Cheekychinchilla's food and stuff

Monday food: LETS DO THIS!!!!! Hopefully an EE day :)

Jacket potato
BBQ beans with red onion, mushrooms, peppers, spinach, and cherry tomatoes
2 Linda M Sausages
Cheese (half HexA)
Salad and sweetfire beetroot
Fruity brown sauce and a bit of salad dressing (1)

2 Quorn fillets
Tomato Pasta N Sauce
Veg bag - broccoli, carrots, and sweetcorn. With some extra sweetcorn
Cheese (rest of HexA)
Extra light mayo & salad dressing (0.5)

Snack at the cinema: Chewy Delight (HexB)

Drinks: Coffee. Diet Coke.

Syns used: 1.5
Syns saved: 13.5

4hrs at work
Quick shop at Sainsbury's
40mins/1.7miles dog walking
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Oh dear, you must have been ill if you cancelled/rearranged things as I know you don't do that lightly. However did you get through work on so little sleep?!! No one stupid ranty man nearly drove you to tears. Really hope you get a better night tonight (and had a good outing this evening).

Your first documented day back on SW looks good; hopefully the gain (not that bad a one) will be gone before too long, although I know your body may have it's own plan about that! Still, the important thing is that you've climbed back on the wagon. Good luck.
Hey Patty!

I've really just been on autopilot today. But I did manage to restrain an aggressive cat with hyperthyroidism (makes them angry!) who was also a tortoiseshell (notoriously naughty!) who needed a blood sample from her neck for the head vet. No pressure like!! But we both escaped unharmed, we got the sample, and the cat is still alive ;)

That man at Sainsbury's is still baffling me. I just don't know what happened!! It makes no sense!!

I was positively saintly at the cinema with my cereal bar. And I actually feel too full, and tired, to eat anything so I'm going to carry over a lot of syns. Not bad for a first day back on plan tho - well under syns and an EE day! And it wasn't forced or planned.
I have to say tho, and this is totally tmi, your body really argues when you go back to eating healthily doesn't it? I absolutely bloody stink ;) It's horrific!! LOL

The gain's not bad at all is it? Even for me lol!! I expected at least a stone.
I did have a complete crisis of confidence on the last night of the holiday and everything felt far too tight and even with my waist nipper everything looked horrible. I got changed 4 times!!! I never do that. But I felt huge and thought I looked huge!! So, very glad to find out that it's 7lbs and not the 4 stone I imagined!

Right, off to bed and will be praying for sleep or I wont be able to function tomorrow.
Lovely to be back on Minimins.xx
Hmmm I couldn't resist getting on the scales this morning. Have lost a lb lol!! So that cheered me up ;)

I did manage to get a bit more sleep last night. Somewhere between 5 and 6hrs I think. Bizarre dreams tho!! One was to do with the car and it was like a game show to do with magic powers :/

I took Anya in with me today for her vaccinations and a health check. A very healthy bunny :D The vet made me laugh. We're always "arguing" over whether rabbits or guinea pigs are better and he said something like "You know I just think rabbit owners are just people who haven't discovered guinea pigs yet" LOL!!!

Me and Caz have decided we're far too knackered to meet up today so when I got home I sorted out the bunnies, de-poo'd the garden, and made a nice dinner. And now I'm in my pj's and going to watch some more American Horror Story :D

Food to follow - a lovely green day!!xx
Tuesday food: A green day

Morning break:

2 free Quorn sausages
Scrambled egg with cheese (half HexA1), red pepper, and mushrooms
Wholemeal toast (HexB1)
Fruity brown sauce (1)

Tea: A quick ratatouille type thing - red onion, mushrooms, red & yellow peppers, broccoli, sweetcorn, and chopped tomatoes.
Quorn mince - I finally remembered to buy veggie Worcester sauce!!!!
Gigli pasta
Salad, sweetfire beetroot, and dressing (0.5)
Cheese (rest of HexA1)

Chewy Delight (HexB2)
Ripple snacksize (4.5)

Coffee. Coke Zero. Squash. Diet Lemonade.

