Chocolate milk h ex a

Hi, just tried the Kara one and also very nice. It is the same consistency as the Oatly one e.g a little more watery than a normal chocolate milk.

The Kara one is sweeter and more chocolately. The Oatly one is more creamy tasting. I personally like the Kara one a little bit more but I do prefer a chocolate taste, if you tend to prefer a creamier taste then go for the Oatly.

Both the same sort of price though and both nice. I once tried a soya chocolate milkshake from Lidl before I was on slimming world and remember it tasted awful so kind of expected the same from these but coconut milk and oat milk products taste far better than soya in my opinion :)
Ok super thanks so much. I had it stuck in my head that an oat choc milk wouldn't taste right lol but now I've read your post ill definitely give it a try :)
These sound so exciting! Just checked the new handbook though for 2013 and can't see them anywhere in there for Hex, is this something that's definitely been carried forward into the new year? Not really sure how SW works, are there some things not in the book that are allowed for HEX's?
As far as healthy a goes I'm pretty lucky in the fact ill never choose anything other than milk and very occasionally cheese :) now b choice is another story
Is the diamond breeze chocolate milk also a hexA? I have bought this today along with another Kara one. I wanted to give the diamond breeze a go too :)
Tried the Kara chocolate milk, it is gorgeous especially warm. :)