Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Hey lovely ladies!!

I think I'm probably always going to suffer for having good and busy days. And then bad days just because lol. My legs are a bit better today, but my sides and ribs are still really sore. Feels like someone keeps kicking me and then bear-hugging me. Odd!

Barbette I watched You're Next. It wasn't bad. A bit too much screaming and women being dramatic, but actually not bad for that sort of film. Not your general "someone in the house" slasher either, actually had a bit of a story. A bit....
I watched Frozen right after :D

I really hope some of the new clothes fit. There's a couple of tops I desperately want from the ones I've ordered. Not even been dispatched yet!! But quite exciting to be buying clothes that aren't related to keeping me dry or warm or alive lol.

tetris I've not done a fast day in ages. I think I stopped around the time you went away!! I sort of fell out of the habit and I'm currently trialing the opposite of fasting and trying to use more daily syns. In the first week I lost 3lb and then over the next 2 weeks it creeped back on. And now I'm back to where I was AGAIN! I hopped on the scales quickly today and I'm back to just over 77kg again. I know I had pretty much a weekend off, but before that I've had like 3 solid weeks on plan. So frustrating!
No matter what I do - fast, low syns, use syns, save silly amounts, or if I'm off plan altogether I end up back at 77kg :confused:

Moose Coffee is incredible. Maybe when we all have that mini-meet we should ditch SW and go to Moose instead ;) Mwhahahaha!!

Work was very busy this morning! Got to have a small chat with my boss as I had to hold a dog for her. She's really pleased about me having (hopefully!) finished the course. Just waiting for marks!! I got a pass for 2 practicals and a merit for this one that my mentor had to fill in. It's basically about working effectively, if I'm good at my job, do I get on with people, am I presentable, etc.... I read through everything my mentor and my tutor wrote and it's mostly really positive. I do have an issue with getting a merit though as it seems the only "bad" things that were mentioned were related to my illness and how that effects my productivity and speed. Hmmmmm, seems a little discriminatory to me. They didn't say I don't complete tasks well or I'm rubbish at certain things, just that my illnesses slow me down sometimes. Hmmmmmm!!!!!! I cba arguing with it, but I do feel like holding up my disability card a bit.....

Anyway, have been to the chemist, came home and got my lunch, and then walked the dogs!! Roughly 30mins with Dave and 10mins with Ellie - about 2 miles! My app is being a t*t so I can't upload the map or anything. But it was good!! Just a nice stroll, nothing strenuous, and made sure Ellie only had 10mins as her legs are quite bad. We both need to get used to walking again lol.
Have also washed the dishes and then did a very quick hoover of the living room. And I'm DONE.

Took this pic of Dave and posted on FB and Twitter about it being my first afternoon free from coursework after work. Huzzah!!


Food now....x
Monday food.

Morning break at work:
Pineapple and raspberries

2 free Linda M sausages
Beans with plum cherry tomatoes and spinach
Cheesy scrambled eggs with mushrooms and sweet peppers (half HexA1)
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Quorn mince ratatouille with some sweetcorn and spinach added in
Cheese (HexA2)
Salad, cucumber, and beetroot

1 benefit Light and 1 Alpen Light (HexB2)
Funsize Dreamy (3.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Ginger ale.

Syns used: 4.5
Syns saved: 10.5

40mins/2miles dog walks
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Tuesday food. I win at lunch!!!

Morning break at work:
Pineapple and raspberries

2 free Quorn burgers topped with jalapenos, cheese, and spinach (HexA1)
Fried spicy onions, mushrooms, and sweet peppers
Homemade potato salad (0.5 for extra light mayo)
Wholemeal bread (HexB1)
Tomato sauce and mustard (1)

At the cinema:
Cherries, strawberries, and raspberries
Activia snack pot
Berry Cheeky Nakd (5)

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy beans (half HexA2)
Fried plum cherry tomatoes
Wilted spinach
A fried egg
Wholemeal toast (HexB2)
Tomato sauce (1)


Drinks: Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash.

Syns used: 7
Syns saved: 18.5
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Hey Patty!!
Oh I love jalapenos and spicy stuff! Prefer spicy stuff that's more Mexican/Spanish, but find some Indian stuff intolerable. Bit of spice and heat rather than being on fire!! Mum can't have any sort of spice or heat as it makes her throat close over because her nerves are all ********ed!! Which I forget sometimes....

