Full Member
what's wrong with me I've been 100% on this plan for 3weeks and have lost 10lbs .chocolate is my downfall so I always use 5to8 syns to have a bar of something with a cuppa when kids are in bed. yesterday in group all I heard was oh I had this takeaway and wine blah blah and still lost 3lbs! while I've been on plan 100% anyway it was like I went into auto pilot I used all my syns on chocolate. then went on to eat 2 small mars bars 8syns each,twirl at 9syns and chocolate buttons 9syns! what is wrong with me argh! gettin my head focused and back on track definitely today. any ideas what I should do for damage limitation?should i not have any syns for a few days? or just get my jaw wired !lol x