Sunday: Last day of a sort of good week lol! Gonna do an EE day and I have a massive 26.5 syns to use. YAY
Think we're going to do a roast today and now I know stuffing is really low in syns I'll be getting some of that
Need to make my soup for work too. It'll be spicy garlic, onion, carrot, butternut squash, and sweet potato soup
I was tempted to buy some crackerbread or something to go with it, but they only do giant packs I'll never use. I like having stuff with soup, but might be extra good and just have giant bowls of it for lunch. With some fruit for afters.
Still feel pretty rubbish, but need a few bits from the shop. Will be the first time I've gone out (further than the garage!) since Thurs afternoon. Don't wanna go outside! It's cold
Todays food: EE Day + 15syns + 11.5 saved syns.
Lunch: Gingerbread porridge, raisins and dried apple (little 14g kids ones), banana, Splenda, and 130ml Almond Milk.
Tea: A roast
Quorn steak, mash, roasties, mixed veggies (broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, and cauliflower), sprouts, stuffing, gravy, horseradish and picalilli.
End of week treat/syn scoffing session
: A Drifter and 4 Mikado.
Drinks: Hazelnut coffee. Coffee. Coke Zero. Dark Chocolate Highlights made with Almond Milk
HexA: Almond Milk
HexB: Porridge
Syns used: 29 (I'm such an idiot! And read the wrong bit from my written diary! Have gone 2.5 over now
Syns leftover this week: None. Eejit!
Exercise: Walking to, around, and home from the shops. Urgh :sick: