Christmas LBD plan :0)

Thanks Kaz- you are right I can do it :) Just needed a little reminding--will definitely try Pete's recipes as they've always looked so good!

Kate: Thanks for the reply. Nice to know I'm not the only one who gets lost in the woods ;)

Here's to some pounds off next week!
A real quickie as I'm going out, but google
DAVE JENNINGS...SLIMMING WORLD, there's loads of recipes on youtube, he was SW man of the year and all sorts, and the videos show you what to do.
I keep a diary every day. I have a notebook, if you go to MY thread there's a piccy somewhere showing how I do it, SO much easier than the official SW one because I can see at a glance EXACTLY what I have every day xx hth My Diary.jpg...oh there you go, found it quickly myself. I've changed the SUPERFREE to the left hand side now, cos that;'s the column that gets filled quicker x:)
AAAAAAHHHHhHhH! So cross after a total 100% week last week on red plan and a fab 3 lbs loss I am just sabotaging myself today! I bought a pack of precooked chicken drumsticks today for snacks/ lunches fully planned to remove ALL skin. But I didn't,t I ate the lot! Then this afternoon I gave daughters their wee treat and yes I took a big bite of cake myself. Then this evening my hubby has been called out to work so sat here on my own I've eaten my curly wurly plus 2 squares of 70% lint choc. Now I still have 5 days to pull this back and get my head in gear but why oh why do I do it? So cross with myself been ages since I've done a stupid unplanned eating day. I think I'll go to bed and start new in morning. Poo.
Maybe my bad week is spreading like a cold? (Dear lord let's hope not!)
No seriously Kaz, reading about what you've eaten doesn't actually seem so bad--at least it doesn't when you compare it to what you might have called a 'bad' day before Slimming World. Get back on that horse girlie and here's to us both losing next week :hug99:

Thanks so much for the link Polly--have subscribed to his Youtube!!
I say over and over, we're all HUMAN...NOT ROBOTS and every now and again we're gonna go astray. We ALL get tempted, we all have something we shouldn't, BUT, we also know how to put it we usually do. We most definitely all get annoyed with ourselves when we slip up, but we still do it!:mad: it's human nature!
Talisha, as for talking to your boyfriend, sometimes I think it's easier to chat to strangers...and the majority of us on here ARE strangers but we're all paddling up the same stream, so we understand where you're coming from, and we won't get bored with hearing other peoples ups and downs, so if you want to chat and get something off your chest, do it on here.
You're welcome RE: the link, someone passed it on to me and I thought it was good. xx
Well done L J, I've had a terrible weekend, can't even begin to confess what's passed my lips! Grandies are NOT conducive to weight loss!! Had to give myself a good talking to as soon as they'd gone...I don't suppose I had TOO much, but felt as if I was eating for England! Thank heavens I have at least 3 days to make up for it! xx
That's brilliant LJ well done.
Polly as long as you enjoyed it and can get back on plan, it's all good :)
I'm doing catch up for Wed too!!!
Good luck x

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It's the first time I've had a "spLurge" and more annoyed with myself than anything, but I jumped on the scales this morning and they show a 1lb loss...whether that will show on Thursday is another matter! Perhaps as I haven't gone right off plan for more than one meal since I started, it won't affect me too much?....but it's not something I want to make a habit of. I'm so chuffed that I'm working through my wardrobe, and can now get inTO things I haven't been able to in YEARS! SO A BIG INCENTIVE TO "BE A GOOD GIRL!!":rotflmao:
It's the first time I've had a "spLurge" and more annoyed with myself than anything, but I jumped on the scales this morning and they show a 1lb loss...whether that will show on Thursday is another matter! Perhaps as I haven't gone right off plan for more than one meal since I started, it won't affect me too much?....but it's not something I want to make a habit of. I'm so chuffed that I'm working through my wardrobe, and can now get inTO things I haven't been able to in YEARS! SO A BIG INCENTIVE TO "BE A GOOD GIRL!!":rotflmao:

You probably wont even gain Polly, i doubt you ate enough to gain even a lb!
My body works weirdly, I can gain weight from one meal off plan but I can have a few days off and not gain anything.... weird eh! xx
I think our bodies set out to confuse us...the 1lb that showed off yesterday, is back today!:sigh:

is that a new ticker for Christmas? lolol
Well done L J --fab loss!

Polly: I heard this same story about the grandkids coming over and all the sweets/treats come out...all you can do is dust yourself off I suppose and keep following plan. (I know easier said than done!).

Had a fab loss of 2 1/2lbs this week and would really like to get the next 2lbs off by next week for my 1 1/2stone award!
Well done Talisha, I hope that's made you feel better and positive again. My losses over the last 3 weeks or so have been getting smaller, I STS today, which was better than expected, I would just, LOVE 1 really good week, I'm not greedy! lol x
Gotta pull my finger out to reach my Christmas target!!
Well done talisha! Polly I'm with u, my losses r slowing down, only 1/2lb off this week. My Christmas target feels a long way off! Esp with hurdles like half term (away in caravan!) And my wedding anniversary! Inbetween to enjoy but also to stunt my weightloss! I'm so close to my final target now, 1st 7 1/2lb to go. So I'm re focusing.... Yes again! And focusing on getting ee 100% (not mixing in red days and getting neither 100%) and upping my exercise and hoping it kicks my metabolism up a.notch. my thyroid is playing up again so I am so sluggish, and could sleep round the clock! Here's to a GREAT week ahead with A nice BIG loss all round!
Thanks everyone--was very surprised at the loss but grateful cause it shows than when I stick to plan I lose weight!

Have been quite fortunate to have some relatively big losses in my journey and like you Kaz I really need to get my butt in gear ;)
Hi can I join please,I am not going to SW at the moment my work won't let it fit in besides I don't think I would like to go on my own.I am trying to lose my weight with the help of this forum ,my big problem is carbs..bread and beer.I also don't eat veg apart from in soups.
I am trying to lose a stone by Christmas it would be great,but a steady weight loss is more important. Ye are all doing great on here and if there is a slight slip up
So can I join in for the weight loss for Xmas...please weigh in day at home is Saturday.
ICLOUD, it's open to everyone, so of course you can join in.
It took me years to join a group, but OH! I am so glad I did. Not only for the support, but because I've made new friends.....I'm retired and live on my own and hardly left the house, so I have 2 good reasons to go. I've heard some "not very nice" comments on here about peoples groups, but on the whole I think they're friendly...more social meetings than anything else. You just have to remember that everyone going there is in the same boat as you, wanting to lose weight. I was so nervous the first day, but mine also has a little closed FB group, and I had a look in there, people welcomed me and chatted, and the 2nd week I went, instead of sitting on my own again, they all made a point of coming to say if you have a chance, just go and have a look in.
On the other hand, you can do it all online with the same, support...just not the more social side. Lots of help and support on here though. I just stick to a few threads and slowly you get to know different people to chat to . Good luck x

on a nother note, flippin' typical, passed WI yesterday where I STS, and today scales are showing 1.5 lbs down! sods law again xx
Sods law, my scales showed a 1'5lb loss this morning.....just hope I can double that by next Thursday...well one can always hope!:)
Understand your annoyance Polly--here's to a great big loss next week for ya ;)

Welcome icloud (may I ask what your real name is?) best of luck in your weight loss journey and I also would highly recommend SW--it's awesome :D