dominoes: 15lb goal/11lb to go
mrss2010: 15lb goal/15lb to go
MissSmileyBrunette: 15lb goal/15lb to go
Helcat: 14.5lb goal/14.5lb to go
thiswillbeit: 15lb goal/3lbs to go
Popnfresh:16lb goal/13lb to go
helcb: 14lb goal/14lb to go
Fabat40: 21lb goal/21lb to go
losslossloss 14lbs/12lbs to go
Scoobysue 14lbs/11 lbs to go
teacheronww 10lbs goal/7.5 to go
Ciarad2172:11lbs goal/10 to go
XxrebeccaxX 21lb goal/14 to go
I'm up a half a pound

Can still do it but going to be incredibly difficult. If I can even lose 6.5 more pounds that puts me at 10 stone even. That would be awesome!