Syns used: 6
Syns saved: 22.5

Exercise (not dog walking friendly weather today!!)
4hrs at work.
Big clean of the bunnies and brushed the garage
De-poo'd the garden
Quick game of fetch with Dave before the Ark weather arrived!
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I've updated my stats and ticker. I remember complaining about not being able to change these when I finally started losing again and I also remember Patty telling me to change them with any losses AND gains. So I am :)

I'm also taking away the new Arctic Adventure ticker as that has pretty much been put on hold for now. Me, Mum, and Rachelle have decided to do something together for Mum's 60th, which happens to be the same year and just a month after Rachelle's 30th ;) New York seems to be the top contender, but we shall see. So, that means we all need to do some saving. There's no way I could do another dog sledding trip as well as this and some regular holidays too. So I think we need to put off Sweden for a bit and see what happens :)
I've updated my stats and ticker. I remember complaining about not being able to change these when I finally started losing again and I also remember Patty telling me to change them with any losses AND gains.

Did I really? I'd forgotten, but reading that reminded me to update mine!

It's a shame about Svenland, but celebrating important birthdays with people is nice too. There won't be any shortage of places to see and things to do in NYC - and lots of delicious food too. ('Tis funny how food comes into my thinking!)
Wednesday food: EE day

Morning break:

3 egg omelette filled with red onion, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, and cheese (HexA)
Seasoned chunky potatoes
Salad, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and sweetfire beetroot
Tomato sauce & extra light mayo (1)

Quorn, butternut squash and other veggies curry/dahl
Chinese rice
Big handful of lettuce

Benefit light (half HexB), raspberries, blueberries, Activia 0%, and 1tsp of Maple Syrup (0.5)
Benefit Light (rest of HexB)
Mini Dreamy (3.5)
Mini Lindt Bear (3)

Coffee. Squash. Diet Lemonade. Coke Zero.

Syns used: 8
Syns saved: 29.5

3hrs at work
About 30mins hoovering, tidying, cleaning the kitchen, etc..
30mins/1.25mile walk with Dave Walked the dog 1.26 mi on 29/10/2014 on 10/29/2014 | WALKING Training Log Entry | MapMyWalk
15mins/0.65mile walk with Ellie Walked the dog 0.65 mi on 29/10/2014 on 10/29/2014 | WALKING Training Log Entry | MapMyWalk

And a pic of Dave enjoying the Autumn woods
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Patty I'm sure it was you! Good advice though and I do think we should mark the gains as well as the losses. Give us something to celebrate when we've had a blip eh? :)

Work was ok today and seen as I finished at 11 I decided to come straight home and take the dogs out. I drove up to Childwall Woods for a walk with Dave. He met a few doggies and we managed to avoid most of the kids ;) Loads of squirrels around! Which reminded me that I saw one fall out of a tree in the park the other day!! He was fine, just looked a bit stunned lol.
I took Ellie on a slightly longer walk and a different route today. We really can't go very far, so I'm trying to keep it interesting for her :)

I made a lovely, lovely lunch that I enjoyed SO much!! It didn't stay on my plate long enough for me to take a pic, but the salad itself was half of my plate! And there was a load of superfree in the omelette too. I love having time off SW and rediscovering just how much I love it :D

But, that's when disaster struck. I must have only finished my lunch about 10mins before and Ellie was up on the couch next to me while I had Neighbours on. Everything was fine!! And then she had some sort of fit or possibly a vestibular episode. I wont go in to detail, it's upsetting enough for me and I'm not sure if it's good or bad that I have veterinary knowledge, but I don't wont to upset anyone. She didn't lose consciousness or anything like a "normal" fit, but something definitely happened.
It didn't last long and she's fine now. Not distressed, can walk, I've checked her eyes, hearing, etc... And she's just back to being a silly old dog. I have a fair idea of what it could be, but I will speak to someone I trust at work. No need to rush her in or anything as I've had this conversation a million times with clients - keep an eye on her, let us know if it happens again, keep her calm. So that's what I'll do. I managed to stay calm and reassure her during. But I fell apart after and cried SO much :(

