Now then steady on there girl.As an out and out Chelsea fan there was no way I could support ManUrelast Saturday and I was more than a bit pleased to see them and their obnoxious, arrogant manager get a footballing lesson.
All I need now is for Andy Murray to win his match, which resumes any time now and I will be very happy!!
Thank you Jess. I'm looking forward to my SW friendly curry later and the not-so-SW friendly alcohol lol xxx:8855:
Happy Birthday mummy!!xxx
I'm not worried about the gain Bev, I got on the scales last night and, as expected, I'd gained 5lbs over the weekend, but had dropped 3 overnight, so just 2lbs over what I was last week. I shall have a bit of a blow-out tonight and then back on it from tomorrow. Red week sounds good to meLorrayne - just been looking at Jess's piccies and she looks fab. You don't look too bad yourself for an old f*rt! I think I can get away with that being as you're a grand total of 2 months older than me!
Happy Birthday by the way.
Thanks.......I've been called a lot worse than an old fartand she does look fab xx
yes Sir Alex is arrogant and they played like a wunch of bankers last saturday
lol. I like doing the spoonerism thingy too. Jess and I make up whole emails doing the self-same thing
Anyway, have a lovely birthday, have a glass of two for me and don't worry about the weight. Go red next week after WI and see it drop off!
Thank you Jules xxHappy birthday Hun. Have a fantabulous day. Xxxx
Thank you Alli. Hope your head is feeling better hun xxxHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![]()
Big hugs Chels - how awful for you. I agree with Gail, get an appointment to really talk through how this could have happened and really get them to justify their current advice so that you at least are happy that what they are telling you now is correct . xxx