Chickadee's food diary.

Beans beans good for your heart, the more you eat the more ......
Oooh glad I am not sitting next to you tomorrow lol

Would be interested in trying it, trouble is I am absolutely useless at cooking rice.
I used to eat baked beans and rice when I was young and loved it lol

Spicy bean risotto with rocket
Hahaha love that rhyme... i'll just blame it on the darling children ;)

I thought rice was pretty fool proof?! ;) lol

Jeezo i'm stuffed after that!!
I would be useless selling on eBay, I still have a parcel to send back sitting in the back room waiting to go to the post office lol

All my old clothes I gave away, and anything not good went to recycling, and I couldn't part with all the toot at the back of the cupboards, I am such a hoarder ;)

Will you get rid of that muffin before it's too late and it jumps in your mouth and forces itself in you against your will
The only fool proof rice in my kitchen is the uncle bens minute rice that goes ding
Boil in the bag is manageable
I am a pretty good cook, so not sure why I end up with a gloopy mess whenever I cook the stuff lol

Mmm does look good
I'll make the boyf eat it! Couldn't possibly throw a good muffin in the bin! My boyf is a total hoarder too - he has birthday cards and the like from years ago - im ruthless I just bin them all lol
Getting fit believe me you'd be welcome to it!!! Yes Ebay gets addictive doesn't it?! I'm on every hour checking to see what bids I have lol My plan is to buy the advanced dvds :D
Gettingfit you said you was going to be good ;)
I will have it, my civic duty y'know lol

Bf is going to be happy lol

I actually got round to charging up my wii balance board as I had the your shape workout which scans your body, now over 50lbs lighter I can't wait to get another scan lol
Honestly Kron that is AMAZING!!! You look like you've always been petite! Can't believe that's how much you've lost!!

I'd be really interested to get my body fat measured - does anyone know where I could go for this?? - I know boots have scales but don't think it's the body fat ones?? - don't want to go to extremes of submerging myself in a tank of water though lol
I have gadget scales that measure body fat, water, etc
I normally do my scales on a Saturday you download results onto a pc so have graphs to show my journey.
Well don't have the full journey as hubby's pc crashed and all the info was wiped lol

Not sure if the boots scales give you body fat %
you might need to fill the tub lol
Oh excellent, I'll try the big boots store next time i'n nearby then - thanks Getting fit :D Have no idea what it was before Kettleworx but would just be nice to know and then i'd check again after i'm finished round 2 :)

You must be getting really excited for your hols now?! Mine are 18 days away but i'm already so excited :)
Gettingfit you wouldn't want my legs lol your legs are lovely so will happily swap. My thighs are only a few inches smaller than my waist - will have to start strapping the bell to my ankles ;)
Ooh not fair lol
Both off to enjoy your hols leaving me behind :(
You could fit your tiny self into my bag!! Week in Ibiza? You up for it?! lol!
Packed and ready :)

I have never been to Ibiza or anywhere in Spain, in fact I seem to have missed most of Europe in my travels lol
Ahhhh so annoyed at myself....found the connector thingy for my good camera today, wanted to upload pics my bf took of me at start of kettleworx and updates he took today...BUT i accidently deleted EVERYTHING on my camera! All the holiday photos had been saved already but the diet pics and some of friends wedding pics are now lost forever :(

Annoyed!! The diet pics showed the losses better because of better lighting and there was a back one too!! Oh well!!!:(
Oh no! Will you be able to get some pics from other guests at the wedding?
Such a shame you have lost some of your weight loss picture journey but you have some on here so all is not lost. X
.... Put the muffin down
Lol kron- have ordered the bf to go and have the muffin now or I'm binning it! So he's having it with a glass of milk as I type lol

Yeah there will be lots of wedding photos, tbh I'm mainly pissed about the diet ones!! It's honestly not a vanity thing I just really believe in the kettlebells and want others to see the difference it's made! These ones really showed the back fat and cellulite shrinking!! But as you say I still
Have my iPhone photos so all is not lost!!