Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

haha thank you ^_^ they are pretty darn adorable

I found you can put the sleep balm on any pressure points and it helps, I even rub a little bit over the bottom of my nose so I can smell it too.x.x.

Down to 12.6 today, not where I wanted to be by now - ideally that would have been 5lbs lighter than I am, but finally all of my Christmas/weekend gain is gone, so that's something!

I've become a bit obsessed with counting calories at the moment, I'm still sticking to SW 100% but totting up as I go, I seem to be averaging about 1100-1300 a day, which I think seems about right to lose weight with the exercise I've been doing, I know I had a bad weekend, but I'm a bit gutted to have only lost 1lb.

Plan for today;
Breakfast: 2XWheetabix (HeB) almond milk (half HeA), Sugar (2) grapes
Lunch: 2XCarrots, Spinach, banana
Dinner: Sausages (I'm really not sure on Syns for these as their not shop brought, but I'm going 4 each, maybe 5, maybe even 6!) Vegetable mash (Butternut Squash, carrot) with bakes beans and green broccoli.

I feel so fat this week, I think I'll be doing a bit of a detox next week, lots of green veg and fruit, very little else!

yay for a loss! :)

If thats what you're looking at doing next week, try success express. You get 2 hex a&bs to fill you up with good calories :) I still dont think you eat enough but thats probably just because Im a pig haha.x.x.
I might just do that.

I feel like I'm eating a huge amount, that's the problem! I am definitely not happy with 2 weeks with only 1lb losses though, so this weekend is definitely going to be SW friendly even if I have to send boy back to his mothers for the weekend!, I'll see what my loss is with a 100% week and if I want more I'll try success express! :)
haha boys are definitely the answer to most of lifes problems!

Im so jealous of all the people weighing in today, I just want to get it over with haha.x.x.
Yes they are! Why do they not understand that?! :p
Yes they are! Why do they not understand that?! :p

sadly as well as being problematic, theyre also not that bright. Luckily some of them are good looking otherwise I dont think we would be interested at all haha.x.x.
Sadly, given the option of men or food, I think I'd know which I'd pick!!

Why is the weather SO appalling today? All the roads on the way to work were flooded, I so want a duvet day - but know the weekend will be busy, they always are! Duvet days are much more interesting when you know you should be a at work :p

Plan for today:
Breakfast: Bowl of special K (5) with milk (Half HeA)
Lunch: Banana, wasn't feeling very hungry, a carrot if hungry later
Dinner: Quorn Burger (0.5), wholemeal bun (HeB) bacon, 15g Cheese (Half HeA), waitrose chips (3Syns) with a bit of mayo (0.5) and a salad

whole day = 9 syns, 998 calories, which isn't enough I don't think, so might sneak in a mugshot or some veggies when I get home.


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My choice would only waiver if it was Channing Tatum or Johnny Depp walking through the door. However if they were carrying cake and pizza Im not sure where I would be looking haha.

The weather wasnt too bad (considering its winter) a little nippy when I left at 8am to get to class.

I think I'll always be telling you that you need to eat more haha :p .x.x.
"Depp! Pizza....Depp! Pizza...sorry Depp, go clean my kitchen whilst I eat, then maybe we'll talk" :p have to admit though, he did used to be a fave of mine, but he's gone down in my estimation lately, I've developed some odd celebrity crushes as of late!

I had a mugshot when I got home, so we can add that to my daily food intake! Lunches are my problem, I eat loadsss in the evening, just can't be bothered with real food at work, such a hassle, every time I move the phone ring, why is is that if I sit at my desk, it doesn't go, the moment I get up everyone wants me!?.

