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I totally agree that SW look into these plans very thoroughly. The plans they devise work as they test them beforehand. For many months. With dieticians/ advisers. And they wouldn't want to loose the support of the RCM (royal collage of midwives) for eg, which they would if they didn't ensure the plans were balanced and had medical backing.
However I think somtimes it takes a few versions of a book to get the wording right so that the plan devised at HQ is clear to everyone.
It also takes a while to ensure appropriate training on the new plan is handed down to everyone and that the training received is not only consistent but understood by the consultants and the help line advisers in the same way.
it gets a bit like Chinese whispers with the plan filtering through the organisation we are bound to hear different things by different people for a little while.
I remember when SW first brough in EE. The shock, the confusion, the differing advice, even anger that SW were changing their ways and how could we only have one HEB and A and be healthy and how could mixing proteins and carbs possibly work when SW have 'claimed' that the two together was 'not effective for weight loss'.
It took a little while but confusion was maybe not ironed out but lessened to a large degree. EE works for many who never thought it would work myself included. Somtimes I think human nature looks at things a little black and white and we spend too long dissecting to ensure we know what is 'allowed' and what is 'banned'.
If it works for you the way you are doing it then does it matter? for those following red/green I totally get the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' thoughts. I also know those on EE who still have 2 HEB as if they were on red/green and loose weight. You can always change it to 1 HEB later if you wish. I think we beat ourselves up too much with I SHOULDNT have eaten this on EESP or I MUST do this on EE. It's this kind of guilt mentality that sabotages my weight loss, not the mistakenly eaten jacked spud or extra HE. Is a jacket spud one day or a half syn yogurt going to make that much difference as an occasional thing?
What i mean to say is If you still loose weight and are happy with the weight loss then does it matter? If you are not happy with the weight loss then change the following week and see how that goes. No one wants to sabotage our hard fought weight losses which maybe explains why we get so worried about a new plan. But As long as we have a good grasp of the main points, then individually working out the finer details of what works for each of us will follow. I say we should give the new plans and SW, the organisation, a little more time.
I'm sorry for the essay but I had a lot in my head I wanted to try and convey. After reading the whole thread I'm trying to reassure and make people a little less worried about the finer points but I'm not sure I have done a very good job! It's all early days
i should add I am currently not a SW as I have had 7 weeks off very ill with flu followed by pneumonia which is proving difficult to treat. I'm getting better and hope to rejoin soon. I don't yet have the brand new books so I can't add my interpretation of what I think SW is advising us. But I can say it's advice not a rule
However I think somtimes it takes a few versions of a book to get the wording right so that the plan devised at HQ is clear to everyone.
It also takes a while to ensure appropriate training on the new plan is handed down to everyone and that the training received is not only consistent but understood by the consultants and the help line advisers in the same way.
it gets a bit like Chinese whispers with the plan filtering through the organisation we are bound to hear different things by different people for a little while.
I remember when SW first brough in EE. The shock, the confusion, the differing advice, even anger that SW were changing their ways and how could we only have one HEB and A and be healthy and how could mixing proteins and carbs possibly work when SW have 'claimed' that the two together was 'not effective for weight loss'.
It took a little while but confusion was maybe not ironed out but lessened to a large degree. EE works for many who never thought it would work myself included. Somtimes I think human nature looks at things a little black and white and we spend too long dissecting to ensure we know what is 'allowed' and what is 'banned'.
If it works for you the way you are doing it then does it matter? for those following red/green I totally get the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' thoughts. I also know those on EE who still have 2 HEB as if they were on red/green and loose weight. You can always change it to 1 HEB later if you wish. I think we beat ourselves up too much with I SHOULDNT have eaten this on EESP or I MUST do this on EE. It's this kind of guilt mentality that sabotages my weight loss, not the mistakenly eaten jacked spud or extra HE. Is a jacket spud one day or a half syn yogurt going to make that much difference as an occasional thing?
What i mean to say is If you still loose weight and are happy with the weight loss then does it matter? If you are not happy with the weight loss then change the following week and see how that goes. No one wants to sabotage our hard fought weight losses which maybe explains why we get so worried about a new plan. But As long as we have a good grasp of the main points, then individually working out the finer details of what works for each of us will follow. I say we should give the new plans and SW, the organisation, a little more time.
I'm sorry for the essay but I had a lot in my head I wanted to try and convey. After reading the whole thread I'm trying to reassure and make people a little less worried about the finer points but I'm not sure I have done a very good job! It's all early days
i should add I am currently not a SW as I have had 7 weeks off very ill with flu followed by pneumonia which is proving difficult to treat. I'm getting better and hope to rejoin soon. I don't yet have the brand new books so I can't add my interpretation of what I think SW is advising us. But I can say it's advice not a rule