CD Craft Club!

Looks fab. My DD us studying space in school. Can you post his to do or where the link is? This would be a fun thing to do.
Ooh forgot to say make sure you do it on cotton or something natural, because the bleach won't work on synthetic fabric!
Ah that's awesome! I've got loads of lace and crochet patterned type things I could use too :)

I made my first circle skirt last night! Bought some cheap material only £1 a metre so with the elastic it only cost £3!
I also got some teal cotton and purple satin to make dresses from :)
Will post some piccys tonight x
I've been needle felting, do you like the results?


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Love it!! Your bedroom looks amazing. I love your blanket too! My friend is coming to stay this weekend so I'm going to show her how to wet felt (is wet felting the right term?!), I've never done needle felting before though! I saw a really cute tutorial to felt heart elbow patches on to a cardigan and I want to try it. I'll see if I can find the link!
Thank you, I love my liberty quilt. I made it a few years ago. The fabric was beautiful to work with. Cushions are Donna Wilson, she works from Brick Lane in London and does some really quirky woollen things - bed socks are lush too!

Needle felting is the bomb! You get to let out the days aggression by stabbing a needle millions of times and trying not to stop yourself. I've not done wet felting by I've seen some cat caves that I'd love to try and make on etsy. Talking of cats I'm saving up Poppy's fur after buying a book called "felting with cat fur"!