So as Shanny asked what are today's plans! I woke up to a grey day today and for some reason I felt abit grey.
I've spent a few day's going over the last few weeks at work and maybe that's the reason why I feel flat. It's very difficult when after seven years you think you know what you are doing then someone new arrives pulls the carpet from underneath you with their oh so fab ideas.. even if they risk your own safety
and then my confidence ebb's away and I feel stupid and doubt my own abilities.
I hate this feeling as my anxiety levels go up and then I worry the dreaded D word will make an appearance. I seem to start to have a few good weeks then get a setback with my health and I start to unravel. I've been home alone for the last few day's and maybe that's been a bit too long.
I did tackle the ironing pile today
I had a mad few hours the other week and I washed all my summer clothes as they had been packed away for the winter. As alot of it is linen it needed alot of ironing! I don't really need any new clothes I just need to fit into them.
So cd wise today has been 100% and it's not too early to post that as there is nothing in the cupboard to eat
weigh day this week is Thursday so fingers crossed I finally get to move my ticker :cross: