You are no different to the rest of us you are just human. You have done very well so don't let today's mishap upset you too much. As the others say put a line under it and think about tomorrow. You can do this
Irene xx
Oh my god, this is the best thing i've ever done on a computer is link up on this. Thank you all, i'm so emotional, i'm crying cause i'm so thank full.... to have all of you to chat too.

thank you
Ditto what everyone else says if you cheated with food but I am a bit confused about what you ate. Did you really eat a five year old? If you did I think your confession should be to the police not us!

I guess I misread, well here's hopin'. Be nice to yourself and praise yourself for all the good days. you can forgive today and learn from it. Have contingency plan for dealing with terrible days at work. You can get back on track tomorrow. Hope you sleep well!

Dizzy x
Hi Kara honey,

i have just read the posts from last night and totally agree with what all these wonderful people have said.

It's a slip up, so what!! You have been honest and true to yourself by recognising what triggered it. Think of what you would have eaten had you not been on the programme:confused: . You have already trained your mind, you only had a little slip it could have been bigger!!!!!

How are you feeling today babe? feel free to PM me if you want a chat.

Big hugs xxxxx
I hope u have a better day today. be strong (really hard sometimes i know!) but u can do it.

Just been reading your post from last night. Sorry you had such a bad day and hope you are feeling better today.

Like everyone has said don't be so hard on yourself. You had a blip - so what! Most of us blip at some time. It is getting back on the wagon straight away without putting ourselves on a guilt trip or going down the road of continuing to eat that makes the difference. Recognise it for what it is, deal with it and move on.

When we start SS we take away our comfort blanket (food) so we need to look for other ways of coping with work and life stress. It not going to happen overnight but in recognising that you are under stress you will find ways of dealing with it other than food.

Hang in there. Be Strong.

Dont worry, sometimes a blip is incredibly useful, you always learn something about yourself. Take this new found knowledge and bank it to refer back to in the future.

Most of all, be kind to yourself!!
:( :( I had the worst day of my social work career today. I could not cope with the issues i had to deal with. I was in tears most of the day and when i came home and my partner being on call tonight was called out and i was left alone in the house with food.

I ate a portion a five year old and washed it down with Vimto as i was doing this i was crying. I now feel horrible and unworthly of being part of this as you are all so focused.

I am now bloated, i have a headache and i cant stop crying, everyone at work has been saying how well and focused i am and my partner is dead proud of me, but now what do i say. Its his birthday on the 10th and wanted to loose a stone by then. (tears).:mad:

What do you do now? Carry on as though nothing happened. I have been guilty of dwelling on the past and it's self-defeating. Move on, behave as though it's nothing.

What do you say? You say nothing. It just means you'll have to take three days out to get into ketosis again - or exercise and it'll be sooner ;) Bask in the success you've had so far, use that to get yourself back on track. You're OK, honestly. ((hugs))
How you feelin today hun, keep us updated when you can x
Hi Guys,

I have been really busy and have been on call all weekend and i am home now. thanks for you messages they are so inspiring i have also made a good friend who i email from work daily...

I went to my weigh in saturday am and lost 4lbs, i was really happy and i am still in ketosis.

Thanks you guys your all FANTASTIC.