Went to the cinema for a double bill today. Me and Mum saw How to Train Your Dragon 2 first. What a beautiful film! The animation is beautiful and it's just such a good film. And I love Toothless' laugh. Lovely film!
Then we met up with Rachelle and John for the Secret Screening, which turned out to be Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. All's I will say, until it's on general release, is I'm not sure when I will actually un-tense and it is incredible!! GO SEE IT!
Actually, go see them both :D
Must be so chuffed that you don't have cw to do!! :D

Man- that sucks that you always spring back up to 77kg... But maybe it's a good weight for you? How do you feel at 77kg? You look great in your pics :) size 12!

I'm the same as you with spicy- I luuurve jalapeños and Mexican spicy but don't find Indian/East asia spice quite as fun... Though in Thailand what really got to me was the goddamn lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves put in everything- ick!! But you've reminded me to put jalapeños and quark back on the shopping list as I love my spicy dishes with fake sour cream :D

I really want to see How To Train Your Dragon 2- I friggin' loved the first one! The second one was out while we were in Thailand 2 months ago so thought it would be gone by the time we got home- weird that things are released earlier out there!
Planet of the Apes always freaks me out a bit, the Tim Burton remake freaked me out as a kid when I saw it in the cinema :/ I don't like the cgi chimps either, really bugs me that they can't just make cool robots... I was watching Buffy last night and thinking- wish they made things like they did back then! Monsters were all physical costumes rather than cgi and it's way more believable!

It's annoying when your weight doesn't do what you want :(
Really want to go and see the new planet of the apes we went to see the last one.
Hope you're enjoying your coursework free time and you have a good day x x x
I honestly hate being at this weight. I feel so uncomfortable, my clothes don't fit properly, and I just feel horrible. I was much happier when I was almost at 11st. I'm probably more of a 14 now - all the clothes I ordered from Debenhams are a 14. My size 12 skinny jeans don't stand a chance at the moment, so living in my boyfriend style ones. I really, really hate being a stone over what I was last year and it's bugging me SO much!! I look "ok" I think, but it's more about how I feel and the best description is "uncomfortable".
On saying that I've had a big treat meal today - as I think Tetris spotted on FB lol. But I saved up syns for the last 2 days because I thought we might go out and tonight there's a bunch of us going to martin's for tea (he's an ex SW'er!) and he's making either Quorn bolognese or chilli, so likely to be very low syn or free.

I know I'm not sticking to plan 100% but I hate that my body is refusing to shed weight no matter what I do. I know why - the biological and "chemical" reasons because of my illness make sense and I understand it. But it's beyond frustrating!!
After today my plan is to be totally 100% on plan, try and exercise a little bit - only dog walking like, nothing crazy - and see what I can do before my friends wedding. I have a little over two weeks before we have a friend get together for Caz's birthday for pizza and cocktails, which I've been trying to arrange for 3 months so I am God damn going! ;) But before that I have nothing planned and I would really like to be 100% up until that evening and then straight on plan after. It's 1 month today my friend's wedding. I would LOVE to drop half a stone by then, but it seems very unlikely. A few lb's would help me feel better tho. Will just have to see I guess and try and try!

I loved the new apes film. I think the cgi is very clever and incredibly lifelike. I saw a little bit about how they shoot the apes and it's very, very clever. I think you can see Andy Serkis a little more in Caesar this time. He is an incredible actor! I love them, but they make me very very tense. They're SUCH powerful films.

Dragons is amazing! Try and see it before Cineworld get rid of it. Think it's been on general release about a week and a half now.

I do like how Buffy was done with proper suits and makeup :D

So today's lunch was peanut butter, chocolate, maple syrup pancakes topped with granola and orange pieces. OMG!!!!!!!!!! I actually couldn't finish it because I started to feel a bit sickly - probably only left half a pancake tho ;) Mum helped me out! It was absolutely gorgeous!
Mum tried one of their sandwiches, which looked amazing even to a veggie ;) The food at Moose Coffee is amazing, honestly love that place and it is so worth the money. So that's my naughties out of the way now. A proper, all out treat, and now I can concentrate on trying to shift some weight :)

Oh my Debenhams order arrived just before we left this morning, so I quickly tried it on so I could sort out any returns. I kept 4 things, I think....Will have a look lol. I also got two shirts in GAP on sale and another total bra bargain in Debs :D Bought some toner from Lush too. Must stop spending now ;)

Right, had better go get ready for being sociable and trying to hold a conversation when I'm f*cking knackered. See y'all
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Those pancakes sound divine :drool:
Are we going to get a fashion show? ha ha ha ha. It's nice you're treating yourself you deserve it :)
Hope you had a good night last night and having a good day today x x
Hey guys!
I'm sure I would bore you all to death with a fashion show lol. I have two options for my wedding outfit, but it all depends on whether I can lose a bit of weight or not. I have what I want to wear, but also a safer back-up in the likely event my body doesn't play along.

