Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Saturday food - coulnd't fit in another HexB so counting one of my cheese portions as one.

Spicy bean burger (3)
Roasted onion, sweet peppers, and cherry tomatoes
Butterhead salad, spinach, and pea shoots
Mayo, bbq sauce, and mustard (1)
Wholemeal bread (HexB1)
Cheese (HexB2)

Quorn meatballs - a lot of them ;)
Tomato sauce made with onions, peppers, carrots, and those really nice tinned cherry tomatoes.
Wholemeal spaghetti
Cheese (HexA2)
Sweetfire beetroot

Evening snack:
Kiwi, red grapes, blueberries, and cherries
Berry Delight Nakd bar (7)

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Syns used: 11
Syns saved: 23.5
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Urgh! Just done way too much stuff. But it really needed doing :(
Went out to the bunnies and did full cleans and food.
Cleaned out the run Saddam was living in, collapsed it down, and washed the bottom tray
Brushed the garage floor and cleaned up a bit.
De-poo'd about half the garden. No one ever, ever seems to think "Oh the garden's bad, maybe Kelly can't do it atm" I just get comments about it being smelly or it looking a bit bad. So had to try and catch-up with that.
Washed some of the dogs blankets and put them out on the line to dry.
Emptied and cleaned the kitchen bin as it was gross - again, something no one else does.
Cleaned the kitchen surfaces and did the dishes.
Hoovered the kitchen and living room - not been done since I last did it, over a WEEK ago!
And now I want to curl up and do nothing, but need to go get a shower and get ready because me and Michelle have made plans. I haven't seen her in about 2 weeks!! And I don't want to let her down, so really need to pull it together and get sorted.

Just frustrating sometimes!! But at least lots of things are done and the garage looks lovely and all the animals are happy :)

Right, Lush shower time as I am proper scabby ;) xx
We didn't make it to the cinema, we just stayed in catching up and having a nice tea. I managed to avoid all naughty food, including chocolate and stuck to plan :)
It was so tempting to think "F*ck it!" And get pizza's or a big bar of chocolate. Michelle had had an awful day at work and hadn't eaten anything since the night before until we made tea at about 7pm!! But I really wanted to stay on plan and be healthy!
This week I must have eaten more than my required amount of fruit, veg, and fibre lol! More fibre than the human body should have :p

Tomorrow may be a "use up left over syns" \sort of off plan day. But will see what happens as I'm not sure whether we are actually going out.
Mum got back from her trip today and asked me to meet her off the bus - she could get one that stops over the road from the house Michelle is dog sitting at. We waited and I got a call to say she'd got off at the wrong stop, so are walked up. Half way there I noticed an odd shape and realised it was Mum. Bent double, slumped against a wall, almost unconscious, bags fallen on the floor..... We ran to her and managed to bring her round and half carry/drag her back to the house. She's ok now, just very tired.
Can't believe she put her friend in a taxi then waited in town by herself for a bus when she felt like that! Really wish she'd stop doing stuff like this and just ask for help or get a taxi or something!!! What if I'd have been in the cinema? Rachelle & John were at a birthday party and both drinking. What would she have done then?! Dread to think what would have happened if she'd tried to get home by herself. She told me she blacked out on the bus too! Grrr! Anyway, all is OK now I suppose.
Off to bed.xx
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We've not gone out to do the stuff we wanted to today. Mum really wasn't well so I called it off. So no veggie breakfast out with pancakes *sulks* Instead I made us breakfast at home and had some Ikea potato rosti's with them. I'm going to guess they're about 3 syns each. We might go the cinema later, but will just see how Mum is. I'm attempting to do some revision for exams.

Sunday food:

2 free Linda m Sausages
2 'fried' eggs
2 Ikea rosti's (6)
Spaghetti hoops
Tomato sauce (1)

Quorn steak topped with cheese and spinach
Handful of frozen chips (not low fat, so just a few)
2 breaded onion rings
Wholemeal bread
Mayo & sauce.

Snacks: Quite a bit of pic & mix at the cinema

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero.

