Worried-Chick (o_0)
Full Member
Hope your feeling ok lovely !! Keep positive and update us soon xx
Sarah Lou said:At last it's Friday night and it's the weekend. I really am in the mood for some peace and quite, well at least for tonight as tomorrow is my belated Birthday night out with my ladies.
It was something that Worried Chick and Lily said the other night about how people that are mean shouldn't matter and life can be beautiful. I took Lily's advice and ordered a book by
Fiona Harrold, so that will be my bed time reading. The week ended with mardy arse face sending me an email to invite me to her leaving party.. er.... that will be a no thank you very much.. you insult someone one minute and then invite them to your party you obviously don't have enough people to invite.. so there I will be declining.
Well enough of that. I've just started to catch up on everyone's diary BUT the entry of the day must go to Elaine who lost 15 pounds, what a great loss, so well done again Elaine.
So where am I in cd land.. a few minor haribo slips, trips and falls not even water and not enough focus on my part.
I am as I said earlier in the week stepping down to ss on Sunday. I've enjoyed my 810 but i know I have gone over as the scales have not moved and that also has something to do with the water. Tomorrow I shall have protein and salad and one glass of red. I wish I had the same relationship with food as I have with alcohol. I can go weeks and months and not drink, I can go out have a few drinks and stop! so I wish it was the same with food. :sigh: