Gold Member
What's happened ?? Wrong colour??
My hair is such an odd mish mash of old colours, I've been dying it for so long. Last time I did it it was lovely, so thought I'd repeat that, but didn't want to do it yet as it would have faded before USA, so I did it a slightly lighter colour (BIG MISTAKE! and it went a bit gingeryyy!) so to fix it, I dyed over it with the originally intended dark brown, which has now gone an odd mix of red and black, so I look like a goth, I'm in ultimate panic mode. Not sure why it always has red tones underneath it, but last time they didn't show up so thought it was a good brand, turned out it was just that box! Think I'm going to strip the colour out, head to the Salon to get the red toned out and then re-dye it with the original brown hair dye! Stresssss!