Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

I thought you might pull me up on that. I'm just not feeling it today - ate half my fruit salad and then put it back! Not like me at all!
Haha, sorry.

I totally get when you just don't feel like eating though. Just focus on getting yourself better.x.x.

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Noo don't apologize, I was writing it going "that doesn't look like a lot!" Hoping I'll be more peckish when I get home and can have a big bowl of soup :)
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Morning ladies!

Breakfast: Special K and fruit salad
Lunch: Cheese mugshot and fruit
Dinner: Either hunters chicken, chips and veg or bbq pitta pizza - something comforting and bbq-y!

Hey Sweet, how's Gib? When do you come home?
^ so glad you had a lovely time - I'm really behind with minimins ATM, going to have a good catch up with diaries tonight!

I'm doing good today, though haven't eaten enough to justify putting it in the diary as forgot my bloomin' lunch AGAIN! So only had a fruit salad, will make up for it tonight though!

On a positive note - I am starting 30 day shred, 30 day squats, abs and arms today - so in case it kills me - know what I loved you all! :p

30 day shred level 1, first day DONE! Probably had a few more "catching my breath breaks" than I as supposed to, and feel like my hearts going to come out through my throat, but I did it! Don't feel too tired out, so might do some more later, but I said I'd do level 1 of that plus the 3 30 day challenges and I have so happy with that!
Check you out lady!

Remember to take your before and after pics and measurements.


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Well done on starting the 30 day shred!!! I'm going to attempt it at some point... Keep putting it off for now, but it's got to start before summer. Need to tone the wobbly bits so they don't resemble jelly so much. Haha.
The strength and ab stuff was quite easy I found, but the cardio almost killed me, think I could go to level 2 for everything else, but need a level down for cardio!! :p

Still 4 days to go till WI but cheeky peak at scales *slaps hand* says I'm already down 1lb from yesterday - thanking you kindly Jillian Michaels!

Breakfast: Fruit salad
Lunch: Special K (5) + HeA of milk
Dinner: Cream of mushroom soup with wholemeal toast (HeB) and butter (4)

Nom Nom Nom - only downside to working out is that I'm bloomin' starving, woke up at 7 going "gimme food!"

Hope everyone else is doing good!
I love Gillian michaels. I've got the biggest loser work out for the xbox kinect. I'll have to give it a go (she says sat on her butt drinking tea) ;) x

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I sit on my butt all day at the office, so sure it will cancel out my hard work! :p
I feel like death heated to 180 and slow roasted! I had to skip 30 day shred last night as my body hurt so much, I still managed to fit in my 60 squats, 20 bicep curls, 10 chair dips, 10 ab crunches, 5 planks and 5 push ups, but I physically couldn't do anymore, so Jillian was retired for a night, apparently a lot of people take breaks and take longer than the 30 days, which I'm fine with!

Boy brought me tickets to the theatre tonight as a Valentines pressie - is it bad that I just want to go home and sleep?

Plan for today:
Breakfast: Special K(5) with red berries
Lunch: Leftover mushroom soup
Dinner: Ham and cheese (HeA) toastie (HeB) with a little dollop of onion chutney (2) with a spinach side salad

Aw bless the boy!
Could you go home for a couple of hours and get a nap? x
He did do good, bless.

Unfortunately not, gotta fit in 30ds and he's getting off early tonight so we can go!
Might just nap under my desk at work, sure nobody would notice!
Haha yeah just don't snore and you'll be golden :p x