clearing up and tidying up, the boys are pretty good at not spreading themselves around but Emma is awful, she plays with hundreds of toys at a time, all tiny ones. I thought I was going to get a day off today but Dhs uncle just came in with farm admin work that needs to be done by tomorrow, so I need to do that now, because I promised Emma we would make glittery paper plates, why paper plates I have no idea, just another messy thing to clutter up my house. Its not raining at least today, so maybe the washing that has been on the line for 3 days will dry. These holidays have been crap weather wise, seriously not one day of sunshine, WTF is that all about?? Then Ds2 was moaning last night about when they go back to school, he hopes they wont have to write a story about what they did in the holidays, because " I havent done anything". So I need to get his cousins over for the day sometime so they can do something. Its not true that wehavent done anything, we went camping in Skye and went to loads of places, but its just the way he said it made me feel really crap.
Right enough wallowing best get this work done, hopefully it wont take long.