Syns used: ALL OF THEM!!!!!!
Syns left this week: Lol...
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So sorry to hear your mum was so poorly, she sounds like a very stubborn, independent woman, it's probably what keeps her going but everyone needs help sometimes. I hope she's starting to feel a little better.
You sound like you were very busy yesterday, hope you're not too bad today. x x x
She is very stubborn. As was my Dad. And so are me and Rachelle LOL! Stubborn moose me ;) But I'm not entirely sure I would let myself go so far as to collapse in the street.... Even so, me and Rachelle have told her off and Rachelle called her a boob. So that will do for now.
Would just be nice if I didn't have to worry or be on stand-by every time she bloody well goes out. Feel like I never, ever get a break!

I'm a bit crap today. Probably my most fatigue'y day I've had in a while. My head and eyes feel very very tired, which sounds odd, I know. We did end up going to the cinema to see Transformers - which appears to have been sponsored by Lamborghini & Chevrolet .... It was alright. Way too long and rather sentimental. And a bit "busy". Had to close my eyes a few times for fear of passing out! Mark Whalberg was brill though. And I wish there'd been more of the dinobots - TWO hours I waited for the bloody robot dinosaurs. It was alright.
I treated myself to pic and mix seen as I had so many syns left - probably too much tho but meh ;) Having Quorn steak butty with cheese, a handful of chips, 2 onion rings, and a bit of salad. CBA making something healthy :p
Monday food.

Lunch: Scandi style sandwiches
2 free Quorn sausages
Egg mayo (0.5)
Red and yellow peppers
Sweetfire beetroot
Super low cal dressing - it's 4cal per tbsp! And I never use that much.
Wholemeal bread (HexB1)

Break at work:
Graze tub. Pinacolada - coconut, mango, pineapple (5)

6 Quorn nuggets (3)
Low fat Supernoodles
Veg bag - carrots, sweetcorn, and broccoli
More carrots & sweetcorn
Cheese (half HexA1)
Half tbsp bbq sauce (0.5)

Snack: 2 Benefit Light bars (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Coke Zero.

Syns used: 9 (only half a HexA used tho. Oops!)
Syns saved: 6
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I hope both your mum and you are feeling better today. It must be a worry, wondering if your mum is going to be ok when she goes out :(
The quorn steak sandwich sounds yummy and your scandi style sandwich looks delicious :D
Hope you've had a better day today x x x
I hope both your mum and you are feeling better today. It must be a worry, wondering if your mum is going to be ok when she goes out :(
The quorn steak sandwich sounds yummy and your scandi style sandwich looks delicious :D
Hope you've had a better day today x x x

It's just exhausting. I realised as well that Saturday was supposed to be our friend get together for pizza and cocktails., but it got cancelled. So I shouldn't have had the car and I should have been drinking. So dread to think what could have happened :( I wouldn't have even been checking my phone!

I do love my scandi sandwiches :D

I'm on lates all this week so will be a proper hermit. All's I'll be doing is going to work and maybe stopping in at the shops on the way home. I don't finish till 8pm so no chance of doing anything with anyone. Usually I don't mind, but it's p*ssing me off this week.
Work got a bit crazy today. This evening we had new computers and stuff installed. They had to do each computer at a time and turn off label and regular printers. Bit of a nightmare when you're supposed to be printing out drug labels! The vets were so annoyed!! What can you do though, we needed the new puters for when we get our new system! I like the new computers so far :)
I managed to get time with the laptop so did my multiple choice exam re-sit - distinction! And took the petty cash short answer one, which will hopefully get marked asap. Also got notification of another assignment being marked and getting a distinction :)

Only one exam left!!! Going to give myself a few days to prep for it. I've not even looked at it yet. Eeeek!!

Went a bit overboard on veg for my tea. Covered over half the plate LOL!

Oh I got weighed in work and was 77.15kg. So 0.15 heavier than I was last time I got weighed. Wtf?! I'm going to try and stay off the scales until Fri and then re-weigh. A bit annoyed!xx
Well done on your exam and another distinction :D
When they "update", "upgrade" or "improve" the computers at work the whole system goes :( It's got to be the worst system going :(
I don't mind being a hermit by the time I've been to work sorted everything in the house, sorted Ian and Sam out I've no time for anything else but it must be hard for someone who goes out quite a bit.
That's really annoying about the gain :( It's not like you're chomping everything in sight, hopefully it's a glitch and it will be back off at weekend x x x
More distinctions? Go Kelly! well done.

