ProPoints Cazzabelle's - eats... om nom noms - comments welcome

I had some Tescos chilli beef yesterday,not too keen! Didn't know WW did it aswell or do you make it yourself WW friendly?
I used the WW Chilli and potato edges ready meal. So basically chillic on carne with wedges. Is nice :)

Sooo sunday. The last 2 mornings i have woken up at 5am.... So today i am shattered. Then didnt help that I get a bit emotional this morning over a man. :rolleyes: But I have spanked my inner muppet and we have cleared the air. Sill determind to meet up despite it being a mad distance. We have been friends forf 10 years not seen each other for 5 but have always been in touch. But we both just recently admitted we have always had feelings for each other. Im so exicted its untrue... :) this all came to light in March.. mental

And physically I am sooo tired. I havce had an awesome week, lots of energy and good mood but today just so tired and lethargic and FMS like *pouts*

So will have dinner in abit and curl up in front of the TV with my hot chocolate and sweet treat. ( if you wanna see it is in my previous post on my sunday meal planner.

Anyhoo. this is what I have planned for tomorrow.

Mondays Meal Planner

Breakfast 3pp
250ml Skimmed milk 2pp
15g toasted oats 1pp
Banana 0pp
Apricots 0pp

mid morning snack 4pp
ryvita fruit crunch 3pp
WW yogurt 1ppPear 0pp

Lunch 1pp

WWHam 1pp
Salad made up of - Lettuce, yellow pepper, cucumber, celery, spring onions and beetroot. Would have added grated carrot but no room in the pot! 0pp

Mid Afternoon snack 5pp
14 hazelnuts 2pp
1 tbspoon raisen 2pp
babybel light 1pp

Dinner 6pp
Chicken stir fry with rice noodles

Unplanned snackage 14pp
Crunchie -5pp
Ryvita minis 3pp
Tesco Fish sushi taster 6pp
Tesco mixed fruit stuff 0pp
2xww yogurts 2pp

Dinks 2 x 3 green teas, 2 peppermint teas, 1 can diet lilt, 1.5lt of bottled water all 0pp

31/31 planned so far

5weeklies used

7/49 Weekly useage so far

Dinner was gorgeous :)
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Ok bout the chilli..does sound nice :0) whoo bout the man in your life,how far away is he to you then? Aww lovely that you both talked things through and found you both liked each other and nice you stayed friend's over the years.Sorry to hear you're feeling abit down,i'm sure it will soon pass.Hope you have a nice relaxed evening :0)
220 miles away! I drive, he doesnt ( but is learning to) and I work monday -Friday and he does shift work. We have made 2 attempts to meet up but each time something has happened. Supposed to be meeting up in 2 weeks as we both have some time off work. The intention is to meet up and just catch up properly... but the way we text its already like we are in a relationship lol. *face palm*
Quite far then but it's doable!shane about work and other things getting in the way,sounds like you both need to book same time off and meet up :0)
yeah thats the plan.... he is going to come up here when he has his time off soon and then if all goes well I will go to down to exeter for a few days ( there are other peeps in exter who i know so will seen them and go for walks along thje coast)

Just realised why i may have gained that 1lb.... i accidently picked up the steam fresh bags with peas in them.... and of course peas are not free... doh!
That's good then that you both have some time off coming up and can catch up/get to know each other again soon.Aww ok bout the peas,easy mistake to make.
Sooo tired my body clock decided 4:30 am was get up was mental today :(

Tuesday Meal Planner

Breakfast 3pp
Apricot 0pp
250ml skimmed milk 2pp
15g toasted porridge oats 1pp
banana 0pp

Mid morning snack 4pp
WW yogurt 1pp
2 x ryvita fruit crunch 3pp

Lunch 6pp

Left over chicken stir fry

Afternoon snack 3pp
Ryvita minis 3pp

Dinner 10pp
150g Quorn mince 4pp
1/2 jar WW chilli con carne sauce 2pp
100g cooked brown rice 4pp
Salad 0pp

Unplanned snacks 5pp
Mini muffin 4pp
White coffee from the cafeteria 1pp
WW yogurt 1pp

Weeklies used 1pp

8/49 Weekly usage so far

31/31 used so far

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Wednesday meal planner

Breakfast 5pp
Muller light yoghurt 2pp
30g Porridge 3pp
Frozen summer fruits 0pp

Mid morning snacks 4pp
2 x ryvita fruit crunch 3pp
WW yogurt 1pp
Apple 0pp

Lunch 6pp
1/2 JarWW chilli con carne sauce 2pp
150g Quorn mince 4pp
Salad 0pp

Afternoon snack 4pp

Ryvita minis 3pp
Babybel light 1pp
pear 0pp

Dinner 5pp
WW Shepards pie 5pp
0 Mixed vegetables - 0pp

unplanned snackage
Crunchie 5pp
chocolate roll bite 4pp
2 x crabbies 8pp

31/31 Planned so far

Weeklies used today 10pp

18/49 Weekly usage so far

The pub garden was too good to miss out
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spent this evening in the pub garden..... was worth it!!!! :) Hope you are all well my lovelies.
Thursdays Meal Planner

Breakfast 6pp

Plain oat so simple 3pp
2ooml skimmed milk 2pp
1 tbspoon maple syrup 1pp
Banana 0pp

mid morning snack 4pp

2 x ryvita fruit crunch 3pp
ww yoghurt 1pp
Apple 0pp

Lunch 4pp

60g chicken 3pp
1 tbspoon extra light mayo 1pp
Salad 0pp

Afternoon snacks 11pp
Chocolate mini roll 4pp ( be glad when this have leftthe office!)
Kellogs rice krispie square 4pp
ryvita minis 3pp

Dinner 6pp
165g chicken breast 4pp
stir fry veg 0pp
1/2 pack amoy rice noodle 2pp

Evening snack
Crunchie 5pp

31/31 used

5 weeklies used

23/49 Weekly usage so far
Friday Meal Planner

Brekafast -Magic porridge 5pp
30g Porridge 3pp
mullerlight 2pp
served with mixedberries

Mid morning snack 3pp

1 ryvita fruit crunch 2pp
1 ww Yoghurt 1pp
Banana 0pp

Lunch 6pp

Left over chicken stir fry

Afternoon snack 3pp
ryvita minis 3pp
apple, pear 0pp

Dinner 5pp

WW Ocean Pie 5pp
Brocoli, cauliflower 0pp

22/31 planned so far
oh god 2 days at a beer festival is not helpful to a nice healthy lifestyle :)
Okay today back on track. Lucky the hot weather reduces me appitite