I'm here :sigh: sorry couldn't post yesterday I was in agony and feeling a bit low. I did some exercise
I know don't faint!! while I was doing it on Thursday the lady was pushing me and said oh don't cheat you can work harder than that!! I politely told her I was not bl**dy cheating (didn't say Bl**dy at the time
) but I was doing my best with the the weight I am carrying and I'm not a flipping olympian and pushing my body to the point of breaking would not do my underlying health problems any good!! so in a huff I pushed on and was ok. Then at 5.00am the following morning I woke up and could hardly put my foot to the floor. I limped all day and slipped down the stairs as my hip gave out. So now back on the max pain killers and feeling rubbish.
See, I knew there was a good reason not to do strenuous exercise...
Oooh, {{{hug}}}. Ouch-ee.
Hope it feels a lot better by tomorrow morning.
My day then went from bad to worse and i got an extremley rude and unexceptable email from a colleague just before I left work. I sat at my desk and burst into tears. I cried all the way home and into the evening. I had no way of having it out with them as it was late and everyone had gone home.
What a coward, to send it to you right before going home. Your colleague knew damn well what the effect on you would be, the heartless git.
The email was also circulated to other's in our dept who had nothing to do with the situation he was referring too. I can't believe how nasty it was and it's hurt me deeply and to add insult to injury I have not done anything wrong!!! he has totally got the wrong end of the stick and has assumed I have moaned about something I did for him when infact my manager noticed I had done it and asked me not to do it in future as it's his job. He then sent that remark to him and then the email from him arrived.
It really has knocked the wind out of my sails. So after a very miserable evening I got up and decided to go out as sitting in brooding wouldn't really help. But now I'm home again it's bothering me and I'm worried about Monday now as I have to see him in the afternoon.
I'm so angry about it all, I just started to get my head in gear and now I'm back in considerable pain with all that crap running around in my head.
You know what? I'm just the same about stuff like this. I take it all to heart, take everything so personally. But it's your colleague who's in the wrong here, not you. In fact, he's done a double whammy - he's in the wrong twice over. Firstly, he's made an inaccurate assumption about something he thought you did, and secondly, instead of dealing with it in a grown-up, professional manner, he's chosen to take out his irritation on you. He got to dump his anger on you, and doubtless then went home feeling much better...
I think - if you haven't done this already - I'd forward the nasty email to your manager, copying in your colleague to show that you've done so. You don't have to justify forwarding it on, just say, "Mr Manager, I received this from X on Friday and thought you might like to be aware". Or words to that effect. By rights, your manager should then be duty bound to set the record straight - although I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.
Hunni - and I've got to learn this too - this is all about your perception of the situation. He's in the wrong, not you, so try not to let it ruin any more of your weekend. It's unacceptable that he's sent you a whinging email and by rights, he should be subject to disciplinary action. If the subject does come up in the afternoon on Monday, just say to him, "Look X, my hands were tied on this one. My manager noticed I was doing your work and told me that I wasn't to do your work for you anymore. If you've got a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with my manager."
And leave it at that. Just say the same thing again if he doesn't seem to want to let it drop. He'll get the message, unless he's supremely thick (which by the sounds of it, I guess he might be.
More hugs. :hug99: Don't worry about not being 100% - we can both have another bash at getting that right tomorrow!