Woohoo, had some excellent financial news today - I applied to the uni for a hardship payment/extra grant type thing - had to give them loads of information, bank statements, utility bills, car payment/insurance stuff, bus tickets from the girls to and from school etc etc and I got an email today saying I'm getting a payment next week of just over £1000, I'm so excited :bliss:
I'll definitely use some of it to get some books though, and my mum has got me one for Christmas - £30 from Amazon and £40 from uni - bonkers eh ?
Hmm, tiger bread, I've never heard of a sweet glaze one Gem !! I like the french stick ones and put mozzerella and beef tomatoes in nomnomnom.
I'm doing an adult nursing course, am in the third year now so if all goes well will qualify next year

I decided to do it because I was bored with my job, although I loved it (supporting older people with dementia to still live at home - had my own 'oldies' that I would go and see every week) and my youngest daughter was going to secondary school which gave me a little more freedom and independence. Couldn't do it without help from my mum though, who is a star.
So far I've been in theatre and on the day ward - I was in the recovery room today, although we only had 2 patients who had GA's, so I looked after both of them through first and second stage (then chucked them off home !!) Out-patients next week will probably be boring in comparison but it'll mean I've seen the full picture of pre-assessment, admission, procedure, recovery and discharge (and will have an essay or two to write in a couple of months)
The snow won't last for weeks and weeks - I live in the south east and we don't usually get any, or if we do it's a light dusting but our area was one fo the worst last week. It's nearly all gone now, so all back to normal.
Think that's all m'dear but feel free to ask away