Change is here

Hey sarah of course i dont mind :) I normally do ww on its own but ive been playing withthe same 2lb for 5 weeks so doing slimfast with it at the moment. Its working as i lost 4lb last week but im only doing it for another week then back to pp. Btw if you love chocolate the little slimfast snack bars are only 1pp and they are gorgeous. Stocked up from superdrug while theyre only 23p each and will keep using them as snacks :)

Really?? I love those bars! Shopping trip for me ;) I've done Slimfast in the past, as well as Cambridge, and can never stick to it for more than a week so well done!! X
Yeah! I used my value diary app and took a photo of the bar code and it came up with 1pp. The pretzels, cheddar bites and tortillas are 3pp per bag too
Yeah! I used my value diary app and took a photo of the bar code and it came up with 1pp. The pretzels, cheddar bites and tortillas are 3pp per bag too

I used to love the sour cream pretzels. For those low points I'm gonna stock up :)
I have. The woman in the shop thought I was mad haha
So i think todays going to be tricky. Its my only day off work this week which normally means the gym then sticking to plan but ive just found out my mom is off too and wants us to go out together. May go into my weeklies today.

So far ive had one slimfast shake 6pp

So im on plan but doubt ill get my second one today. Holding out for some strong will when it comes to food choices today as my mom is a bad influence haha
Absolutely having a picky day. All i want to do is eat but trying to stick to plan. All i want is kebab hahaha!!
So im a smoker and today i havent had a cigarette but you can deffinately tell as ive been craving food all day. I havent given up smoking its just more of an issue with going to buy a new packet without my non smoking parents findin out.

First day off work in ten days and all ive done is raided the cupboards haha
My day today has consisted of going over my dailys by 4pp so its not as bad as i thought.

So far anyway haha


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Started the 30 day squat challenge tonight. 50 squats down. Will do 55 tomorrow morning x


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Day 2 done! 55 squats completed. Now to walk to work. I will be fit!
Slimfast again today. I will do this!
Oh dammit my dad cooked tea. I feel extremely sick now but i was so hungry after work i wolfe the lot. Only just checked and it was 40pp just for tea!!!!!!

No amount of squats is gonna save this =\


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So lesson learnt today. I will continue to cook my own meals. I know my dad was trying to be nice by my god am i going to have to pay for it now haha looks like im eatting lettuce for the next 3 days until WI
Just finished at the doctors and it looks like ive got synisitus which is lovely. Hes recommended bed rest but im supposed to be doing a 9 hour shift this afternoon :( dont know if i should call in sick or not as i wont get paid if im ill
So today hasnt been as bad as i though. Had soup and a milkshake up until now. My family are getting chippy take away for tea luckily for me theres a subway next door so ill grab a flat bread haha
Day 3 of the squat challenge done. 60 squats and my thighs burn. Been in bed most of the day so going to miss the rest day tomorrow and go straight for day 5.

Gone over pp by 3 today which is fine. Think itll be a sts or small gain this week because ive done next to no exercise while ive been ill. Ah well WI on sunday and ill know the damage.

Will attach a photo tomorrow as phone doesnt want to play along at the moment.
Yesterdays food diary uploaded.

Just completed day 5 of the squat challenge. Still not feeling 100% but i need to go back to work today so im up and raring to go haha


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hiya :) here to subscribe!
i also use the ultimate value diary app and think its awesome! why waste money joining when u can do it urself for basically next to nothin eh? ;)
i weighed 12.9 and have been basically at this weight for a while now just losing a few pounds, puttin em back on etc, so i wanted a boost and did the celebrity slim which is also shakes, i could only hack 3 days tho as i started to feel starvin and shaky! but in those 3 days i lost 4lbs so now 12.5 im back on propoints.
u seem to be doing VERY well looking through ur diary! lots of exercise too!
so good luck for ur weigh in tomorrow!! x
Hey shez thank you :) and welcome!!

I follow your diary too its nice to keep up to date with other people and it gives me loads of ideas.

Iive had an off few days and going back onto pp tomorrow so looking forward to my granola for breakfast as im getting a bit fed up woth milkshake at 10am ( im a late riser as I work until 1am most days haha)

Congrats on your 4lb loss its brilliant to get a little kick start again after being stuck playing with the same few lbs isnt it. Im lookin forward to getting better and taking my backside back to the gym. Im loving the squat challenge but it doesnt beat having fun on the weight machines and drippin with sweat haha!
Hey shez thank you :) and welcome!!

I follow your diary too its nice to keep up to date with other people and it gives me loads of ideas.

Iive had an off few days and going back onto pp tomorrow so looking forward to my granola for breakfast as im getting a bit fed up woth milkshake at 10am ( im a late riser as I work until 1am most days haha)

Congrats on your 4lb loss its brilliant to get a little kick start again after being stuck playing with the same few lbs isnt it. Im lookin forward to getting better and taking my backside back to the gym. Im loving the squat challenge but it doesnt beat having fun on the weight machines and drippin with sweat haha!

hehe :)
i know i missed carbs over those 3 days! but at least it works.
ive been off work for 2 weeks so its been harder for me to eat properly cus of getting up late n can eat what i want when i want or tend to be doin things that i forget to eat!! so hopefully back at work monday will get back on track again :)
also hoping to book my summer holiday later on or tomorrow which will
be another reason to kick start again!!