Not going out this evening now and I think we're just going to have a TV night. I haven't told Mum yet, waiting until she gets home from work. She'd have gotten upset on the phone and there was no need for her to come home. *sigh* :( xx
Hey guys!
Thank you for the messages. I can't even really function at the moment. I'm utterly heart broken! I swear I didn't cry this much when my Dad died - as awful as that sounds *blush*
I've lost my best friend :( I've had her since I was 18, she's been through everything my adult life has thrown at me and always given me love.
I just can't believe she's gone!
And seeing Dave so sad and confused is awful. I stayed up with him till past 2am last night and he seemed ok. But when Mum left for work this morning he was howling, so I came and got him and he slept on my bed for a few hours. He was actually really good and calm.
Can't imagine what he's feeling either. He's had a lot of change recently, with Rachelle moving out and us going on holiday, and now Ellie's gone. He was very sweet with her yesterday but was so distressed when we had to carry her out. My heart is breaking for him too :(

I've written a nice post on FB with some pics if anyone would like to see.

Food is a bit all over the place. I'm eating when I can and whatever I can that's not making me throw up. Yesterday I didn't eat until 6:30 and managed half a Subway sandwich and a pack of Quavers. I got pic & mix at the cinema and ate about 4 before I had to put them in my bag. I did finish the sandwich and the sweets at about 1am, with a whisky!

Today I had a syn free lunch, using only a HexB. Mum really wanted a takeaway for tea so I've ordered curry, fried rice, and chips because it's cheap so if I can't eat it it wont be wasted.

Absolutely dreading work this weekend. I've text my friend to make sure Ellie has already gone. The thought of seeing her still there has really been playing on my mind. But she has been picked up by the crematorium.
I dunno how I'm going to get through work. I'm a bloody wreck. I can't stop crying!! Both times I've walked Dave I've sobbed all the way round. I de-poo'd the garden before and that set me off. At Asda there was a big black dog in the car park and I just burst in to tears.
I feel like I've lost a big chunk of me. I guess I have really :(

Sorry, I will stop rambling now. Thank you for the messages.xx
Hey guys!

Thank you Patty :)

What a horrible weekend. I was dreading it anyway and working with one of the nurses I don't get on with. Yesterday I caused a huge argument and screaming match between that nurse and the other VCA!! Completely unintentionally I have to say - I'm the least confrontational person ever!! So that was fun :|
I really didn't want to be at work anyway and then to have to work with someone I don't get on with and then drama happen. Bloody nightmare!! i even went to help the vet I complained about to get out of the way - so that says an awful lot!!

On Saturday night I got very angry. I was scrolling through rescue websites, I do this anyway btw, and found two puppies on Dogs Trust that I looked after at work!! Remember not so long ago we had two pups in iso from the same litter? German Shepherd crosses, possible parvo, I spent the whole weekend intensive nursing them, etc... And then a 3rd puppy from the litter came in as a stray? Well, the two we had in the hospital are now on the Dogs Trust Merseyside website. I'm so, so angry!! I was proper ranting away and getting all high pitched! They're already reserved, so hopefully they will get a good home. I found out the other puppy went to another local rescue too. Grrrrr!!!

