3 2 1 and shes back in the room!!
hi guys!! well so much to report, oh where to begin???
so i have a new flat its amazing, i have stuck a lil picture of my dining room on here i will put the rest on as i get more pics. so right now i am mid move but back in cornwall to look after me mums puppies while she n her fella go on a lil holiday. i am going to keep me boys in school here until the end of term as its the exciting bit for them, u know school parties, plays and father christmas so they wanna stay to the end and if im honest it helps while i am at the flat if they are here so i can get it all sorted out before they come up.
so thats the important stuff covered now for the really exciting bit ... i have met a mr freaking awesome, his is great, i cannot stop thinking about him, and yes he is wild! and freaking hot!! totally amazing, super fit body and body hair ... i know chest hair ... who knew i would be into chest hair, but i sooooooooooooo am! lol
i dont really know what happened, well i went to the pub with my friend and somehow i managed to pull him, (goodness knows how) but somewhere from within i become mrs super confident, admittedly i was looking super great (if i dont say so myself) and as it happens i have a pic from that night of me in the loos with me new hair etc, so ill pop that on here too.
but thanks to Dr dukan my confidence is sky high, i have tackled my ex partner since i have been away, got a new home (and having fun decorating it), found a new love interest (of whom i am actually interested in)
so girlies hope u r all doing well gonna go find out now, i have missed u lot xxx