Charley24-Day 1 To Goal-And Restart Again!

Hi Bess, I don't know it seemed a round number ! Are you saying you want to be less that 11.5 ???

I have considered changing my target to BMI 25 hich is 11.7...........I think I picked 11 so I would have half a stone to play with !

Brilliant news Keeley !!!!!!! Well I can wear DP size 14 trousers and cardigans, but I am not an official 14 until I can wear a 14 jeans and everything else - I am still in 16 jeans !
Day 38 and 39

I didn't write my diary last night, I had planned to but I was so tired and went to bed !

It was fine, didn't do much, DD1 had her friends over so I made pizza and chips, lots of sweets etc and crisps - terrible I know !

Today I have made about 50 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting - smell lovely ! DD's have tasted and thumbs up! I am going to take most into work tomorrow for my team and hubby's team for tea break !

I have about 2 hours worth of ironing to get thru so I need to make a start soon !

Made fresh pasta filled with cheese and ham with tomato and marscapone sauce for lunch for the troops with some pizza.

Hubby got up at 2.30pm (hangover), he was actually sick in the garden lst night. He rarely goes out and he forgets he can't keep up with the big boys !

I can't WAIT to be able to go out again with a new figure !!!!!!!!!!!

Took some pics last night (in album) of my slimmer face and HOORAY I got back into my wedding dress !

Scales showing 12.10 which is same weight as wedding day.

Weigh In now a Wednesday ! So Only 6 day week this eek, I am sure I will not lose as much this week because of that but that's life !

Should be fine by next week !

45 days til holidays !!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone hs a great day !
Wow Charlie your before and now pics are amazing
You look so different.
Well done you to not diving into the chocolate cup cakes
I've got my 2 nieces next weekend and plan to do some baking with them. It's a 20 million dollar question... ( can I resist the cookies)
Hi Bess, I don't know it seemed a round number ! Are you saying you want to be less that 11.5 ???

I have considered changing my target to BMI 25 hich is 11.7...........I think I picked 11 so I would have half a stone to play with !

Yes, I've been thinking about this and might try to get to 11st instead of 11.5. Like you, this would give me 1/2 a stone to 'play' with. I don't want to be too hung up on putting on the odd lb or two and think a 1/2 stone leeway might be a good idea. When I started I felt so sure that I wouldn't succeed, I thought 12.5 was a good weight to aim for, so my goal has always been a bit flexible.
Your pics are great - did you get married at Gretna Green? So glad you had a good reaction at work too!
Charley- I got married at Gretna Green too, In Anvil Hall
It was amazing
Hello !

Yes I got married at the Mill Forge in Lockerbie near Gretna !

Bess, I am just not sure maybe I will wait til I get to 11.7 and then see how I feel ?

Polly, honestly I cooked no bother, I have just bought stuff to make cheese scones for my workmates for Thursday haha !
Day 40

Forgive me ladies As I need to moan !

The bloody scales haven't moved much :( I might be lucky to get a 1lb or 2lb loss this week - plsu weigh in moved to day before so only 6 days this week -grrrrrrrrrr !

I would really like to get to my lowest weight 12.8 and even lower so I don't plataeu like I ALWAYS do at tht weight !

On another note 2 of my friends have started CD, one is on Day 1 and another on Day 2.

They are surviving and I am trying to be supportive !

More comments at work today which is nice, so I really need to stay FOCUSED !!!!!!!!!! Which is a bit hard as I really want the scales to go down !

Started exersize tonight:

Wii Fit

5 Mins Super Step
3 Mins Short Jog
1 Min Ski Salom
1 Min Ski Jump
20 Reps Each Arm with My Water Bottle !
10 Jack Knife's

I then did about 5 mins on Wii Sports, tennis and boxing.

It is a start !

Owwww I just feel a bit deflated and I need a boost !!!!!!!!!!! Ok 29lbs in 6 weeks is good, but with another 25 to go at 2lb a week will take ages - you know I am really struggling with my water intake - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Ok tomorrow I will try drink a pint before 10am, another before 12, another before 2 and another before 4.

Wonder if I can manage that ? We will see !

Hope you are all fine, speak soon - hey 40 days !!!!!!!!!!! Not bad eh !
water is my downfall too charley!!
if im at work i can get through loads of it!!!
on my days off i do struggle, it can be afternoon and i realise ive only had a pint!!!
Hi keeley I am stuggling at work and home ! It's a nightmare !
managed 2 75cl bottles so far - must drink more hahaha !
Day 41

Well today I had a very busy day at work and I have managed almost 3 x 75cl bottles, not enough but better than before, going to try get another bottle in before bedtime !

Weigh in tomorrow, so if it's 2lbs it's 2lbs and I will keep on going and I will not give up !

The comments from people are just fantastic, CD is really changing my life for the better and I am determined to not give up at 12.8 (my plateau weight). I have managed on 2 occasions to hit this weight and then given up, both times on WW.

Cd is a long term plan that I hope will see me get to a weight which is healthy and perhaps a size 12 all over.

I really could not have got thus far without the support from everyone on this forum, mini-mins has been my salvation. I have logged on day and night for encouragement, to pass the time and to help me focus on my goal. Seeing others reach their goal weight, some in a matter of months makes me realise why I am doing this.