The pancakes were amazing! I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think it would be a safer option as 2 pancakes, rather than 3 :eek: Lol. They will be saved for a very special treat in the future. Besides, there's still so much to try ;)

Last night was great! Lots of laughs and nice food. Martin made a chilli can carne/bolognese that we had with tagliatelle. And we had strawberries, pineapple, and ice cream for afters, which was nice :) Was a good night!
He also replaced the port on my Nexus, as it was wonky, and gave me my very belated birthday present of a memory card and a memory stick, which will fit in my Nexus and the magical car computer :D

Back on plan today. Have sorted the bunnies and Peggy and Simon are out in the run for a bit. Nipping to Aldi and the chemist in a bit. Then off for a big walk with Tim and Caz. Taking Dave and obv their two dogs. Will try and get some pics. We're doing the coastal walk, finally! So should be a bit cooler down there. We wont be going till about 7, so should be nice and quiet and much cooler :)

Will do food later.
Cheerio for now people.xx
Thursday food

2 free Quorn sausages
Cheesy scrambled eggs with onion, mushrooms, and orange peppers (half HexA1)
Beans with cherry tomatoes spinach
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Tomato sauce (1)

Spicy bean burger (3)
Roasted red onion, sweet peppers, and courgette
Spicy gerkins
Potato salad (0.5 for extra light mayo)
1 slice of wholemeal bread (half HexB2)
Baby leaf and pea shoot salad
Tiny bit of bbq sauce and mustard (0.5)

Shape 0%
1 Alpen Light (rest of HexB2)
Nakd Banana Bread (4.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke. Squash.

Syns used: 9.5
Syns saved: 5.5

Exercise: Around 1hr 45mins dog walking.
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Had a lovely walk with Tim and Caz and their hounds. We did a coastal walk along the Mersey, near the airport. Absolutely gorgeous!!

My walking app isn't working properly at the moment, which is annoying! I can't remember what it said, but something like an hour and a half and maybe close to 3 miles. And I also walked Ellie for 15mins when I got home.
So we're all knackered now :)

Some pics from the walk:

Mort leading the way. Tim's idea to go off-road and then whinged every time his legs got spiked :p

All together being well behaved!

And a plane coming in to land over the river
Sounds like a lovely night! And holy crap- those pancakes sound divine :O the other day I really fancied something like that and ended up slicing a banana and smearing PB and honey on it- was amazing actually! Think I used about 2 tbsp of PB so like 9 syns or something, but it TOTALLY killed that craving and then I didn't eat lunch because I just didn't need it, so in all splurging a bit on something so small paid off I think! Def going to do that again soon ;) was craving a PB sarnie but that really worked!

Really sucks that your illness is preventing your losses :( and that you're so uncomfortable this weight- I didn't realise!!
Since you've got such a motivation ahead to drop a bit, maybe you should try some fast days again? They seemed to be really working for you before and you seemed to enjoy them too- might help you drop that half a stone in time to feel slinky at the wedding? :) I'll pain some out with you if you want, we can moan at each other ;) not that you ever do since you seemed to find them so ridiculously easy ;) lol!

Your friend fixed your Nexus port- :O cool! I have a iPad keyboard that has the same sort of port for charging and it's come loose, was totally ready to scrap it as I assumed it was doomed but I'm going to look into getting it fixed now!
Hey Tetris!

I don't have peanut butter in the house, except as Christmas, as it's far too much of a temptation. Same with chocolate spread!! I just can't have it or I'd be eating it all the time and stuff *blush*

Yeah I really hate being at this weight. Amazing what a difference a stone can make. At least I know I've lost some weight since Christmas, but I am pretty much stuck at where I stopped tracking the gains last year. I just feel horrible and none of my nice clothes fit now, because they were all bought when I was closer to 11 stone, so literally living in baggy jeans and oversized tee's and shirts. I've worn my waist nipper a couple of times but it's torturous in the heat :(
Tbh I stopped the fast days because I was getting a bit over the top with watching calories and stuff. Plus the losses stopped after a couple of weeks anyway. I even put weight on a couple of weeks doing 2 fast days and being 100% SW the other 5 days. Maybe I will go back to them, but it doesn't really seem to matter what I do.