Davey's really struggling . Mum was up with him till 4am on Saturday night :( He must be so confused and lost. And he's never, ever been by himself. I had an idea about buying some DAP (dog appeasing hormones) products and had a chat with one of the vets who has a nervous little terrier. She said she'd been using the DAP collar on her girl to get her through fireworks season and it's working really well. So I bought him a collar and put it on when I got home. Last night I went to bed at about 1am and he started howling about 10mins later, but only a few times then he settled. I didn't hear him when Mum left for work either! So hoping the collar is helping to relax him and feel comforted. I only remembered last night that I have a DAP spray in the car too, so I can always break that out and spray the blankets before bedtime.
My heart just breaks for him tho :(

Just had to tell one of my friends about Ellie :( She was on holiday when it happened and I didn't want to disturb her. She's been Ellie's vet the last couple of times she's been in to work. Awful having to tell someone new. That's why I did a FB and Twitter post, to let as many people know as possible, but of course people will be missed. It's going to be hard telling someone new :(

Anyway, food has been all over the place. Some good, some bad, and some downright daft. I still feel very sick and don't always want to eat and then I get huge cravings for daft stuff like chocolate and stuff.
This week I will try my best to be good with food. I have a couple of things planned, but if I try and keep my meals SW at least that should help.xx
I'm sorry work has been so difficult. It's Sod's Law that the work patterns should fall like that.

Poor Dave. I suppose it will take a long time for Ellie's smell to leave things, so he'll keep getting reminders. The DAP stuff sounds great and really helpful.

I shouldn't worry about your own food too much at the moment; just have what you can tolerate. You're grieving, and there's a limit to what you can do under the circumstances. A pet is a friend and confidante unlike any other - totally non-judgmental, loving and trusting whatever you might tell them; no wonder we love them and miss them so much.

Sickening about the German Shepherd x pups but hope and trust they've ended up in good homes.
Sorry things are so hard and I'm sure it will take a long time for you to grief for Ellie, our pets are family especially if you go through everything with them. Hope it's getting a little easier and yours not having to tell people over and again.
Hope Dave is settling down and he's calming down.
Sorry not been around, wish there was something I could do to make it easier for you. Not on here much at the minute networking work and hospital visiting but you are in my thoughts x x x x
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Hello ladies :)

I am having to tell some new people and also today was the first day at work with the majority of people in - so lots of hugs and "I'm sorry"'s, which is nice, it really is. But a constant reminder!

My work friend brought Ellie home for us last night. She didn't tell me, but she didn't want me to have to go in and see her, she wanted to make sure I had time - so grateful!! I missed her by about a minute though because we were having a friend get together and then going to a fireworks display! But luckily Mum got home in time. Becci even offered to stay with her or take Ellie home with her until I was in. but it was fine. It was probably nice for Mum to have a bit of time alone without me being there.
I was ok when I first saw the casket and it's so nice and they engraved "Ellie big dog" on it for me. But before I went to bed I wanted to give myself time to do the inevitable. So I sat with her on my knee and cried for ages. Can't believe my beautiful big dog is now a pile of ashes in a box. Just doesn't even make sense at the moment :(
But, she's home and next to Jack in the living room.

I'm thinking of having a pendant made using a little bit of her ashes. Not something I would ever think of doing and I hate sentimental sh*t ;) But it feels right. Have been emailing a guy about a design inspired by her collar. So hoping that will be nice!! Plus, if I find it too weird or don't want to wear it it's not very expensive and it's still a pretty keepsake.

Off out for tea tonight at the veggie place for Darrin from work's leaving party. He's going travelling again, but work wouldn't give him another sabbatical, so he's leaving leaving!!! We'll all keep in touch tho and I reckon he'll be back!!

Food wise I am still eating silly things. But gone two days without wine or whisky!! I am taking some wine with me tonight tho!!
I have decided that I will give myself the rest of this week and then I need to get back to healthy eating and as normal a life as mine normally is lol.

I had an ME group session again yesterday. All about graded activity. Would have been useful 12 months ago!! But good to know I've been doing the right thing mostly anyway. i should get a 1 on 1 appointment within the next two months as well to start that side of things :)
I also have an appointment for my PIP assessment - eeek!! It's next Wednesday. Mum's taking some time off work to come with me because it's on the other side of Liverpool and somewhere I never go. Plus, it helps to have someone with you I think. Been talking to my work friend who's fiance not long had his, just for advice really. Worth a shot eh?!

Anyway guys I hope you are all ok. I'm sorry I've not been around much, but I know you understand :) xx