Good Morning Honeys
Feeling good this morning, albeit stuck at work and in need of a shower (may have slept over my alarm twice this morning) so feeling a bit ew!
I have some brilliant tingly good feelings today, because I am sitting at my desk, wearing a size 12 pair of jeans I've not been able to fit into for 2 years, and they fit...comfortably! Oddly, I'm much skinner this time round at 11.4 than I was last time at 9 stone, I think it's because of all the exercise and toning, last time I was thin but all wobbly, so I'm hoping by the time I get to 9st I actually will be happy and not want to go any lower (here's hoping!)
Not sure I'm going to lose any this week, weight doesn't seem to be shifting even though my body is getting smaller - I was 11.4 last week and these jeans didn't fit so something's working, but I certainly don't feel lighter!
Breakfast: Juice (Blackberry, strawberry, celery and lemon)
Lunch: Baby corn, red pepper hummus and a ham salad sandwich
Dinner: Thinking a vegetable stir-fry, but not sure, quite fancy something cheesy....
Hope you're all happy bunnies today