Morning everyone,
Feeling a bit cheesed off today. I had to go back to the Docs on Monday as a follow up for my nasal problem. The infection is still present, although only slightly, so another week's course of antibiotics. Whilst I was there I mentioned that I am seeing flashing lights out of my left eye, and it feels like it did when my retina detached 7 years ago. Doctor was straight on it. Told me she would send an urgent letter to the Eye Clinic at the hospital straight away. I am now waiting to hear about an appointment for this. Then last night DD2 said that the left pupil looked larger than the right and my eye 'looked funny'. So the iritis flare-up looks like it has started again.
Iritis is an auto-immune problem, which I have been battling with for 15 years. There is no cure but when it flares up then steroid drops have to be used to calm it down. The condition does affect sight but the drops have caused no end of problems. Blurred vision with lots of floaters meant I had to have a vitrectomy (removal of the eye fluid), the drops also caused a cataract, which had to be removed and because of that operation I was more prone to getting a detached retina, which I did so emergency surgery in Moorfields for that........groan. My vision has got really bad again in that eye and now the flashing lights and here we go again. Going blind has always been my biggest fear and retinal detachment can easily lead to this.
Sorry for the downer this morning, just fed up with the whole lot and worried and wanted to get it off my chest.
Food was ok yesterday apart from two of my DD2's delicious home made biscwits, sort of a flapjack type thing. Lush.
Have a good day one and all xx
Oh Sweetheart, I am sorry, you must be very worried, what a shame. Great that your doc is onto it quickly though, they sound good. It's so easy to panic and think the worst, (I'm terrible for that,) but hopefully things won't be too bad and as they are on the case so quickly it should all be resolved very soon. Sending a great big (gentle) hug and love. xxxxxx
Not wanting to make light of the subject but I always want to say something rude when a stroke is mentioned. One day I will grow upxx
Oh I do hope not! xxx