Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Maybe try comparing a photo of yourself before with a photo of you now, I'm sure you'll soon be able to see the difference! I know what you mean though, it can be really hard to break down psychological barriers associated with weight, especially if it's affected your confidence. It'd be really nice if all the mental baggage disappeared along with the physical :) You've done absolutely amazingly- hopefully one day you'll be able to look in the mirror and feel proud of what you've achieved! Must be a massive boost to be getting ready for a big night out wearing teeny-sized clothes! xx
Actually, after I posted that I had a look at my pics in the Weight Loss album on my profile page. They shock me EVERY time! But when it comes to real life I can't see it. I just can't. Even trying on that size 10 yesterday - it just didn't click in my head. It should have been "Holy crap! That size 10 almost fit! or "Wow, I bought a size 12!" But I look in the mirror and think, yeah it fits, but I can't SEE that it's a smaller size. Stupid bloody brain! I know my clothes are smaller and looking at my pics of course I can see it. I just can't get my head round it in 'real life' :rolleyes: :eek:
Thursday: My friend's going home today :( So I'm going to meet her for breakfast at The Egg and wave her off at the train station :) Feel sad that she's going. I really wish she lived closer :( She's actually moving from Leeds to Bradford pretty much now. Which is further by coach, but closer by car :confused: Hopefully when I have my car I can visit more often - it's a super economical little bugger ;)
Think I'll stop by the shops on the way home and pick up some fruit and veg supplies. Want to make OddSock's spicy sweet potato soup for work lunches next week :) And I've eaten bugger all fruit recently.

Food: Back to it properly now. Green Day + 10 syns

Brunch: 2 veggie sausages (I think they're original Linda M, but not sure. Will count 'em the same as Quorn), a 'fried' tomato, scrambled egg, beans, and a thick slice of dry wholemeal toast. 1tbsp of fruity sauce. Just gonna count the whole thing as 3 :)

Tea: 2 burgers, Pasta N Sauce Mac & Cheese, cheese, carrots, green beans, peas, and sweetcorn.

Snack: Gingerbread porridge made with 130mls of Almond milk.
Also had a Sainsbury's fat free toffee yogurt (which I *think* are free) and then a satsuma before bed. Could not stop eating!!!

HexA: Cheese + Semi Skimmed milk/
HexB: Bread + Porridge
Syns used: 7
Syns left: 3
Exercise: At the very least 3hrs of walking round town, round my local shopping centre, and walking home with VERY heavy bags! My arms were all wibbly when I got in and my hip is bloody killing me :rolleyes:
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It is a weird concept- it's like you have to learn to recognise yourself all over again I suppose! I'm sure your brain will get used to it in time. Yay for sweet potato soup! Morrisons had some funky sweet potatoes last week- they were bright pink! I really wanted to get some, but I'm trying hard not to deviate from my shopping lists at the moment xx
What's a shopping list?! ;) I am SO bad at planning food/shopping. I end up buying ridiculous amounts of food that don't really make meals *head desk* I am much better than I was a year ago tho lol!

And yeah, think it takes a very long time to change how you see yourself. And I think once you've been under or over weight you will probably always see yourself at your 'worst'. You know? The joy! lol.x
Haha! I started planning my meals for the week a while ago, after my boyfriend and I decided we were fed up of wasted food. We'd get overexcited, buy stuff when out shopping, then we'd forget about it and it'd get wasted. Planning ahead has come in so handy now that I'm back on SW, wheat-free and spending half my life on the bus! Haha.

Yeah, I know what you mean- I know that I can be very negative with myself over my weight/appearance/anything really, and I imagine that's the case for a lot of people with weight issues. Even when the weight comes off, it must be really difficult to break the habit of kind of attacking yourself over appearance. It's really hard to view yourself positively sometimes, even when it's very well-deserved! xx
Oh ffs! I think I'm sick again. Was feeling a bit 'off' yesterday and woke up feeling not quite right. And now I just can't stop sneezing! And feel so incredibly ill. Noooooooo! I've literally just got over that awful virus :cry: I am sooo going to sulk tonight!
Also majorly pissed off because I wont get to see the boy this week AGAIN! He didn't tell me when he had planned to come round and then I got invited out for a friends birthday before he told me. And he can't possibly see me any other time..... Gah!!

Oh but OddSock, stupid Morrison's didn't have prepared butternut squash. But they did have a bag of ready chopped squash, carrot, onion, and coriander for £1. Perfect for the soup :D Gonna make it over the weekend.