I hate having upgrades etc as the IT staff always seems to leave something undone and it takes ages to sort, or some vital piece of equipment won't 'talk' to the new system and so you're left flapping about and so looking incompetent to the customer. And as part of my job is assisting people in using computers that is not a good image!

When you weigh at work, do you weigh under the same conditions/at the same time etc? I wonder if sometimes you weigh on an early shift when you haven't eaten (much) but if you weigh on a late shift then you've had a substantial meal and/or liquid intake. Judging by what you've had, a gain shouldn't have been on the cards. Blimmin' bodies!
Thanks for the well done's! I'm really hoping I've passed the petty cash one. Just revising for the last one. Completely stuck on one question seen as it's not in the course notes (surprise!) and I can't find the relevant info. So annoying!! Have asked for help now ;)

Our system hasn't been updated in years. We're using a very outdated version of PremVet for our vet stuff. God knows what version of windows we have for the regular things lol! Just difficult to deal with vets getting annoyed with the drug label printer being offline at the end of surgery. Caused some serious backlog as they had to hand write the labels!! But new 'puters seem ok :) Not sure when we get the new vet system tho.

I wouldn't say I go out a lot! but what I don't like is having no choice about it. I need to see my friends and do stuff other than housework and work-work for days on end. I just resent the not having a choice is all.

I do weigh in at different times of the day depending on what shift I am. Just assumed I'd have even a bit of a loss considering it's been just over a week since I last jumped on the scales. I always have my scrubs on, my walking boots, and generally the same things in my pockets. So just the time that changes. I'll WI again on Friday and then try and resist getting on them until next weekend :)
I know I've had two evenings off-plan this week. Just hoped they wouldn't make too much difference. But then we all know how annoying my body is when it comes to weightloss!xx
Tuesday food.

2 free Quorn sausages
Spaghetti hoops
Cheesy scrambled eggs with onion, mushrooms, and red peppers (half HexA1)
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Bbq sauce (1)

Break at work:
Nakd lime infused raisins (3.5) an apple and some cherries

Quorn steak
BBQ bean and oven roasted veg casserole - Onion, courgettes, peppers, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and bbq beans with some spinach thrown in at the end.
Cheese (HexA2)
Salad and beetroot

Nakd Cocoa crunch (5)
Chew Delight (HexB2)
Bit of mango while I was cutting it up. I thought pineapples were tricky!!! :rolleyes:

Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 9.5
Syns saved: 11.5
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So very very full from tea. Was gorgeous though :D And syn free and packed with superfree veg!
Work was very quiet until I got the phone then it got busy. VCA curse that ;) But everyone was nice and I didn't have to deal with any asshats or anything. Nice people I was working with too, so :) Only 3 more late shifts to go....

My exam's not been marked yet and I'm getting very impatient ;) No more assignments or practicals marked yet either. COME ON!!!!!! xx
Hehe cross post. I've just been on your diary ;)

It is nice not being shouted at for once lol! I even had nice people on the phone, as well as in person. It could have gone horribly wrong as we had a locum vet on who had only been in the building once before. But he was much better this time and much more efficient. Not doing 40min skin health consults during f*cking emergency time!!! LOL..... So yeah, much better today.
Nothing died or anything LOL! I did almost get bitten by this tiny Yorkshire terrier. Took 3 of us to handle it for an injection. THREE people for a 3kg Yorkie LOL!! Little monster. And small, angry, yappy types are my specialty. So it did very well.... hahahahaha

I even had a lady on the phone tell me that our hospital is much nicer and has better staff than the other one in Liverpool. Now, we know this ;) but it is lovely to hear from one of their clients LOL! Mwahahahaha....
You did have a good day :D
My gran used to breed chihuahuas and they were horrible, snappy little things. Put me off small dogs for life :(
It's nice to know people appreciate what you do and give you compliments x x x