Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Hey matey!
I have most of my symptoms all the time. I mean ALL the time! They just change in intensity. They don't go away :( Just Wed morning it was bad enough for me to not cope with or do my job.

I do feel a bit better after talking to my tutor at college. It's good to know some of the stuff she's told me. Have lost a bit of enthusiasm though realising just how much hard work it will be, especially after crashing a bit yesterday. Will hopefully get some results in the next 2 weeks so at least I'll know if I'm still doing ok.
Good to know she has my back on some stuff like issues with getting work/mentor time in work and also issues with my mentor and stuff. Obv she wants me to pass to and wants me to do well. Rather than work seeming to be trying to make everything as stressful and difficult as possible.
It'd be great to have another mentor. Just need to find someone I like who would want to lol!

Have just had a nice big lunch and catching up on How I Met Your Mother. After this ep I need to go sort out the bunnies. They really needed doing yesterday but I couldn't get out there :(
After that I'd better get a shower and then try and do some bloody work!! xx
Thursday food: SW Green day.
2 free Linda M sausages
Half a tin of spaghetti
Cheesy omelette with shallots, mushroom, red pepper, and spinach (half HexA1)
Crispy potato chunks
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
BBQ sauce (1)

Quorn steak topped with cheese and gherkins (all cheese in this meal HexA2)
Tomato Pasta N Sauce with cheese
Veg bag - carrots, peas, and sweetcorn
Broccoli Dressing (1)

Snack: Kiwi, red grapes, and bluebberies with Yeo Valley Mango, peach, and passionfruit yogurt (1) and 1tsp of honey (1)
Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Coke. Peppermint & nettle tea. Vanilla rooibos tea.

Syns used: 4
Syns saved: 23.5
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Keep forgetting to say! We're going to Crufts next week :D Last year was the first time in a long time that we missed it because we were leaving for Sweden the week it was on.
It's been an on off thing for ages with my stuff/money, Mum's health, etc... But we just decided the other night to f*ck it and just go for it. My friend Michelle is coming too. We're going to go to Crufts on Thursday (Working & Pastoral day) and we're staying in this lovely hotel in a big park about 25mins away. Mum found a really good bargain!! It's a beautiful hotel and we've got a double room EACH with breakfast for £35 each :eek:
We were going to go back to Crufts on Friday, but we'd have to pay more petrol, parking, and it's now £18 to get in to the show. So I think we're going to have a wander round the park if the weather's nice and then do something animal related on the way home. Looking at either Birmingham Nature Centre or Dudley Zoo and castle :)
This is the hotel: Old Rose and Crown Hotel (Birmingham) - Hotel Reviews - TripAdvisor

So I think we can safely say two days off plan because I know it will be lol :p What I will attempt to do is fast days on Mon and Wed to try and limit the damage. I'm working lates Mon - Wed next week too, finishing at 8pm, and these seem to be my best shifts for fast days so should be ok :) xx
Finally got the bunnies out in the garden today. Not too cold, sun shining, and no rain! They must have been like "What is this place? Are we in the wild?!"

Peggy ran from one end of the run to me as I was trying to take a photo. You can almost see Simon raising a sarcastic eyebrow in the background ;) And I'm pretty sure I heard a *cough* attention whore *cough*

And Anya and Ralph's first outting together. Anya does have eyes btw, but she seems to screw them up whenever I take a pic! I swear she actually does have eyes....

So bunnies have been out for about 45mins each, I de-poo'd the garden, did a full clean and food feast on the rabbit castles, had a lovely shower, and now I'm gonna get in an hour of working before tea :) And hour will do today. CBA, but I'll feel better about it if I do something.
Text my boss earlier to say I'll be in tomorrow too :)

Enjoy the fluffy pics!xx
Loved, loved, loved the pics! I'm a sucker for cuddly animals.

It's lovely that you can look for the exams. If I've understood correctly, that means you know exactly what the questions are and so can practice your answers? Or is it more a posting of the topics you need to revise for each exam?

And Crufts! That will be lovely and the hotel does look so nice - excellent value, too. I sponsor a Hearing Dog - a cockerpoo. Being deaf I can appreciate the support they can give but even though I can't hear a smoke alarm or alarm clock without my hearing aids, I don't think I'm deaf enough to need one. It must be nice to be woken in the morning by a woofer, even if the method is pulling the bedclothes off!

Hope you get some work done today to help you keep on top of it.

Loved the sound of the omlette. I grow shallot from seed - they're much more worthwhile growing than onions because they're more expensive, and easier too.
Love the bunny pics!
Your Crufts trip sounds great :D mini break, yeehaaaw!
Hope you get your test results soon as expected, it's been ages!
Hey guys!
I do love the bunnies. There's a pair of boys that need a new home that I'm desperate to take on, but I'd have to make some more space in the garage and buy a new set up. Don't really have the spare £150/£200 tho :( I love rehoming bunnies!
Glad you like them. They are sweeties!

Aye you're right Patty, I can actually SEE the test papers before I take the exams. The actual questions, not old papers or whatever. This is very new info and something my work friends didn't know about until it was too late. I assume they've done it this way because most of them you have to get 100% to pass them! Who does that?! Seriously?!
Anyway, it means I just need to revise and practice the answers. Aww I would really like to work with assistance dogs at some point in the future. I always donate to dogs for the deaf when I'm at Crufts :) It's what I would like to go into behaviour for really, to work with that type of dog. They're absolutely incredible aren't they?! Louby has an assistance doggy :)

I've just done around 1hr20 of my course work - seriously struggle stopping once I've gotten going! I did a crap load more writing and attached the basic info I had for the bunny case - that needs some serious editing and padding out tho. But I have sent it to my mentor to have a look at so she can tell me if I'm on the right track and can stop waffling on too much ;)

I love my omelette creations. I haven't done a pizza omelette in a while. They're lovely :D
We go through phases of trying to grow stuff at home but we have an insane amount of slugs and snails, a lot of birds, and the dogs pinch stuff! Mum would eventually like some raised beds as she could really do with something like that. At the moment everything is in various tubs. Don't know if we'll have another go this year or not. When we lived in our old house, when I was very young, we had 1/4 acre of land and we had a massive veggie and fruit patch. I spent so much time helping and eating ;) I really do miss that and I know Mum does too.

Tetris I wish I could be more enthusiastic about the trip lol! I am excited and I love Crufts and days out. But these last two days have seriously knocked my confidence in myself and obv I'm doing all the driving. Eeep! I'm sure it'll be fine, but somewhere new proper stresses me out :eek: They'll just have to put up with me ;)
I do love a good picnic tho!

Yeah still absolutely nothing from the hospital. No ME referral, no test results, etc... Sick of it all! Especially with Mum's stuff now too! The NHS is struggling so much :( Right, tea time.... Not sure what I want to going to forage in the kitchen.x
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You've had quite a busy day considering you were having a PJ day, I hope you're feeling better and are ok for work tomorrow.
The bunnies are really cute, love peggy's posing :D
Well done on getting some course work done x x
Stuff that needed doing. As always! Tbf I didn't actually get out of my pj's - just for my shower ;)
I don't feel quite up to work, but I was determined to be back by Friday and maybe I'll be ok when I get there. Just worrying about the what if's. You know? It's really knocked me what happened yesterday. Starting to doubt myself all over again :eek:
Peggy and Ralph are both proper posers!x
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Right, have gone on to another browser and edited all my posts. For some reason Firefox is messing with my posts. Really annoying coz that's the one I use for everything. Grrrr!!

Looks like it's fixed now tho. Everything should be properly spaced out and not all bunched together :) x
If you feel worse tomorrow I'd not go in if I were you, I know you're worried about losing your job but they sent you home so they know you're putting it on. It won't do you any good to work when you're ill you'll make yourself worse :(
I'd take one day at a time and see how it goes x x x
I've already told my boss I'm going in. I'll go in and see what happens. Hoping I'll have some time with my mentor anyway and I think I'm supposed to do my first aid talk tomorrow too, so hopefully some time off my feet.
I'm hoping this was just a small blip. I'm off this weekend and on lates next week, which seem to be easier shifts for me to cope with - even though I hate the 4-8's! Will just have to see what happens. It's just scared me because I haven't had a day where I can't cope for a while :eek:
Well that wasn't a quiet day easing me in after being off!! I was in kennels for a start :rolleyes: But, tbf, wasn't too bad as far as it goes. But then I had to handle a run of cats. Now, if you don't already know, cats scare the living day lights out of me. Not in an every day kinda thing, they are indeed lovely, but put them in a vets or stressful situation and you can guarantee lovely little fuzzy turns into an angry tiger...
Anyway, the first one was a good boy that we had to drip but he got a bit p*ssed off. He just made noise tho, no attempt at biting or scratching.
Number 2 was what we count as a *care* which is basically "Be careful". He was actually pretty good too, but made a little bit more noise. He was a chunky monkey though and I had a good hold of him. We were removing his drip and he also had 3 jabs and a tablet!!
Now, number 3 was what we call a *green care* which means "I WILL RIP YOUR GOD DAMN FACE OFF IF YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR ME, B*TCH!!" So we had her covered in a towl, legs wrapped up, and I had to hold and pin her head. Now this cat put up a struggle and made a lot of noise and basically tried to kill us all. We just about removed her drip before we lost it and she had to go back in her kennel. She was not getting whatever the injection was ;)
So by the end of that I was sweating like a polar bear in the desert! So much so my glasses were sliding down my nose.
I also had a little Yorkie collapse on me while I was carrying her to the yard. Rushed her through to be put on oxygen!

THEN my mentor, in her infinite wisdom, thought that I should do my first aid talk. I had to put my first aid kit back together - but we didn't have the right stuff so was a bit hectic. I did use my pictures of my original box though. And then had to discuss my leaflet and talk to my mentor and the head receptionist as though they were clients. It was AWFUL!!! I wouldn't have passed me. The worst talk I have ever done. I stumbled over everything and it sounded like I didn't have a clue. She didn't say I failed though!! To be fair I think she'll pass me just so it's done!!
Then we went thru my first aid case study - very good what I've done so far :eek:
Scanned in some stuff I need to attach to work waiting to be sent. And came up with a bit of a plan!

F*cking knackered!!

Had to go the pet shop on the way home - scenic route home! Some bits for the bunnies :)

Come home, made my lunch, and heading out to Caz's now to walk the hounds!! Taking Dave and she'll have Lulu and puppy Mort. Will try and get some pics :) And will also MapMyWalk it :D

Right, see you later kids.xx
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Sounds like a super exhausting day! How were your symptoms/did you feel OK or was it a struggle pain wise?
The cat thing reminded me of Chewie when the vet tried to give him a pill- took two of them to hold him down and use tweezers to shove it in his throat (3 attempts!) and OMG I've NEVER heard a cat make that noise (and I've heard plenty of cat fights!) he clawed the sh*t out of us- towel is a great idea! So glad she did it for us as when he was a baby and I had to give him worming paste with a syringe I had some awful scratches- he was a third of the size then!

Yay for getting another walk in :D you go, girl! x
Oh dear - just the sort of day you didn't need. Hope you're as OK as you can be and have had a good evening.

it sounds like good work on the case study and at least the talk's over and done with. I dare say they make allowances for being inexperienced at public speaking.

Thanks for giving to Hearing Dogs. Do you have a branch of any of the assistant dogs - whether guide, hearing or other near you? Hearing Dogs are always looking for helpers, including people to look after a dog at night and weekends and take them in to 'school' for training and I'm sure the others do too so that might be a way in for you once you've finished your current course?
With tweezers?!!! *****! You don't put tweezers in an animals mouth :eek: Dear Lord!
Btw you can buy pill givers - they're dead handy if you can't do it by yourself :)

Yeah towels and blankets are excellent for restraining cats. Have a google on how to wrap them up :) Good for rabbits too coz rabbits have an awful habit of kicking out when stressed and they can really damage themselves - even break their backs!

I'm ok-ish. Had to sit down while I did my talk and I did do a couple of runs to the loo to have a sit down. Don't feel as bad today, and definitely less light headed/dizzy. Pain is pretty bad though, esp now I'm home. My back, hips, legs, and knees are killing me! I didn't even over do it :confused:

Can't believe how stupid work can be at times though and so inconsiderate too!!

I've done many talks over the years and to bigger groups than 2 lol! This was, I will happily admit, just plain terrible! But hopefully it's just done now.

We definitely have a Guide Dog's kennels near us, not far from where I work. I couldn't take a dog though as one of mine is fear aggressive and can't deal with other dogs. it took 3 goes before we found a dog that would fit with her (Dave) which was heartbreaking! So can't do that. And no way I can volunteer my time with work, being a carer, and being ill. I'd have to be offered a job. Something to think about in the future when I can study more behaviour :)

I give to many, many charities at Crufts lol! But always hearing dogs and dogs for the disabled :) A lot of charities pulled out of Crufts though after that programme about dog breeding - possibly Horizon? Which was bloody stupid! My own charity included :rolleyes: Anyway, that's a rant for another day ;)

Right, walkies!!
With Dave, Caz, and her hounds we strolled (and I mean strolled!) for an hour and covered a measly 2.3 miles cheekychinchilla's Profile

And just to show how slow I walk with Caz I took Ellie for a walk when I got home and we covered 0.5miles in 10mins ;) cheekychinchilla's Profile
Ellie had been taken out by my Sister to try and stop her being annoying - absolute miracle that someone else walked her!! But she was very confused when I got back so took her for a very quick walk.