And yeah, I wish we could fix our brains with the self image thing. It's very frustrating :(
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That prepared veg pack will make such a nice soup! All you'll need to do is throw in some veg stock, that's so easy! Might have a look at them this weekend. I feel your pain on the illness front- I feel like I've only just got over that awful chest infection, and now I'm ill again with one of those viruses that makes your legs all wobbly and your head really fuzzy. So annoying! Hope you manage to reschedule with Ste soon! xx
Got my stock and a couple of sweet potatoes. Not a bad soup that - Spicy onion, carrot, and sweet potato :D

I'm so, so annoyed at the boy situation :sigh: But trying really hard not to lose my temper or be pushy or anything. I did text last with a short and pointed reply at him saying he hopes I have a good night out. I said "Yeah, we should have a good time. It's a girl from work's birthday and Billy is coming as my +1" ;) Billy is my friend I'm going to Sweden with. But still. I thought it was a only just subtle enough comment :whistle:

God I think I have all the plagues!! Feel like Xander after his run in with the "Native Americans" ;)
Hahaha, yeah, hopefully that's made your point! That soup sounds ace. That's so amazing that you're almost at 30%!!!! I'm pretty sure there's a Club 20 shiny if you're looking to add to your collection :) I've finally earnt my Club 10 one today, which I'm ecstatic about- I've normally sabotaged myself way before this point! xx
Friday: So, seen as I'm all pathetic and sick today I am going to have a carb filled day sitting on the coach catching up with my downloaded tv shows and a film on Netflix later :D My lunch was a little over the top, but what the hell ;)
STILL not heard from the boy since my slightly non subtle text :rolleyes: I mean it wasn't that harsh was it?! I'm also annoyed because I sent him two Saveaways (all day bus passes) to help out with getting to see me this week. I don't even know if he has them :confused: Just :sigh: I'm not willing to give up, because it took a lot to even tell him I liked him. But dammit it's much, much tougher than I'd imagined. And when he said he didn't have a clue how to date, I didn't realise it was NO clue.... Anyway....

Food: Extra Easy Day + 10

Lunch: Big jacket spud, 3 (I know!) free Linda M sausages, interesting beans ('fried' red onion, red pepper, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, with Italian herbs and Chipotle Tabasco), salad, and bbq sauce. A whole 1 syn :D

Tea: A tub of ratatouille from the freezer with Quron mince, rigatone, cheese, salad, and dressing/mayo.

Snack: Gingerbread porridge, raisins, and Almond milk.

Drinks: Hazelnut coffee (now developing an addiction to this!). Coke Zero. Coffee.

HexA: Cheese/Almond Milk
HexB: Porridge
Syns used: 4
Syns saved: 9
Exercise: Up and down the stairs to the bathroom and getting off the couch to make more coffee. Must be like 1000Kcal's all that?! ;)
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Ooooh, I'll have to look out for those sausages! I really hope they're wheat-free. I think you've made every possible effort with him, hopefully he'll start to reciprocate a bit more! I can't speak for everyone, but I really like seeing signatures with loads of stickies on them, it keeps me motivated. I've done exactly the same as you today- I've been moping around feeling sorry for myself because I've had to stay off work ill, so watched Love And Other Drugs online, and now I'm watching rubbish daytime TV on iPlayer! xx
Luckily my Sister works in a Tesco so she'll pick me them up. Not handy for me to get to really!
Sorry to hear you're still feeling rubbish as well. We don't have much luck with illness do we? Just get rid of one thing and another virus or whatever appears :(

I really am trying to be understanding and supportive of the boys situation - I know how awful not having money is. But when I've tried to help in every way I can? By the time I'm free next week, without even thinking if he is, it'll be 2 weeks since we'll have seen each other. And I don't mean I want to see him every day, that'd prob drive me nuts ;) But once or twice a week really isn't too much to ask, is it? And to not fall off the face of the earth for 2 or 3 days a week with no contact :rolleyes: Gah! Anyway, hopefully he'll get in touch, although I do know he has plans today. Stupid boys *grumble grumble*
It does sound like a really frustrating situation- there's not really much else you can do from your end! It's definitely not too much to ask- obviously things are awkward for him at the moment, but for you guys to develop your relationship, he's going to need to be a bit more proactive I think. Boys indeed! I know what you mean- I haven't been so ill in a really long time. Since September I've had three lots of germs, plus a really bad bout of endometriosis drama. I think we both deserve a rest from poorlyness! xx
I guess there really isn't anything else I can do. I get really stressed when I have no control over a situation. So for me not knowing what he's thinking about 'us' or if/when I'm going to get to see him is driving me a bit insane! :eek: I might just text him later and say I hope he's having a nice time with his mates. Although I really don't think my last text was that bad to have stopped him texting :confused:

Since I started working again I've been more ill than I ever have! I suppose the environment I work in as well as all the members of the public I have contact with it's not really surprising that I'm coming in to contact with a lot of viruses and germs and the like. It is horrible though! We really do seem to get one illness after another :( I remember when I was dating Dave. We were together about 3 months? I wasn't well at any point during that time :( At least I don't have things like endometriosis to contend with though mate, that just sounds horrific :(
I don't think your text was worthy of making him ignore you either, maybe it's just a coincidence. Really hope things improve soon, I can't imagine how stressful it must be! Yeah, I think that working with lots of members of the public does make you a bit of a target for germs. We've had a really bad run of them in the office- people keep bringing in new germs, and because everyone else is so tired and run-down, and the office is freezing (so much so that it broke the thermometer!), people keep catching everything. Really not fun! xx
I think our hospital set up is a nightmare for germs too. What with the heating and air-con/circulated air. Just spreads germs EVERYWHERE! I'm pretty sure I've picked up my cold from just being out and about this week and being on and off buses every day :(

I've just text the boy and he replied within 5mins. Talk about mixed signals eh?! :rolleyes: