Chickadee's food diary.

Gosh I haven't put cream of any soup in my sauces/casseroles etc since sw lol nearly forgot about that! bet it was yummy
Amy nice plans this weekend? We have had a lovely warm day today and expect the same tomorrow so hoping to get out and enjoy :)
Hey ladies thanks for the congrats :)

Numnum- I know, 9s sooo close- hope I can reach them for my holiday on sep 23rd( 3 weeks time!)

Kron- no plans, just relaxing. Had a lazy night last night- on sofa with duvet and watched eat, pray, love with julia Roberts. Good movie- makes me want to go travelling again! My dads chicken n broc bake is delish!! I might try and make a more sw friendly version. If it works out I'll report back with the recipe :) you
Guys are so lucky to be getting the good weather- enjoy it :)
Winter has well and trully reached Scotland!! X
I know it is freezing here!! I had to buy more hoodies last night as all of my previous ones were size 18's or maternity, hubby refused to go out with me wearing one as I looked like I was wearing a tent :giggle: He insisted I buy more, so who was I to argue ;) He has also insisted I buy more jeans as I now only have 2 pairs that fit .. .again how can I possible refuse.

Not long until your holiday! I bet you can make it into the 9's before you go, I have every faith in you and Mr.Cheesey! Hope you have a lovely day!
Aw thanks pal :)

We've had the heating on every night this week!!

Oh lucky you getting to treat yourself to nice new clothes- must be a great feeling! You deserve it! I was still squeezing myself into clothes but now I'm feeling them become much more comfortable :)

Fingers crossed for some kind of Indian summer in Scotland!!

Have a great weekend!
Oh my good lord!!!!! I think the seagulls are having a party out the front!!! Does anyone have a gun?!
you need a falcon, does your local authority help with seagulls, i believe they cannot be harmed, but can cause nuisance as well as the mess they create where they roost, their becoming an extensive problem, thanks to us lot producing so much yummy rubbish and dropping litter!

ooh yes please for sw version :)

Heating on booo, tho it was really warm here yesterday, and forecasted to be the same today :)

Hope you have a great time getting some new jeans and hoodies numnum, dont spend too much as i hope they wont be fitting fo rtoo long!
I haven't contacted the council Kron, not really sure what they would be able to do. Hopefully it was some kind of leaving party the gulls were having lol

I'm having such a lazy day today - still in pjs lying on sofa watching films :) Not sure Kettleworx is gonna happen today lol
I know we had to get get a falconer in due to pigeon roosting in a residential street, worked quite well but needed the falcon there on a few occasions, and I think cut the branches of the roosting trees at a different angle or something which again helped alleviate some of the problems

I totally agree about having a lazy day, I have only just put my workout gear on to have a quick play with my new DVD, ended up laying on the floor fast forwarding through it lol, looked very good :)omg it's a toughy did a few moves before deciding watching it was probably best!

Totm starting for me, so always feel tired at this stage, hubby wanted us to go for a bike ride, but I just cannot be bothered so he has just left to get a film for us to watch tonight, last time he did that it took him 4 hours as he had a sneaky stop at the pub lol, so hopefully I will have a very quiet afternoon;)
Haha very sneaky!! Well Scotland are playing today so my bf has taken over the tv and the sofa! He pulled a hamstring at his footy today so he's looking for me to nurse him lol. I've left him to it and now in the bedroom getting ready for week 5 resistance!! Beats footy!!! Have a lovely relaxing day!! X
Oh no not the pulled hamstring! How will he survive lol
I suppose it does get us doing things when the guys take over tv cos of footy :)

Hubby had a groin hernia or so we thought and all week has been shuffling around like an 80 year old plus a lot of moaning about the pain, he had a drs appt yesterday after work - phoned for the appt Monday - and it's not a hernia but an infection, well he was overjoyed and a right royal pain the butt when he got in, wanting to play fight and have strength contests, I knew he was feeling like god as he knows I can beat him lol well me totm, him god just wasn't a good combination lol so hopefully he will knacker himself out on his bike :)

Have fun with resistance x
Aw hope your hubby is ok - be gentle with him ;)

Well I've been a good nurse - made the boyf a cuppa and brought it to him with a choco muffin - he was shocked lol

Well I was a bit of a glutton this afternoon and ate a large double choco chip muffin and had some chilli doritos :eek: Decided to get off my butt and did week 5 res and cardio for my syns!! Was totally spent after it lol NEVER AGAIN!!! :eek:

Arms are killing me already!! Just been browsing on Kettleworx sight and really fancy getting the advanced dvds to keep my interest up after I finish week 6. Thinking about selling some items on Ebay to raise some cash...:D Need to go and have a rummage and see what I can flog :D

Food - 3.09.11 - red

brunch - cheesey scrambled eggs(so yummy) with toast - hex a/b x 2
marg - 3 syns

dinner - prawn and melon salad starter
marie rose sauce - 3.5 syns

chicken and sf veg.

syns - maxed ( double choco chip muffin and a handful of chilli doritios) plus the above, gonna be good with syns tomorrow, promise :)
He's safe, he brought me back 4 little choc bars lol

I don't think it's fair choc muffins are that high in syns! Hope it was yummy and there's no more in the house

Did you find any stuff for eBay its such a good way to raise a bit of cash
It was a 4 pack so there are 2 left :eek: staying away though!

yes i'm selling a guess bag, a ukulele and a tuner lol very randon mix :)

Will keep hunting tomorrow!
a ukulele wasnt expecting that lol
Step away from the muffins! That would be just far too tempting
Yeah a Ukulele is very random - I go through crazy phases - decided wanted to learn an instrument so opted for a uke lol Needless to say I got bored after a few weeks and it's been sitting in a corner ever since lol People have bidded on my stuff already :)

Oh Kron I have the aches today!! ALL OVER! Those muffins are calling my name from the cupboard too lol

Is it still lovely and sunny where you are?
Spent last night doing some internet shopping for my hols - bought myself two nice playsuits( have been optimistic buying size 10s so hoping they fit or I can make them fit before the 23rd!!!)


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Food- Sunday 4.09.11- green

Brunch- cheesy bean jacket potato (hexa)

Dinner- planning to make a pepper, onion, bean and tomato risotto( just found a heinz baked bean cookbook my bf has, recipes look great so giving it a try - love beans :) )
rocket salad

snacks - wafer thin chicken and cottage cheese roll-ups.

toffee muller.

mini twirl bar - 9 syns
curly wurly - 6 syns
total - 15.

Need to get lots of sf in today and go shopping for some fruit!
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Playsuits look good, of course you will fit into them, easy peasy unless you eat that remaining muffin lol
I haven't done selling on eBay, must be quite exciting seeing bids go up, and could get frantic at the end.

It's grey and raining off and on, so is a good day to make my lb eater soup as I had run out

I am not surprised your aching lol 2 sessions in one day! Hope you feel better soon x
Well I made my spicy bean 'risotto' and it was delicious if I do say so :) Went to tesco to buy some risotto rice but they were out so just used wholegrain rice and it was still lovely. I added some cayenne pepper to get some spice and also peppers, onions and toms. If anyone wants to give it a bash let me know and I'll post a photo of the recipe :) Never thought baked beans and risotto would mix but it does :) Had yummy rocket salad with it too. Lots of beans for me today( we all know what that means) oh dear!!:eek:
Kron it's a really great way to clear some space and make a bit of cash - very exciting watching the bids come in :) I have thus far resisted the muffin!! Had a lovely twirl today so thats satisfied the choco craving better than the muffin would :)