I was pretty good this weekend, told Dh i had lost 7lbs so he was impressed and now keeps saying"are you allowed this, are you allowed that?
That made having salad with my roast a bit easier. I hate telling people I am dieting, I always fail as soon as I have told them, so I'm not telling anyone else, because I am not on 'a diet' I have changed my whole way of eating for ever and thats that lol.
So yesterday it was sunny, thank goodness we got one day in , theres only 1 week left of the hols for my kids and I was panicking we had had no sun.
I stuck a chicken in the slow cooker and we went off to the beach, it was fantastic, we stopped at Tesco on the way and remembered my sweetener and smoked salmon lol, got ham for me to eat at the beach, and snacks for the others too.
Had a wonderful time, stopped at my mums on the way back for a cuppa. It rained last night, so glad we managed to get to the beach once.
Emma is going to school next Tuesday so I am just about to make a star chart for her. When she was ill before her tonsils came out, I would let her fall asleep downstairs with me so I could lift her to the loo before I went to bed. I still let her, but I dont lift her to the loo now, so next step is to get her going to sleep in her own bed, but she loves the promise of choosing a toy at the shop so if on Saturday morning she has gone to bed and gone to sleep herself, obviously I will go up help her put her nighty on and read her a story, but if she has stayed in her bed every night, when we go shopping on Saturday she can choose a toy.
Glad to be on PP again today