Well those quick, short dog walks didn't happen!! Definitely got carried away with Davey - we ended up in a park we've not been to for ages. And I added a bit on to Ellie's too. Have done quite a few hills this week. They KILL my hips, but I figure it's a good way to build stamina and fitness. I'm not doing loads, definitely building them up slowly.
It was still raining when I went out so wore my hoody. What a mistake!! I am now probably the sweatiest thing that has ever existed LOL!
I'm really, really trying to build up my fitness. My own, tailor-made version of 'pacing'. Would rather do it my own way and doing something that is relevant to me
Seems to be working. Or at least I hope it is and that it's not just that I'm generally having a good week.
Most of the time the pain is almost bearable, although I am consistently taking 2 amitryptiline rather than 1. I'm not taking much other pain relief, but I never do, it has to be really bad for me to take even more pills.
The fatigue is doing me in this week with all the early mornings at work and lack of sleep. Really can't explain how bad my ears and throat are - always worse the more fatigued I am *shrug*
Anyway, enough of that!!
I'm glad I've made the decision to shake up my food a bit. I really was just eating basically the same thing everyday and surely your body gets used to that? Like it would if you just did the exact same exercise? I'm really pleased I'm looking at food a bit differently and actually making a bit more effort and thinking about it more.
Be careful on your bike!! But totally understand where you're coming from. You're not really getting any help or much advice and you have to look after yourself. Besides, we're not daft and I think we do know how to look after ourselves and when to stop and when to push it
Patty the issues I have with my eyes don't seem to fit a pattern at all. Sometimes it's when my head symptoms are particularly bad and sometimes my eyes are the worst symptoms. I've found absolutely no pattern whatsoever - which is frustrating. I can't even say I'm spending less time looking at screens or reading, I'm just looking at screens and reading other things LOL!! I do know that low light, bright light, and florescent lights hugely effect it, even if they weren't bad before. But that's about it, it seems it comes and goes whenever it feels like. Like the rest of my symptoms I suppose.
I dunno, stupid illness
Finishing the course has definitely helped my mental state though. Absolutely!! Without any doubt. Just wish I could have my results! Paperwork is due to be sent out this afternoon by my boss, so maybe I'll get a result next week. We shall see!! xx