Hi girls,
Hope you're all being good! Love your photos Claire, you definately look shrunk from your profile pic! Its good to have a visual record of your loss, makes it more believable when you see it in a photo!
Just had fab time sorting through wardrobe, i was really struggling to find anything to wear. So the huge clothes are going and have found some stuff that fits which is a bonus!
Congrats Nicki on the loss, it all counts, and 3lb is virtually quarter of a stone!
OH really p'd me off last night. We got talking about cd and he started the usual- 'why can't you just exercise and eat healthy...blah...blah...' going on about how this diet could have negative health implications, that its not healthy to not eat at all, claiming to just be worried for me but just not willing to listen to my explainations, even tried to get him to read the booklets but he wouldn't, saying he would do his own research into it. Bloody ignoramus! Anyway, you can imagine i was not impressed, it was the first time he's really been so negative about it, and i was doing and feeling so good i could have kicked him! Anyway, i had a rare lie in this morning, and when i came downstairs i was met with a humble OH and an apology!! He had been online for a while researching cd and now realised he was wrong. Had found loads of studies and news which supported the use of cd/vlcd. Could have told him that in the first place but hes just such a stubborn idiot! It really bugs me when people judge this diet without having the full facts. Funny how you get a bit sensitive to it, feel the need to jump up and down in cd's defence!
Take care all xx