I took these pics on the big walk :)

Dave and Lulu in the distance - you can kinda see the river. And just before the river is the runway for John Lennon airport! A plane took off right after I took that lol.

Little Mort trying to get to the other 2

And Mort on her bed watching Caz for treats ;)

Fast day is a success so far and I'm going to make my tea now. Had to upload a load of coursework stuff to the college. had to be done TODAY according to my mentor :rolleyes: And gave Rachelle a lift to meet her friends.
I was even sensible and took a bottle of water with me on the walk! But super thirsty today. But not been overly hungry, which is good. Exercise destroys my appetite for some reason.
Oh and I managed to jump on the scales once in work and down to 76.9kgs, so lost 2 of the 3 kgs I put on last week :) Brill!!xx
Friday food: 500cal fast day. And a rather good one it was indeed!

Lunch at around 2:15:
Harvest Morn porridge sachet (101)
140ml Koko milk (38)
1tsp of maple syrup (10)
10 blueberries (8)

Tea: 2 Quorn fillets (90)
The whole tub of Tesco mixed peppers stirfry (only 78!)
2tsp of soy sauce (8)
Half tsp of Sriracha (3)
30g chestnut mushrooms (5)
4 Frylight squirts (4)
= 188

30g Puffed Wheat (114)
2tsp of maple syrup (20)
50ml Koko milk (14)
= 148

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke (2). Water. Peppermint tea.

Calories used: 495
Calories left: 5

Exercise: Bloody stressful 4hrs at work.
1hr10mins/almost 3 miles of dog walking.
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Have just checked and work have underpaid me AGAIN!! WTF?! The weekend I did at the start of the month is missing. That one was before the pay roll deadline by over a week :confused: The one I just did was too late for this month, but the first should definitely be on there. Will have to phone payroll on Monday. Absolute joy! Another month waiting for my actual money :mad: Really could have done with it this month with going to Crufts. I spend a LOT of money ;) :whistle: But the petrol, parking, hotel, and entrance to Crufts alone is going to cost us over £70 each! Never mind food and all the silly things we buy, I mean NEED, from Crufts. And our day out on the Friday. Stupid bloody work!
They'll get it right eventually!
Looking forward to the months when I have a weekend AND a bank holiday in my pay. I have 3 bank holidays this year. Get in ;)
But still grrrr....

Off to bed now. Hot Fuzz is about to finish (you've got a moustache) and I am properly worn out!
Night lovely ladies.xx
Busy day! And I had to get up "early" on my day off *shakes angry fist*
But it was to finally go view my Sister's (hopefully) new house! I think they're waiting to complete now, but there's been a few hold-ups and mix-up's from the estate agents. It's lovely! Much, much bigger than I thought it would be, well laid out, big garden, and the guy who's selling it (it was his parents house) has left them loads and loads of useful stuff - tools, ladders, a fridge/freezer, garden shed, bench, garden tools, wardrobes, etc.... He's just said they can have them and what ever they don't want give to charity or get rid of. It does need updating coz it was an old couples house, but it's lovely!! Very excited :) And it looks over our local park and has a mahoosive driveway - perfect as they have John's work van and a pretty big car. The garage is going to be used as a manly work room ;) It's already set up for that with it's own sink, toilet, work bench, etc... Brill!!

Since then I've pretty much been doing coursework. I sorted out the bunnies in between and gave both pairs over an hour in the garden run each. But yeah, mostly doing coursework since about 1pm! I think I've finished the simulated first aid case and all the bumpf that needed to go before it and set up the assignment. I got lots of ticks and "very good"s on that bit ;) Also updated my CV and wrote a cover letter for a job - my boss had to pick one out that would be suitable from a vet magazine. It's in Oxford! Think she's trying to tell me something?! :eek: :confused: LOL!

So now I'll just have to quickly study for an exam I have to take on Monday. But should be ok as it's something I'm very comfortable with! Bones and organs :)

We're having a Mexican Extravaganza for tea apparently. My Sister's making it!! It'll mostly be free or superfree food really, but we do have tortilla's and nacho's and some dips and cheeeeeese! I'm having a fruity cider with mine too.
For lunch I used 6 syns of todays allowance but I also have over 25 syns saved, so not bothered about today. And I have said, since starting fast days, that I would have one or two meals off plan a week. Tomorrow's tea will be kinda off plan, but not over the top too :)

Hope everyone has had nice weekends so far.xx