CD 'maintenance' folk...please read

KD asked me to amend the title of the forum, and put in a little bit of blurb. If you would like the blurb changed, please confirm with her and I will change that too.
Have changed it but am logging off. If you want any further changes as I say, let KD know and she can PM when it's finalised.
Cheers DQ. Sorry wasn't around. Was with clients.

1) SS, SS+ and 810 they can post on the main forum and 100% forum

2) CD plans 1000 - 1500 on this currently named 'maintenance forum'

3) If they are at goal and now maintaining then they go on a general maintenance forum

4) If they use products on an as and when basis then where can they post ?

Pretty much, but, please if you have a diary here, or just post here anyway, please stay. It's no big deal.

That goes for maintainers that either use the plans occasionally, or CD products during the day. Would be good if they put 'maintainer' in their sig or on the side bar, so that others know. In fact, what about putting which plan your on in the side bar, rather than just Cambridge. It's up to you of course...just an idea :)

It'll be a place for others on the plans too, not just those going up to maintenance :)
Big bump up!!! after receiving a panicky message:eek:

No hard and fast rule LC. People can do what they choose. But if we rename the forum it will be 1,000 upwards.

KD said:
I think that if we did a maintenance section in this forum, perhaps it wouldn't be used much as I know most of you have got to know each other

Pretty much, but, please if you have a diary here, or just post here anyway, please stay. It's no big deal.

Would those off cambridge prefer a separate subforum within the cambridge forums. I'm sure it can be arranged if wanted. I just got the idea you were happy with everyone else. Please let me know
Have just discovered this thread, after seeing the title change and flying into full panic mode, tearfully sending PMs to KD & Pierce. Feel an idiot but this forum has been a lifeline for me, and I don't fit in any more, and OK, you say if we have diaries we are still welcome, but then if we don't fit into the criteria we are suddenly oddballs here if we are actually at goal & maintaining.

I won't go to general maintainers, as all of my minis support team are here. I am not wanting to start all over. How many of us go on the general maintainers thread? Very few, I only knew it existed a month ago. If I go over there I will never get to 'chat' to my minis buddies again.
I liked this forum the way it was.

When I joined I was stepping from 810 to 1000 and found that the help and support of those at goal like Serena & Lostris & Lelly & KD of course, were lifesavers. I learned so much on this forum, BECAUSE the maintainers were on here too.

Like it or not, you tend to read on the forum you post on most, & if the maintainers (me & Lelly?) get pushed onto the general forum who will ever bother to keep in touch? And in my case I would just leave as I feel suddenly like I don't belong any more, and minis has never made me feel that way before.

I might be misunderstanding all this, but I want to be properly welcome here, and to post with the people who have supported me along the path to goal, and those I have tried to support as well. I don't want to feel like the kid who won't leave the class even though they are not in it any more.
Can't we emphasize following the steps without excluding maintainers?
Wasn't this forum always about supporting people through the steps? What changed? Nothing, surely? I thought we were doing OK.

Maybe I just need to grow up and step away from minis, but I still feel I need the support - I had a wobbly week and only over last 2 days feel on safer ground. Now the ground seems to have shifted right under my feet.

Sorry to get so emotional. My maintainers diary is called Lost & Found, think I am lost all over again.

KD, thanks for that post which crossed with mine... but woudn't a forum with just me & Lelly be kind of lonely? Lostris & Serena & Nibbles have mostly moved on and only rarely pop in. If you change this forum, there really isn't anywhere else...

KD, thanks for that post which crossed with mine... but woudn't a forum with just me & Lelly be kind of lonely?

Well, that's what i thought, which is why I suggested you stayed on this forum and put 'maintainer' in your siggy or on the sidebar. Then people will know you've made it :clap: and wont be telling you to stick to the plans ;)

But really Katy, you say it yourself, there are few maintainers on here. Most people are doing the steps. It made sense for the title to be changed so they knew this would be a good place for them.

We can change the title again. Whatever suits, but hard to find a good title that includes everything. After all, unlike the other diets..CD has so many plans..and then Life After CD ;)
Must have missed that bit - I saw the bits where it was suggested we move to general maintainers forum? I don't understand why you can't just say 1000-maintenance? What started out as a maintainers thread has suddenly chucked out the maintainers, or that is how it feels to me. I know I am being a bit emotional here, but I feel rubbish... this has totally shaken me. (I know, what a wimp).
And as I said, I don't want to have to be the kid who hangs about at the back of the class, the kid who shouldn't be there at all.
I know the point of maintaining is to go off & maintain in the real world, but it's less than 3 months for me and plenty of challenges are still flinging themselves at me. I am not ready to go it alone yet. But... the rug has been pulled out from under my feet.
You are probably right KD as you usually are, but if you are then maybe there is no place for me to post anymore without feeling like a freak or a weirdo. And that's my fault, obviously, but it is the way I feel. Yesterday I had a place to post, to share feelings, experiences, niggles, to give advice, send hugs to others. Today... nope. Not wanted. It hurts.
I must say I do agree that we should have the maintainers on here too. We all know who is maintaining and who is doing the steps because we're in touch all the time :) It's also really encouraging for me, doing the steps, to be reading the maintainers diaries on here. I was going to post something about this because when i reach maintenance I don't want to be off to the main maintenance section... it feels a bit cold where as here we are all familiar with eachother on a forum where so many peeps come and go.

