Christiana's "persistence not perfection" food diary

Thursday, 28th April 2011: **EE day**

2 Lemon hi-fi bars (HEXb + 5½ syns)

Onion omelette
Potato cubes parboiled in Bovril, then frylighted
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower

Roasted potatoes and butternut squash
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower
Baked beans
2 Tesco light choices cumberland sausages (2 syns)
2 Tesco value economy beef burgers (5 syns)

Apple, pear

50ml semi-skimmed milk for decaf tea (part HEXa)
Diet cola with almond

12½ // 92½ left

The goal this week is to generate another loss next week. I haven't lost 2 weeks in a row since January! :eek:
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Friday, 29th April 2011: **EE day**


Mashed swede with salt and black pepper
Boiled eggs
Turkey rashers

Couscous made up with stock and frylighted with onion
Roasted jerk chicken (skinless chicken drumsticks slathered with Dunn's River Jerk seasoning - syn free, pic below)
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower

Cadbury's creme egg (9 syns)
1 25g Bag of Walkers crisps (6½ syns)

250ml semi-skimmed milk for decaf tea (HEXa)
Diet cola with almond

15½ // 77 left

Didn't Kate look lovely? Beautiful dress! It's my mum's birthday tomorrow and she's having a last minute dinner do. I might take the day off or make it a flexi day, depending on what's on offer. I just don't want to go go overboard and undo my loss. :fingerscrossed:


  • Couscous and jerk chicken.jpg
    Couscous and jerk chicken.jpg
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the food looks great hun. congrats on the loss too. so far ive tasted the peardops flavour and it's spot on really nice. i fell off the wagon last week but im back on track now phew. just battling the hayfever now oh well. xxx
Sunday, 1st May 2011: **EE day**

Leftover couscous (from Friday)
Boiled eggs
Tomato stew (2 syns)

Boiled rice
Tomato stew (2 syns)
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower

Leftover rice with stew (2 syns)
Chicken with skin (1½ syns)
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower

Smarties McFlurry (16½ syns)

Diet cola with almond

24 // 53 left

Saturday was relatively okay. Plus, I got some body magic in the form of overtime at work! I normally hobble up stairs, but I'm just that little bit quicker on my feet these days...:giggle:

I'm pain and (almost) hayfever free! Curvalicious, :hug99: I feel you with the hayfever and I know how falling off the wagon can be...I'm glad your back on track. I'm seriously hunting these cordials now, they've been out of stock twice now, not that I'm surprised with the nice bank holiday weather we're experiencing.

I just realised I didn't have my HEX's today....whooooops, not like me at all. :eek: I spent a majority of the day out, so I didn't want to risk guessing amounts etc.
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Monday, 2nd May 2011: **EE day**


2 Slices of WW thick wholemeal bread (HEXb)
2 Boiled eggs
Tinned spaghetti
2 Tsp of Clover lighter (2 syns)

Butternut squash, roasted with salt and black pepper
2 Tesco value economy beef burgers (5 syns)
2 Tesco light choices cumberland sausages (2 syns)

Half of a Twix (7 syns)

250ml semi-skimmed milk for decaf tea (HEXa)
Diet cola with almond

16 // 37 left
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Hey Christiana, I've just had a read of your diary. You're doing really well. Great food ideas too. :)
:D Hahaha, You are so right Auburn, I split it with my son otherwise I would have had the whole thing!
Tuesday, 3rd May 2011: **EE day**

2 Slices of WW thick wholemeal bread (HEXb)
Boiled eggs
Tinned spaghetti
2 Tsp of Clover lighter (2 syns)

Mackerel frylighted with onion and 1 Tbsp of tomato puree (½ syn)
Broccoli, carrots and cauliflower
Leftover boiled egg

Wasn't too hungry, so picked on roast chicken!

Twix (14 syns)

250ml semi-skimmed milk for decaf tea (HEXa)
Diet cola with almond

16½ // 20½ left
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See this is why I want a child :p

Jokes... its probably not the right reason, is it..... :p

Food looks good today, keep it up!
Hey Christina well done on your 8.5lb loss, that's fantastic! Best of luck for this week.

Just looking through your diary and some of the food you made looks amazing :D
Auburn, that's my new thing...if I have too many goodies at home, I share, lol! At least that way I know it's gone, not hiding in my fridge planning a conspiracy to pounce on me when I'm having an iffy day! You know those treats can be evilllll :p

I'm chuffed, lost 3½lbs tonight, and met my first goal - to lose 2 weeks in a row!! I am aiming to lose (or STS) every week in May and break the crazy yo-yo chain. Second goal is to get my 4st shiny, which is just TWO POUNDS away! :bliss:
Christiana said:
Auburn, that's my new thing...if I have too many goodies at home, I share, lol! At least that way I know it's gone, not hiding in my fridge planning a conspiracy to pounce on me when I'm having an iffy day! You know those treats can be evilllll :p

I'm chuffed, lost 3½lbs tonight, and met my first goal - to lose 2 weeks in a row!! I am aiming to lose (or STS) every week in May and break the crazy yo-yo chain. Second goal is to get my 4st shiny, which is just TWO POUNDS away! :bliss:

Aww, congratulations! You deserve it :)

I'm sure you'll hit your next shiny at your next WI. Here's to a may full of losses!

Congrats honey, that's a great achievement x
woohoo we have success, so happy sis, well done xxx
Well done on another fab loss, 4stone shiney will be yours in no time :D
Thursday, 5th May 2011: **Green day**


Onion omelette
Boiled potatoes
Lots of boiled carrots
Baked beans

My idea of comfort food:
Toss boiled potatoes in a bit of watered down bovril (chicken) and throw in a frying pan with chopped onions. Fry until golden brown-ish (I'm gonna try this topped with passata and cheese one day, I think it'll be nice)
Boiled eggs

4 Slices of WW thick wholemeal bread (2 x HEXb)
3 Tsp of Clover lighter (3 syns)
1 Multipack Mars bar (12 syns)

250ml semi-skimmed milk for decaf tea (HEXa)
Diet cola with almond

15 // 90 left

Thank you all SO MUCH for keeping me encouraged when I've all but lost my head...seriously, you're all too fabulous for words! :hug99:
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