I want to feel attractive, confident, dare I say sexy ! I want to choose lovely clothes and not hide in baggy things because I hate my bum/legs etc.

I am trying to help 2 friends who have just begun CD, explaining the benefits and how good CD can help you feel.

I went on the wii again and tonight:

3 Mins Jog
3 Mins Boxing
5 Mins Super Step
20 reps per arm with my water bottle
10 jack-knifes

I am hoping to do this 4 - 6 times per week, it works out about 20 mins per day which is a good starting point. Before CD I was doing 20 minute jogs, so I will try to increase this as time goes on.

Just another thank you to those who come to read my posts, looking back from Day 1 to know is a real eye opener, I sometimes have my 'moments' but CD has made me want this even more than before and because the weight loss is faster it keeps me motivated to keep on and on !

Love and Hugs Vx
Day 42 and 43

I can't beleive I forgot to write my diary last night !

3lbs off in 6 days ! I have had to change my weigh in day from Thursday to Wednesday so really pleased with 3lbs.

The comments are so wonderful ! Saw some friends I haven't seen for a while today and they were like oh my god !

32lbs !!!!!!!!!!!! 32 bloody pounds !!!!!!!!!!

I am LOVING CD sooo much !!!!!!!!!!!

Also got some summer berries for my water - yum - lovely change !

I have had a busy day and work and looking forward to a nice weekend too !

We had a buffet at work today for an annniversary and it looked lovely - but I didn't want a single bite - being normal weight means so much to me.

I am now on day 43................which means I am over half way !

84 days (12 weeks of SS) and I have managed 43 so far, to me that is fantastic as I never thought I would survive 3 days !

If anyone wants to know................IT IS WORTH IT................I am becoming the girl I used to be and the feeling is INCREDIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I mention CD is FANTASTIC hahaha

Well time for bed, early start tomorrow and I am off to read my book !

Hope everyone is fine and having a good day !

Love and Hugs Vx
Wow, you must be really proud of yourself. It encourages me to keep going when I read posts like this. You've been 100% throughout? I'm just asking because I have such a hard time some days, plus with the upcoming hols, I'm afraid to fall off that wagon!
Hi Enlighten me, I ate on day 31 - cottage cheese following a bout of diahorrea !!!!!!!!!!!!! But apart from that SS all the way, thank you for reading and well done on 13lbs losss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 44 and 45

2 days together again ! Hubby had his friends round last night to play poker so they were in the dining room where the computer is !

Anyways yesterday was fine, nothing major happening ! My friend Chez is now on Day 6 and I am so proud of her !!!!

Last night I could smell the pizza cooking so imursed myself in a book, the smell was wafting up the stairs !

Today I had a shake for brekkie, then had a sleep this afternoon, felt a bit tired !

Had another shake at 3.30 and half a bar, so tonight don't feel like another shake so I have had 2.5, bit naughty but I don't feel like anything.

Wii Fir today - 30 Mins ! Go me ! Didn't manage any on Thur or Fri, so needed to do that today !

Off to finish my book which is amazing - Barbara Delinsky - While my Sister Sleeps, can highly recommend, this is the 2nd book of her I have read, quite 'Jodie Picoult'.

Anyways here is to tomorrow, another SS day I hope and maybe a successful weigh in on wednesday.

The scales showed 12.6 this morning, less than I have weighed in about 13 years. As I have said my plateau has always been 12.8................keep moving scales (I am a hopper I know).

Night Night All !!!!!!!!!!!!
I really admire your determination. SS all the way - you are an inspiration to us all!! Goal in no time! Well done.
Day 46

Ok, I admit I am a scale hopper and I am annoyed !!!

A few days ago at night I was showing 12.7 and 12.6 on a morning.

Now I am showing 12.8 on a night - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

12.6 is 2lbs off but I want a 3 or I am going in a sulk !

I have 2 full days left (weigh in wed am) please please scales MOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going to try drink lots tomorrow and hopefully the scales will be less than 12.6 which they were on Friday morning !!!

It's been 3 days for goodness sakes :(

Ok Rant over ! You know I do this now and then !

I am just feeling glum - however I did buy a size 14 jeans today from Asda !!!

14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't afford to splurge at the moment as I have 75 items to sell of size 16's !

Trouble is the trouble to sit and list them all on ebay, but I really need the cash or I can't buy anything else. I only have bout 12 things left in my wardrobe !!!!!!!!!!!!

Considering a car boot sale, but it's just the faff of getting there and then selling stuff I suppose, plus I don't want to have anything left at the end !

What to Do....................

Anyways work tomorrow, so had a lovely weekend off, went swimming ith kids today which was nice, then they tucked into Sunday dinner at the in-laws !

Poor little me !

Oh stop it, I am being stupid I know !

Sorry I am a miserable cow tonight !

Hopefully I will be happier tomorrow !

Night Night xxxxxxxxxxxx
Day 47

Not much to post today, work fine but family situation with a horrid aunt has peed me off to hell, so I am going for a bath before I punch something.

So good day/crap night !

Hope you are all fine xxx
hi charley,
you look fantastic, great pic (you look like a size 10 - not a 14) xxx
congrats on your loss xxx
Oh thanks Keeley !!!!!!!!! Looks like you are doing brill too !
I have my days of moaning about CD, but today is a better day hahaha !