I've had weeks where I've been 100% on plan, managed to lose in the first week and then it just goes back on. I've had all out off plan weeks and put a little bit of weight on and then managed to lose it back to 77kg. I did get to 76.5 kg the other week, followed it with a 100& week and ended up back at 77.....
It's because I'm overproducing adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress hormones. Because my body is in a permanent state of exhaustion, whenever I have to do something the only thing it can offer me are the "fight or flight" hormones and they mess with everything. When you're super stressed and stuck in fight or flight your body won't let go of any fat/calories as it thinks it will need it to survive whatever it is that's kicked it off. But for me that can be getting dressed, getting a shower, sorting the bunnies, work, etc... Every day tasks are too much for my body to normally cope with now, so it pumps out cortisol and adrenaline to help get me through it. But, obviously, it's an endless cycle for me. It's also why people with ME can be so desperately tired and exhausted, yet suffer from insomnia because you don't shut off.
And mental illness carries similar things too, so I have depression and anxiety adding to the mix too. It's an absolute nightmare :( I would be so, so happy if I could lose this stone. Because clearly I can maintain, but I don't want to only be able to maintain at this weight.


Yeah Martin replaced the port that was broken. Dunno how much it cost though, was a present. But yeah, it can be done :) xx
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Friday food - EE day

Tuna, red onion, sweetcorn, sweet peppers, chopped chilli gherkins, and extra light mayo (1)
Wholemeal moose pasta
Cheese (half HexA1)
Side salad of cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and beetroot

Quorn steak
Herby sweet potato chunks
Refried beans
Cheese (rest of HexA1)
Roasted onion, courgette, and peppers
Baby leaf and pea shoots salad
Extra light mayo (0.5)

Cafe Mocha Nakd bar (6.5)
Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 8
Syns saved: 12.5
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Been a bit busy this afternoon. Always the way when I have an enforced day home lol.
De-cluttered and tidied the living room and kitchen.
Cleaned the kitchen tops and hob
Hoovered the living room, kitchen, and hall
Did a quick clean and feed for the bunnies, making sure they have enough stuff for tomorrow!
Did my washing and put it out.
Put my dry washing away and found space in my wardrobe for my new stuff
FINALLY went thru my paperwork and stuff and put it in my lovely new purple file box :)
Tidied my room a bit.
Emptied my bin and recycling bin
Had a really nice, cool shower
And just fed the doggies

Not sure what I want for tea tonight. Hmmmm..... But that's it for me doing stuff today. Enjoying an empty house for a few hours as Mum is out with work mates.x
Saturday food. Working 9:30 - 8. Mega lamez! As always, the food should stay the same, but may be eaten at other times lol

Breakfast/first break:
2 Benefit/Alpen Lights (HexB1)
Fruit tub - red grapes, raspberries, blueberries, and cherries

Lunch: Like a pasta bake
Quorn mince with mushrooms
Roasted veg - onions, courgette, and peppers
Veggie ravioli (2)
Cheese (half HexA1)
Baby leaf salad & pea shoots

Evening break: A bag of mini Cadbury's fingers (5)

Sainsbury's kiev (7)
Low fat Supernoodles
Veg bag - broccoli, carrots, and sweetcorn
Cheese (rest of HexA1)
Extra light mayo (0.5)

Snack: Chewy Delight (HexB2)

Drinks: Coffee. Lots and lots of squash. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 14.5
Syns saved: 13
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Sunday food - another 9-8 at work.

Breakfast/first break:
1 Benefit Light (half HexB1)
Fruit tub - red grapes, raspberries, blueberries, and cherries
Aldi fat free yogurt

2 veggie burgers (2)
Sweet jacket spud
Bbq beany veg casserole
Cheese (half HexA1)
Rest of the fruit

An apricot

2 Southern Fried Quorn burgers (5) topped with spicy gherkins and spinach
Roasted sweet peppers
Cheese (HexA2)
Low fat Supernoodles
Wholemeal bread (HexB2)
Extra light mayo, tomato sauce, and mustard (1)

End of week treat: Twix (12.5)

Drinks: Coffee. Squash. Diet Coke. Little bottle of wine (5?)

Syns used: 25.5
Syns left this week: 2.5 :)
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