Awesome awesome awesome post, KD!
Sometimes my Fred needs kick-starting to get into gear. Some things, he does automatically. When I was at school, for example, Fred used to get me ready in the mornings
for me. Often, Fred would wake me up a couple of minutes before my alarm was due to go off (though I still kept setting it, just in case!). Then, Fred would get me up, dressed and breakfasted before I even noticed.
Going for a walk, Fred and I work together. I have to give myself a kick up the bum to actually get out the front door. However, especially when I'm at home from uni during the holidays... when I'm out the door, Fred takes me round my well-worn walking route practically on auto-pilot. One foot just goes in front of the other, my mind wanders, and before I know it, I'm at the main road and have to take over from Fred to check for traffic then cross. As soon as I'm back on the pavement, it's Fred's turn again. If I've not gone across the main road, then Fred takes me round the common. My Fred's good for walks!
My Fred seems well-trained for exercise, especially walking and swimming. I set Fred a number of lengths to do in the pool, and although
I'm the one who keeps count of the lengths, Fred's the one who actually does the lengths. I do like this teamwork.
However, my Fred can be bad for me too. I'll get a packet of crisps, and Fred eats them all in no time! (Unfortunately, the inches go on MY hips, not Fred's.)

I'll put my hand in the bag and suddenly think, "Huh?! But I only started these crisps a minute ago!"
So yeah... I have to learn to control my Fred.