Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Haha I was wondering how u managed to eat 6 weetabix too ;) 6 little cakes or biscuits yes, not sure I could eat 6 weetabix hehe :) x
2 is definitely plenty!!! :)
Its amazing how many you can eat when they're made into ferrero rochers! haha *call the SW police- food abuse FOOD ABUUUUUUSE!!!*
Feeling down today - with the realisation that to get to my goal, I've just just over 3 months to lose over 3 stone, somehow I don't think that's going to happen, I feel like poop. I've got to stop going back to 12.6, I'm over a stone over where I was supposed to be by now, so I've set myself a challenge - if I'm not at least 10 stone by the time I'm meant to leave...I'm not going.

SOOO, on that note, plan for today:
Breakfast: Fruit salad and muller light
Lunch: Spinach, ham and pickled onion salad
Dinner: 4 weetabix HEB + 6 Syns(look Gilljo!) milk (HeA) and sugar (4)

Right Missy!

Stop being such a negative nelly. It won't change anything. I know it sucks that you aren't where you want to be but at least you are on your journey. Youre just taking the scenic route.

Stick to the plan, don't starve yourself, that's not how the plan works, maybe try some success express? Just stop being hard on yourself.x.x.

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Trying, promise!

I don't think I'm all that down about actual weight loss, I've been feeling quite good lately, just having a down day I think, will be fine tomorrow - probably got out of bed the wrong side!

Where on earth has this come from? You are always so positive! Instead of thinking of what number you want to see on the scales by then, stick to plan and do your exercises and focus on working to lose as much as you can! You will deserve your holiday because you have worked you little bum off :D

Abi is right with everything she said , you are being far too hard on yourself! Be a Positive Polly!
I think I'd be fine if I hadn't got a set date, I believe in slow and steady, but because this holiday is like my dream holiday, I can't imagine going when I'm not happy with my weight. I'd be fine if I could just get out of the 12's, every time I lose anything I always end up back at 12.6 - I've effectively been the same weight since December! Why is that my magic number?! :p

Well really anything under 12 will be a bonus! I think even if you aim for 11st 6 that's not setting it too high to lose in three months. Slow and steady wins the race! you are doing fab on the plan so keep going and you will see results! This dream holiday will be fantastic and esp since you are not the weight when you first started! (Although I would love to be the weight when you first started! Ha) xx
I just so want to be fit and toned when I go - my ultimate goal was 8.7, which unless I starve myself is not happening by May! I'm still going to aim for 9stone, maybe 9 and a half, maybe I just need to up my exercise instead of cutting out food!

I think I'll change today to 2 weetabix when I'm hungry and low cal mac & cheese (small portion, which I'd originally planned) with a lot of green veggies - think not eating will probably just make me feel more crappy.

Don't know what's wrong with me today, just want to cry.
i always have days like this - bored, fed up, lonely, no motivation.. What you need is a good cry! And there is no shame in that, everyone has down days and thats sometimes good. Please please stay on track though because as you prob already know, it would make yourself feel so much worst if you were to binge or give up now, especially after you have come so far. Try and put all your energy into planning for the week ahead, sticking to it with the upmost motivation you can possibly have. Everyone here is so proud of you for what you have achieved up to now, and I know you are certainly a huge inspiration for me. I hope you feel better soon x
Thanks for your kind words sweet. Problem is I don't feel like binging at all, I feel like not eating - which is normally a worrying sign as I've gotten obsessive before. Funny you should say that, I'm actually in the middle of writing a complete weekly plan, low calorie but very plan friendly and including real food rather than just salad, thought it might help me get some perspective!

Ah love, we so all have days like this. Massive love to you.

The exercise will definitely help tone. Just don't torture yourself with where you 'should' be. Im pretty sure i should be in Tahiti with Joseph Gordon Levitt but Im my Mams with a cold coffee haha.x.x.

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I'm trying to imagine what's batter...skinny or Joseph GL - hard decision! :)

I'll be alright, just on a downer!

Ew cold coffee - go heat iittttt! :p


JGL loves you no matter what size you are :p

Aw look at his little face! :)
haha, when all else fails... pretty boys :D

Hope you're feeling better my lovely.x.x.
Yeah feeling much better today, don't feel particularly well (eurgh) but feeling better in myself so that's good!

Plan for today:
Breakfast:HUGE fruit salad
Lunch: Special K (5) and an orange
Dinner: Homemade tomato soup and buttered toast

Yay glad youre feeling a bit better. Hope you feel well soon.

You know Im going to say thats not much food though :p I will let you off if youre feeling poorly though.x.x.