Gold Member
Target members going off plan!! The very idea!Very true but it would be nice to have a weight loss boost plan for those times when we go off plan
Target members going off plan!! The very idea!Very true but it would be nice to have a weight loss boost plan for those times when we go off plan
Very confusing. I suppose the other way of looking at is that muller lights are syn free rather than free food? So you could have a Mullerlight and count it as syns, i.e., count zero syns.
As usual with new SW plans, it's becoming clear SW haven't quite thought this through...![]()
I have to agree with Jaylou - I have now read the new books thoroughly and I don't think it's that confusing. EE is more or less the same as it was. EE SP is designed as a short term booster for people whose weight loss has "stuck" for whatever reason. Stands to reason it is going to be fairly strict. I think (from this and other threads) that people are seeing SP as just another alternative plan, whereas it is meant to be an occasional thing. (I am having trouble articulating exactly what I mean here, sorry!)
I'm with you Lynne - I don't have to think about what I eat on Red days as the plan is just so ingrained now.Much easier to stick to my tried and tested red days, with the odd extra easy!
:8855: I can see your eyes rolling - as are mine.So glad I'm sticking with Green! All these EEs and SPs are sending me cross eyed!
Remember it will take a while for the syns directory online to be updated, so your 5-15 syns a day will be picked from the updated list. Not the old one, which lists green/red/ee.
way i see the new plan is thus:
Everyone follows extra easy. eat as much FREE food as you like, but try to eat 1/3 SPEED foods (which have replaced superfree, and if you look they are pretty much the same foods).
1 HEXA and 1 HEXB per day from the prescribed list...5-15 syns per day on whatever you choose.
If you want a short term boost, either a day, or a week, follow Extra easy SP. Try have 50/50 of S and P foods - you must only eat S and P foods, plus your syns and healthy extras. So no 'free' yogurts or potatos, pasta and rice, which although are good for you, aren't 'good enough' for an SP day. Remember SP is a short term boost to fast track your weight loss, it's not a long term plan.
You *can* have non speed or protein labeled free food on an SP day, but its a tweak, and although you won't gain, you are missing out on the true benefit of an SP day. Over the course of a week, a free yogurt or the odd spud won't hurt but if its a few of these free foods a day, maybe SP is too difficult for you to follow at that time. Slimming world want you to get the best out of the SP plan, which is why certain free foods are forbidden in order to make this happenSpeed foods are low in calories and high in nutrients, whereas protein based foods are filling...its a winning formula for quick results, but its not easy particularly for those of us who have got used to eating carbs every day.
1 HEXA and 2 HEXB each day. 5-15 syns on whatever you like - but you CAN'T use the old syn list or RED/GREEN syn list, which would allow you to syn potatos and other 'free' foods. This isn't the point of SP, and you could have those freely on a regular EE day.
Technically, potatos, pasta, rice etc no longer have syn values as the Red plan is no longer supported in the books and this is where the syn value came from before. But you can still follow Red or Green if it's working for you! just remember the books and some articles will no longer support these plans, so choose your syns/healthy extras wisely.
It's all about you being honest with yourself, trying your best and sticking to SP if you want to make it work. Peronsally I would find it nigh on impossible, whereas I regularly eat Sucess express meals...but some will find SP much easier than Success Express...both plans work as a temporary boost, use them! But don't rely on them all the time...
From the other SP thread
Well I've just spoken to head office and I was told something completely different !!!
On the new SP plan you can use your syns for any EE synned product even 0.5 syn yoghurt or potato waffles curly fries etc it's up to you how you use your 15 syns a day.
Yes you can't suddenly syn free food eg like plain potatoes or fat free yoghurt but you CAN use already EE synned products regardless of the free food element as essentially it's still low carb and restricted since you only get a limited number of syns a day
I realise I was wrong with my meal as I had free Linda McCartney sausages instead of the synned ones so essentially I then would have had less syns to spend on other stuff.
She also said synned products with an element of free food would be better then say a snickers bar or other junk food with no free food element
So clear as mud I see !!!!!
I'm sticking with my green plan, this is all so confusing. My weight loss may be slow due to all the carbs I eat but a loss is a loss and I'm happy with that![]()
Does anyone know if you can have things like pickled beetroot, gerkins, peppadews and so on on SP days?
Remember it will take a while for the syns directory online to be updated, so your 5-15 syns a day will be picked from the updated list. Not the old one, which lists green/red/ee.
way i see the new plan is thus:
Everyone follows extra easy. eat as much FREE food as you like, but try to eat 1/3 SPEED foods (which have replaced superfree, and if you look they are pretty much the same foods).
1 HEXA and 1 HEXB per day from the prescribed list...5-15 syns per day on whatever you choose.
If you want a short term boost, either a day, or a week, follow Extra easy SP. Try have 50/50 of S and P foods - you must only eat S and P foods, plus your syns and healthy extras. So no 'free' yogurts or potatos, pasta and rice, which although are good for you, aren't 'good enough' for an SP day. Remember SP is a short term boost to fast track your weight loss, it's not a long term plan.
You *can* have non speed or protein labeled free food on an SP day, but its a tweak, and although you won't gain, you are missing out on the true benefit of an SP day. Over the course of a week, a free yogurt or the odd spud won't hurt but if its a few of these free foods a day, maybe SP is too difficult for you to follow at that time. Slimming world want you to get the best out of the SP plan, which is why certain free foods are forbidden in order to make this happenSpeed foods are low in calories and high in nutrients, whereas protein based foods are filling...its a winning formula for quick results, but its not easy particularly for those of us who have got used to eating carbs every day.
1 HEXA and 2 HEXB each day. 5-15 syns on whatever you like - but you CAN'T use the old syn list or RED/GREEN syn list, which would allow you to syn potatos and other 'free' foods. This isn't the point of SP, and you could have those freely on a regular EE day.
Technically, potatos, pasta, rice etc no longer have syn values as the Red plan is no longer supported in the books and this is where the syn value came from before. But you can still follow Red or Green if it's working for you! just remember the books and some articles will no longer support these plans, so choose your syns/healthy extras wisely.
It's all about you being honest with yourself, trying your best and sticking to SP if you want to make it work. Peronsally I would find it nigh on impossible, whereas I regularly eat Sucess express meals...but some will find SP much easier than Success Express...both plans work as a temporary boost, use them! But don't rely on them all the time...
Thanks that's very useful.
A gentle reminder to us all and I used to run a SW class - so I shd know better but I conveniently' sometimes 'forget' that on SW we're supposed to eat what we need to satisfy our appetite not just what we fancy!