So perhaps the title should include '& maintenance' please.

Katy don't go anywhere please xxx
Hey Katy please dont go, I thought we said earlier that the title was changed so people working up the plans would know where to go for support they needed, and for the right support at the right time, but that maintainers where welcome to stay here if they didn't want to go to general maintenance.... I think you and Lelly need to stay here to support those of us that haven't yet finished working up the plans and to give us advice for when we do.... we also need to see that you are both human and that you have wobbly days from time to time, so that we can see the problems we will be facing in the coming weeks... I definately think this forum will work for all of us, its just an easier title for people who are moving up the plans and need the proper support that you cannot get from the normal Cambridge Forum where most people are on SS, SS+ and 810..... please dont leave us Katy and Lelly, we need you, just like we need KD and her wisdom.
Yesterday morning when I first logged on all raring to go I must say at first I was really rattled but then I realised it was a good idea as so many were in limbo. It's a great section of the forum and helps us to stay motivated so no one is being turfed out x
So why suggest maintainers have their own section or go to general? Sorry, just feel so hurt.

So why suggest maintainers have their own section or go to general? Sorry, just feel so hurt.


Nobody said they had to. I did say that it would have been nice but I understood why people didn't

why you can't just say 1000-maintenance?

Fab idea Katy. I'll put it to Pierce :)
I think the suggestion to go to the general maintainers section was because if everyone from every diet is maintaining, then they should all be eating the same healthy food choices at this point and that maybe they could support each other better as they were all at the same place in their journey. If the type of support you need is the support you get from this forum (and also we all know each other) is what you need, then this is the forum for you. I think the change in name is more for the people moving up the CD plans so they know where to go next, as maintainers suggested people that had finished the steps and a lot of us are working our way up the steps so shouldn't have been the place for us. Think the general consensus was that more people were working their way up the plans so change it to a plans related forum instead of maintainers as they were in the minority, but everyone is welcome where they feel they get the most support and for you it is obviously this forum so just stay put... you are an inspiration to us all even through your wobbly days, its good to see people struggle (in a good way, I dont mean to be nasty here) because it helps us to understand the problems we are going to face and see how you deal with it so that we at least have some ideas....
I know I am not thinking straight and I am sorry... it's just, yesterday there was a CD maintainers forum where I had a diary & some minis pals. Today everyone is fine to keep posting on that forum, but maintainers are advised to either start their own CD forum (with two or three of us in it?) or go to general forum... or maybe hang around if we really want to, like the saddo at the back of the class who has nowhere else to go. Not sure if I want to be that person. Not sure about anything anymore, gonna go for walk and try to clear my head (and stop crying). Yup, that's me, then... the saddo.

I think the suggestion to go to the general maintainers section was because if everyone from every diet is maintaining, then they should all be eating the same healthy food choices at this point and that maybe they could support each other better as they were all at the same place in their journey.

Yep, though it wasn't even a suggestion. It was just a mention that it would have been nice, but I understood that people preferred to stay here.

but maintainers are advised to either start their own CD forum (with two or three of us in it?) or go to general forum... or maybe hang around if we really want to, like the saddo at the back of the class who has nowhere else to go.

I've suggested we start a new forum if that is what you wanted since you felt that you didn't belong on this board, (regardless of the fact that I've said to stay here..nothing changes...just the title)

The general forum, as above. I said that I understood why people didn't want to use it. No way did I say you had to go there and couldn't stay here!
Katy - take a deep breath okay? You are fine here. Stop panicing. Maybe going out for a walk will be a good break for you to help you get things back in perspective. I mean that nicely. I understand how important this forum is to you and you are fine here. KD has already said it's a fab idea to change the title to 1000-maintiners so you'll be okay.
It's up to you. No hard and fast rules. Just seems to me that the vast majority of people on this forum aren't on the maintenance part and still need support doing the steps :)

Oh yes, yes, yes. I do please.:)]
Must have missed that bit - I saw the bits where it was suggested we move to general maintainers forum? I don't understand why you can't just say 1000-maintenance? What started out as a maintainers thread has suddenly chucked out the maintainers, or that is how it feels to me. I know I am being a bit emotional here, but I feel rubbish... this has totally shaken me. (I know, what a wimp).
And as I said, I don't want to have to be the kid who hangs about at the back of the class, the kid who shouldn't be there at all.
I know the point of maintaining is to go off & maintain in the real world, but it's less than 3 months for me and plenty of challenges are still flinging themselves at me. I am not ready to go it alone yet. But... the rug has been pulled out from under my feet.
You are probably right KD as you usually are, but if you are then maybe there is no place for me to post anymore without feeling like a freak or a weirdo. And that's my fault, obviously, but it is the way I feel. Yesterday I had a place to post, to share feelings, experiences, niggles, to give advice, send hugs to others. Today... nope. Not wanted. It hurts.

No sweetheart, you stay here, with all of us. We all need each other. It doesn't matter where you are with CD, I think it's a good idea to have this new forum, but it's not about excluding anyone. All opinions/posts welcome here surely? Just clarifying and widening the help/support available? It's particularly valuable from those who've moved on a little like you Katy. xxx:hug99: