Dinner was actually nice, Steve's Mum got very tispy and was SO funny, she's much nicer to me when she's drunk - even started planning our imaginary wedding for the future....very surreal!
I've been off plan all weekend ladies, and when I say off plan I mean stuff your face till you feel sick kind of off plan - BUT, and it's a big but (like mine! - seriously I'm like Kim K!) I am back this morning, with a new attitude and a new exercise regime, ANDDDDDDD to top it off, Boy has finally decided to diet and exercise for our holiday, so there will be 0% chance of bad food in the house or in my mouth, because once he starts he gets serious with it - my house is full of protein bars, fruit, cereal and new gym equipment - I actually think I have more stuff than the gym down the road now! SO...My new plan is
Monday: 20 minutes cross trainer, 5 minutes squat box, and re-starting the 30 day challenges from the beginning as I completed it last week
Tuesday: Jillan x2, one level for me when I get home, one with boy when he gets home
Wednesday: 20 minutes crosstrainer, 5 minutes squat boxing
Thursday: Jillian x2
Friday: 20 minutes cross trainer, 5 minutes squat boxing
Saturday: Nothing but glorious sleep!
Sunday: Nothing strenuous, running in the evening
Food plan for today:
Breakfast: Fruit salad and Weetabix (HeA +B)
Lunch: Chicken and edamame salad
Dinner: Goji berry (free?) and tuna steak with green veg and either mash or chips
I've upped my food intake a little bit cause I'm hoping the protein will help with not hurting after exercise.
I'm baaaccckkkkk!