caws diary

Lol, I've since had 1 slice of toast with beans and some cheese sprinkled on top (to use up the beans) and 1/2 a portion of spag bol that was left over from Friday (no more left overs left now). And 6 quality street :eek:

I'm off this week, apart from 2 hours Friday morning and then start back properly next week. I've got work to do for my dissertation and 2 essays to get on with though (and I need to do the work as I go along otherwise I'll get behind). The girls go back to school on Tuesday so I'm going to spend the rest of the week getting my head down.

I've also got an infection control 'project' to do but my imagination is shockingly rubbish. I have to do a poster or leaflet about any part of infection control that I like (or come up with a slogan like the 'Catch It, Bin It, Kill It' campaign). My friend has done a brilliant one - 'Don't take your work home with you' with 2 pics, one of a nurse leaving a ward and then a child ill at home, with a hand mopping the child's brow. My suggestion (as I hate the tutor) of 'Don't be a pr1ck' with a picture of a syringe didn't go down too well :D
Ha ha ha ha!!!! love it!! My kids dont go back til mon week..... too long as they were off with the snow too.
Dont like the sound of all those essays and projects.
Perhaps you could do something like - its not just staff that need to be clean? Or along those lines???
Mine go back Tuesday and it's not soon enough (and they had a snow week aswell !!) Getting up is going to be a strain for them although their bedroom was cleaned and hoovered today (by them, not me !!) Abbie wanted new trousers so we may have to go shopping tomorrow but they've still got homework to do (and I don't want to spend the whole day shopping)
So far today I've had a bagel with philadelphia light on it and a banana.

I'm quite peckish at the moment but am going to have a cup of tea and not nibble. I'm doing a chicken and mushrom curry for dinner and boiled rice so will just look forward to that.

Oh and I've got a little notebook that I'm keeping on me and writing down everything that I eat - with no leaving anything off !!
So, I had a crappy nights sleep and the girls have gone back to school, I've put some washing on and had a bath. I haven't had any breakfast today but it wasn't deliberate. I'm meeting a friend for a late lunch at 1.30pm so don't want to have anything now I'll have a drink and just wait.

I'm doing chicken fajitas for dinner tonight and depending on what I have for lunch I'll have one or two. I need to go to Tesco's and get some salad stuff and some fruit.

I've just made an appointment for Hollie at the orthodontist as she lost her retainer in the holiday - she had it in her pocket and it must have dropped out in the snow, but we didn't know until later. £118.80 for a new one - ouch !!
Happy New Year Caws - make 2011 a successful year in every way x
Happy New Year to you to Gem, nice to be back home ?

I had a chicken and bacon club sandwich (granary bread) in the pub, and a bowl of chips. They were doing a special lunch deal with a drink for £3.99 so I couldn't turn it down !!

I didn't have any dinner though I've just had 4 tuc biscuits with a squidge of brie on and some twiglets on the side.

Although I'm not meticulously planning in advance what I'm going to have, I have been ok (so far) and snacking has been under control.

Haven't started going for a walk yet though.
Morning Caws - No not really - I'm about 200 miles away from where I want to be but hey ho that's life x
I've taken Hollie to get her retainer and we only need to order the top one, not both, so that's cut the price in half :) I'm in uni at the moment and have got all of the articles that I need now and have looked up and saved policy, guidelines etc so I think that most of the research has been done. Now I have to finish reading and evaluating the articles and get something written down, as a start.

Today so far I've eaten 2 pieces of granary toast with peanut butter on and I'm about to have a banana. For dinner I think I'll do chicken breast with a spicy coating (southern fried type), peas and sweetcorn and potatoes cut up into small chunks and roasted - I might give them a spray of frylight stuff, if there's some in the cupboard.

I definitely don't drink enough, especially at home so will need to make an effort to drink more.
Hi x hope you dont mind me leaving a message, I ve read your diary and can so relate with your story.. Im alot heavier than you but I am determined 2011 to be the year this weight goes. Just to say good luck with your weight loss this year x
Hi Katierose I wouldn't say that you're alot heavier than me - what's a couple of stone eh :)

Yesterday I had a bag of crisps - Abbies favourites so I thought I'd have some aswell - Walkers Max paprika flavour - 200 and 62 bloody calories a bag they were delicious but I won't be having them again in a hurry. I had dinner as planned and then had some Ben and Jerry's ice cream - I was so desperate for something sweet.

Today, I started off well again ham and egg on toast for brunch but then I didn't really fancy anything for dinner and ended up having cheese and tuc biscuits - about 12 of them and some little silverskin onions and then I had a mince pie and some squirty cream. Am going to try and not have anything else tonight - no picking at all.
You are doing well! Personally, I liked your pr*ck idea, but how about a "Sliding Door" type theme- like two bacteria- perhaps one on wound on left and right legs of a cartoon patient- one transfers to a clinicians hand during treatment, and is destroyed by handwashing. The other transfers to another clinician, who doesn't wash their hands, duplicates before they leave the hospital, (one left on the lift button), then keeps duplicating and starting new colonies at the supermarket, on the train, etc, as the skanky clinician passes through their day.
Perhaps I better stick to the fangs, huh?
Hope you have a good one darling girl!
Hey great idea MF, we have to do a poster or a leaflet - I could do a comic strip (somehow !!)

1lb off at weigh in this morning - why does it come off 1 or 2 lb a week but can go on so much quicker :sigh:

Today I've had granary toast x 2 with peanut better for breakfast - it seems to work quite well and I don't get hungry mid morning. The slices are quite small but the bread doesn't seem to upset me like white bread does.

I've also had some ham pasta with a sprinkle of grated cheese and a bag of french fries crisps. I've got some grapes I'm going to take with me this afternoon to nibble but not sure what I'll do for dinner. The girls want a pizza and are then going to their dad's - I haven't bought one for me though, although I stood dribbling at the large Pizza Express sloppy guissppe one in Morrison's earlier :eek:
If you are a Friday weigher you could join Friday Girls Caws x
Congratulations on the loss, sweet girl. I'm always sorely surprised by the difference in speed between putting pounds on and taking them off, but I must confess to not weighing for prolonged periods when my eating is out of control!

You are sounding really focused and motivated at the moment, go you!

I reckon a comic strip would be easiest, I wonder if you could draw a microbe that looked smug? (Like Ms Paltrow)

Hope you are having a good one!
A smug microbe would be a fantastic thing to wipe clean - great idea x
If you are a Friday weigher you could join Friday Girls Caws x

I know Gem, you're very good at organising them too ;)

You are sounding really focused and motivated at the moment, go you!

Ok so last night I ended up having pizza, the temptation was just too much !! Not the one I dribbled over earlier but wasnstill 730 calories !!

A smug microbe would be a fantastic thing to wipe clean - great idea x

Wouldn't it just !! I'll have to get practising.

I haven't had anything to eat or drink yet. I'm going to have a cup of tea and see what I've got in the fridge.

I'm supposed to be reading some articles for my dissertation - I've got 3 more to plough through, take notes and highlight parts that I might need but I'm watching the football. I've got all weekend to do it and haven't got the girls so I should be able to do it.

My boiler went wonky yesterday and wasn't very happy but a man came out this morning and restored my heating and hot water. Haven't got round to having a shower yet though ! Might not even bother if I'm not going out - I'll just be stinky in doors on my own :D