caws diary

Love the tarot reading! Surely that would be right for most people?Hope things get less busy soon. What sort of placement is it, where?

I'm sure it fits alot of people, it was funny because it had been said on here and also my uni friends have been saying it for the past couple of weeks aswell :giggle:

I've got a 14 week placement with an intermediate care team, based in a community hospital, but seeing people at home, who have been discharged from hospital for up to 6 weeks. As a 3rd year I'll be going out on my own, once they deemed me competent. I've then got a 2 week holiday in June (because we have to work all over Easter) and I've got 4 weeks in a minor injuries unit.

And that will be me finished, depending on these damn assignments and the dissertation I need to do. Last assessed presentation on Wednesday, which will be a relief, the drugs calculation exam the week after and I'm hoping to get at least one essay completed in the next two weeks aswell.

This is not all an excuse for crappy eating though :sigh:
Yea - there are only so many things you can get motivated with at one time - do what you can and don't worry if you have a week or two off plan. It will be well worth it to get your assignments off your back - they are the weights that show up everywhere else but the scales x
I think the comment about there only being so many things you can be motivated about really profound. I have never thought about that before, but you are constantly challanged, constantly trying to meet deadlines, meet standards, solve problems- at some point, it has to give. Somewhere!

Hope everything is going well in your world!
Another 0.5lb up this week.

I had a mini breakdown yesterday and boohoo'd but felt alot better afterwards !! Basically on Wednesday our tutor said to bring in our assignment next week for one of the modules so we can help each other but the submission date isn't for another three weeks yet and although I've done about a third of it there's no way I would mange to get it done by Wednesday. Talking to my friend I said I'll just have to spend all weekend working on it and do as much as I can, I had a terrible night's sleep, and got a migraine.

I then realised I was going away at the weekend with my mum, my sister and all the kids (we go to the New Forest for February half term every year, except this year it's not half term) I decided that I wouldn't be able to go and I would stay at home to do some work but when I told the girls they got quite upset and said it wouldn't be the same without me (bless them, they do love me really !!) We have been going dow for a long time - in fact Abbie was born down there because she arrived three weeks early !!

So I've agreed to go and I'm going to take the laptop as there's internet access. When they all go swimming (which I sooo don't enjoy at the moment) I'm going to spend a couple of hours doing some work.

Hopefully it'll all work out, my assignment doesn't need to be finished but if I can more of it done I'll feel alot better.

No comment about food. The time is coming soon when I shall make some changes !!
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Its a bend in the road Caws - my detour took 2 years so don't beat yourself up - it'll happen when it happens. As for the assignment, don't stress about it - that's when things don't get done. Set yourself little tasks and get it done bit by bit - try not to feel the pressure and ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH THE FAMILY IN THE NEW FOREST x
Morning Gem (well technically it is Tuesday morning !!) I had a lovely few days away with the family and am glad I went. We went out for a meal (we usually go on the last night but as I won't be there we went out Sunday evening) I managed to get a little bit of work done and had a practice on the on-line drugs calculations website, I got 40/40 which I was pleased with !!

I need to work hard this week, while the girls are away, and get at least one essay finished, some more of my dissertation done and the other essay started.

Once I go on placement next week I don't know how much time I'll get or how knackered I'll be. I'm definitely going to take lunch with me so am thinking of ham/chicken salad, a banana and a bottle of water and I'll be organised and do it the night before. At least I have some sort of plan ;)
STS today, which I'm not complaining about - went out with uni girls to the chinese buffet at lunch time yesterday and probably had a week's worth of dinners !!

I'm abit gutted this afternoon as I failed my exam yesterday. I'm not too upset and to put it into context I got 149/150, I clicked mL instead of mL/hr and although I saw it and thought I'd changed it I can't have saved it before going on to the next one. Just means I have to do it all again in June !!

I'm going out tonight with an old friend who I used to work with, which will be nice and from tomorrow I'm planning to start AGAIN and actually make an effort to eat more healthily.
Your exam sounds very harshly marked. Good luck with the next chance x
Your exam sounds very harshly marked. Good luck with the next chance x

It was an on-line one Gem, we knew we had to get 100% so 99.33% isn't good enough :( I've spoken to one of my friends who also got 149 and have looked at her answers and I can't see anything wrong with what she's done so she's fuming but if the computer says no then ...

As I said it wasn't anything to do with the working out and I thought I'd amended it - next time I'll triple check everything !!!
Sounds really difficult to me and quite stressful x
How tough is that 149/150 isn't good enough and made worse by the fact that you thought you amended it - nevermind, you'll get it next time. xx
Been mad busy this week, more or less finished uni now and out working full time (on placement, not paid working !!) I'm enjoying it and my mentor, who has to sign all my paperwork is really nice but she is also very thorough - we spent about an hour and a half reading through some stuff together - and it's ony day 4 I have another 14 weeks to go (I bet it flies by though)!!!

My baby girl was 14 on Tuesday :cry::cry:

Food during the day good, food when I'm at home rubbish ! Deffo won't have a loss tomorrow. Grrrr, grrrrr and grrrrr.