Feeling a bit less crazy now. I did have a walk, Laura, thanks... needed to calm down. I want to say sorry to everyone for jumping off the deep end and especially to KD who ended up in a row that was the very last thing she would have intended. I have such a massive respect for KD, she's a hero, and certainly don't want to upset her or annoy her in any way.
I feel kind of stupid now... but those were my honest reactions this morning. I have re-read the posts and think I have taken things out of context and just let fears run away with me. If I could go back & erase everything I wrote, I would.
I don't know if I will go on posting... I hope I will. In some ways the fact that I went into such a massive tailspin shows I am not ready to go anywhere. I am still worried about fitting in now with the rules changed, but I suppose it will be fine and KD has said she will change the name and that will help alot. I am off to a music festival soon and will be away till sunday, so time to think things through properly. I wonder if I should just be off on my own, away from minis, but a big part of me knows I'm not ready yet.
Will think it through.