CD Craft Club!

i dread to think what a mess I would make of that! lol
I really wanna try something with crochet/lace establishment, like a bib necklace but wouldnt know where to start looking for the right supplies for that.
Has anyone ever been to the creative crafts fair? I've been a couple of times and its pretty good! Never had the time to try out the workshops though so only went for the shopping ;)
Anyway the one in essex is on 16-18th feb and you can get £1.50 off the ticked using the code MDTR.

I bought a latch hook rug canvas from ebay and the tool yesterday so I'm going to attempt making my own rug! Need to get some more fabric first but I'm going to make a mix of blue, off white and teal rug with a union jack flag pattern :D. Whether I keep it or sell it I havent decided yet :p

Here's a really good video for anyone thats interested : Latch Hook Recycled Rug - YouTube

The supplies from ebay cost about £11 for a small floor rug, so with the fabric you're probably still looking at under £20?
I've never been, partly because I dont think there is anyone I could drag with me!

I used to make latch hook rugs years ago with my Grandma, and then for my Art A-Level I turned one of my paintings into a rug with scraps of was terrible but I managed to get a good grade!

There are some classes at Liberty that I really fancy going to when I am in London working, it would break up the week and be a fab activity. In fact there is a Crochet one on the night that we are all supposed to be meeting. Although I appreciate it might not be what everyone wants to do, and maybe a little pricey -

2012 Sewing Classes

I've so many project ideas on the go, and all part finished. I need something to focus on today as I can feel the Saturday kitchen curse starting. I'm waiting for a couple of kits to arive from Etsy but they havent and I am really looking forward to starting them (knitted jewelery) but I do have some needle felt kits that I got in the sale and want to start but am a tiny bit frightened of!

Anyone any experience of needle felting? xx
So after today I have a little experience of needle felting, and a little experience of stabbing my hand with a needle! But at the end of it I have made some ladybird magnets.......


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Lady birds how cuuuute! Were they hard to do? I looked into felting from scratch, making the food yourself from old jumpers etc, majorly put me off! But a kit might not be so bad...
Oooh felt Bibs... opened up a whole new world of possibilities now ;)
I've got so many little 'to do' projects at the moment I don't know where to begin!
Might take a few weeks off from the jewellery selling/making to explore other things....

Here's my finished X-stich of me and BF for his valentine card.


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Oooh I've just commented on that on your wall clever lady!

Needle felting is the bomb. So easy and satisfying, you get to stab things in the name of a hobby. I've done loads this weekend, I'll post some pics from my phone.

I thought the bib idea was good, and you can get strings of beads so cheaply now, bet you could make it for a couple of quid. I might need to get you to sell some of my stuff in your shop! Xx
Needle felting


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thats so cool! are you still doing the felting?

The button bib is very cute but I can't help thinking it looks like a pair of boobs in a bikini?!
Haha now that does sound fun ;)
I'm in the process of sorting out my craft room at the mo, hoping when its tidy I will find my motivation again, haven't really been doing much crafty stuff of late :(
Hi Ladies,

Your idea of a thread about crafting is brill!!

I am new to the CD and am starting on Thursday. But, do loads of crafy stuff in my spare time and have a feeling that I will be doing loads more once I start just to keep me busy and keep my mind off eating :D

I love your button bib bluegirl, just the sort of thing I am in to! Am at work at the moment so don't have any photos of my stuff with me, but will try and post some photos later, if that is ok?

Here's to crafting my way through my weight loss :talk017:
Today I made this bib necklace. What do you think?

I love it!

Although I do have to say I thought it was a pair of boobs when I first saw it!

Welcome RachOwl x
Just bumping this thread! Just made a galaxy print top from a plain black t-shirt! It's so easy to do and looks ace :)


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