Charliemm's Extra Easy Food Diary

Haha! I gave up the shred after 3 goes as that squeaky midget American did my head in & Id rather be out in the fresh air sweating!
Youre having such great results running & if its not sustainable to do 10km, 5km is a brilliant workout especially with your own strength training. Like you say if the 10km was boring for you'd end up not doing it, so keep ip the 5km which you're obviously enjoying. X
kim63 said:
Haha! I gave up the shred after 3 goes as that squeaky midget American did my head in & Id rather be out in the fresh air sweating!
Youre having such great results running & if its not sustainable to do 10km, 5km is a brilliant workout especially with your own strength training. Like you say if the 10km was boring for you'd end up not doing it, so keep ip the 5km which you're obviously enjoying. X

Thanks for that Kim, you've reassured me that I'm not taking an easy option by sticking to my short runs :) was feeling a little guilty like i was cheating myself! xx
Your welcome chick & no you are not cheating yourself at all, the complete opposite! What would the point in you doing 10km & not enjoying it....exercise is supposed to be enjoyable with favourable results! You doing 5km is doing that, so stick with it There is always a thing with running that you can push yourself further & thats why people aim for 10kms, half marathons, marathons etc, but it doesn't suit everyone! You have found what you enjoy, so dont go any further if you dont want to! xxx
kim63 said:
Your welcome chick & no you are not cheating yourself at all, the complete opposite! What would the point in you doing 10km & not enjoying it....exercise is supposed to be enjoyable with favourable results! You doing 5km is doing that, so stick with it There is always a thing with running that you can push yourself further & thats why people aim for 10kms, half marathons, marathons etc, but it doesn't suit everyone! You have found what you enjoy, so dont go any further if you dont want to! xxx

Very true, thanks :) hope all goes well today! X
5k is still great Charlie! Have you looked into parkruns? They have them all over the uk it's a free 5k run every week and they track your times for you so you can see how you are progressing. There's a few near me havnt tried it yet but a few friends love them they prefer it to running alone and say its more fun in a big group. Just an idea! X
icklerockchick said:
5k is still great Charlie! Have you looked into parkruns? They have them all over the uk it's a free 5k run every week and they track your times for you so you can see how you are progressing. There's a few near me havnt tried it yet but a few friends love them they prefer it to running alone and say its more fun in a big group. Just an idea! X

Wow, that does sound fun! I will definitely look into it. Thanks :) x
I think 5k is a good distance and you can always vary it will intervals or doing incline stuff. I would never do more than 5k on the treadmill - it gets soooooo dull. When the weather gets better you might want to venture outside and then I think its easier to run longer xx.
Whitey27 said:
I think 5k is a good distance and you can always vary it will intervals or doing incline stuff. I would never do more than 5k on the treadmill - it gets soooooo dull. When the weather gets better you might want to venture outside and then I think its easier to run longer xx.

I never keep at the same speed for the entire run, I always do intervals or switch up the incline! Otherwise I just end up looking at the clock. And I definitely will get my ass outside when the weather picks up a bit - I agree that I'll be able to run further as won't be staring at a wall!

Thanks for the advice ladies! Xx
Thurs 26th April

HEA: skimmed milk, 21g Lf cheese
HEB: 35g porridge

Porridge with bananas

Alpen light (3)

Tuna, passata and veg pasta with cheese


Chilli with brown rice

Hot Choc (2)
4 malteasers (2)
Fruit salad with ff Greek yogurt

Total 7

Weekly remaining: 71

30 min run - 5.55km
Not sure if you're aware Charlie but lf cheese has gone up to 45g so if your having half milk & half cheese for your hexa, you can have 22.5g! So your fiddling yourself out 1.5g....not a lot but better than nothing! X
kim63 said:
Not sure if you're aware Charlie but lf cheese has gone up to 45g so if your having half milk & half cheese for your hexa, you can have 22.5g! So your fiddling yourself out 1.5g....not a lot but better than nothing! X
This makes me super happy!! Thank you! X

kim63 said:
Also how do you control yourself to only have 4 maltesers ....that's willpower ! X
They were my gran's at hospital, and I knew I was gonna have a super tasty fruit salad and yogurt when I got home :) x
kim63 said:
Hope your Gran ok? X

She's alright, just trying to control her pain - she reckons the doctors made a balls up with her meds which is why she isn't home yet (they've been promising a discharge since Monday...). But she is 93 so the hospital is definitely the best place for her at the min! X
Friday 26th April

HEA: 21g LF cheese, skimmed milk
HEB: 17g porridge, alpen light

Porridge with summer fruits and banana

Alpen light

Veg, tuna and passata pasta with cheese

Biscuit (9)

Chips (17.5)
4 crispy chicken strips (12)

Total: 38.5

Weekly remaining: 32.5

30 min incline power walk and run

Think I might have overcompensated for the chips but would rather count more than less!
Saturday 28th April

HEA: skimmed milk, 22.5 Lf cheese
HEB: 57g Wholemeal roll

Fruit salad and 100g ff Greek yogurt

Chicken noodle soup

Soft mint (0.5)
Mikado (0.5)
4 mini animal biscuits (2)

SW burger and LF cheese in Wholemeal roll, diet coke BBQ sauce, few SW chips and salad with FF dressing

SW cheesecake (3) with 25g LF squirty cream (2)
Hot Choc (2)

Total: 10

Weekly remaining: 22.5

4-5km walk with doggy :)


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Whitey27 said:
Oooh that cheesecake looks yummy. What flavour is it? x

Vanilla! Was delicious :) x