OOO please do share the odd celebrity crush (I'm secretly just hoping Im not alone on some of my weirdos haha)

I know what you mean about lunches, could you maybe make some mini quiches (using a ham slice as the case) so that you can just eat it at your desk? or the chick pea cakes, or little chunks of marinated chicken? Im trying to think of what people bring to the tasters so its things that travel well, keep well out of the fridge and stuff.x.x.
Heath and Heather do a really nice range of tea in holland and barrett the cammomile is lovely and so is the sleep tea. Just in case you were still having trouble, thought it might help.x.x.
OOO please do share the odd celebrity crush (I'm secretly just hoping Im not alone on some of my weirdos haha)

I know what you mean about lunches, could you maybe make some mini quiches (using a ham slice as the case) so that you can just eat it at your desk? or the chick pea cakes, or little chunks of marinated chicken? Im trying to think of what people bring to the tasters so its things that travel well, keep well out of the fridge and stuff.x.x.

Oh I have way too many to name, though recently developed a new one on Colin Firth, but only as Mr Darcy,anything else and I'm just like *pats head* "aren't you posh!?". I used to have a huge crush on MeatLoaf when I was younger, that one was weird!!

Lunch wise my problem is preparation, I'm so unprepared lately that it's the 20th and i still haven't done a grocery shop for January, just keep sending the boy down to Tesco for one-offs!

My weekend was slightly more successful than the last few. Saturday I had a bacon and egg sarnie with mushrooms for breakfast, and then a big sushi buffet for dinner, more than I should have and way above Syn level I think, but WAY better than the pizza of last! Yesterday I had a pre-packed sandwich (chicken) for lunch as we were out, but I resisted the crisps! and dinner was tikka massala with crispy chicken, I feel treated, but not guilty, so there's a win in my books!

Todays plan:
Breakfast: Marmite and cheese on toast (HeB)
Lunch: Spinach and quorn chicken salad
Dinner: Tuna, sweetcorn and mayo pasta with broccoli and green beans

On the exercise front, I'm seemingly a force of nature that accumulates one injury after another, my OH managed to bugger up my spine on Saturday morning, so I'm a bit stiff at the moment, but will try and do some walking/cardio to make up for the fact I'm not able to bend properly!

I slept really well last night actually, think I was so tired my body just needed to crash, though do resent getting up for work this morning.

Found ya! Am off to have a read through from the beginning - I'll be back :D x
Pixie you've inspired me to stick my calories on my posts too, I've been totting them up everyday, but not listing them all the time. Though think mine are too low at the moment, only 927 today :S
Yup try and have a few more, although it's only 11.30 so you have plenty of time :)
Just noticed you are from Sussex! Whereabouts? I was born in Shoreham (which is between Brighton and Worthing), but now i live in horrible Kent, man i miss the seaside!
My crushes at the moment, umm, i like, oh bugger can't remember his name :p he played Aragorn in Lord of the Rings (i only like him in that, it's the whole beardy scruffy thing going on lol)
What about dislikes? everyone has those, for me it would be Tom Cruise and Pierce Brosnan...they just so smarmy, icky! x
Oh close by! I'm in Storrington, only about 20 mins from Shoreham! Have to say I'm not a fan of Kent, there are so many motorways!!

Oh Oh Viggo Morty...whats his name, he is divine, I like him in the History of Violence, but admit I've not seen many of his films. I'm definitely sharing your dislike of Tom Cruise, he gives me the creeps. Benedict Cumberbatch is another I can't get my head around, all my friends rave about him. I'm stuck on Robert Downy Jr and David Duchoveney (I'm not sure how to spell it, but my computer tried to correct it to seductiveness, so ironic!) at the moment!

Go on Abs, tell us your weird crushes!! Joiiinnn usss!
*hollers like an old fisher woman*
Abs! Abs! Abs! Where are you?!

Yeah Downey has a certain appeal :p oh and that dude from Die Hard 4, dammit I'm so crap with names lol, the bad guy anyway hehe x
Oo Sean Connery's a weird one I have! Not in everything mind, but in Highlander and Entrapment he was sweet, I reckon it's the accent!!

And John Malkovich!

I've not seen any of the Die hard movies *hangs head in shame* though I do NOT like Bruce Willis!