OOO please do share the odd celebrity crush (I'm secretly just hoping Im not alone on some of my weirdos haha)
I know what you mean about lunches, could you maybe make some mini quiches (using a ham slice as the case) so that you can just eat it at your desk? or the chick pea cakes, or little chunks of marinated chicken? Im trying to think of what people bring to the tasters so its things that travel well, keep well out of the fridge and stuff.x.x.
Oh I have way too many to name, though recently developed a new one on Colin Firth, but only as Mr Darcy,anything else and I'm just like *pats head* "aren't you posh!?". I used to have a huge crush on MeatLoaf when I was younger, that one was weird!!
Lunch wise my problem is preparation, I'm so unprepared lately that it's the 20th and i still haven't done a grocery shop for January, just keep sending the boy down to Tesco for one-offs!
My weekend was slightly more successful than the last few. Saturday I had a bacon and egg sarnie with mushrooms for breakfast, and then a big sushi buffet for dinner, more than I should have and way above Syn level I think, but WAY better than the pizza of last! Yesterday I had a pre-packed sandwich (chicken) for lunch as we were out, but I resisted the crisps! and dinner was tikka massala with crispy chicken, I feel treated, but not guilty, so there's a win in my books!
Todays plan:
Breakfast: Marmite and cheese on toast (HeB)
Lunch: Spinach and quorn chicken salad
Dinner: Tuna, sweetcorn and mayo pasta with broccoli and green beans
On the exercise front, I'm seemingly a force of nature that accumulates one injury after another, my OH managed to bugger up my spine on Saturday morning, so I'm a bit stiff at the moment, but will try and do some walking/cardio to make up for the fact I'm not able to bend properly!
I slept really well last night actually, think I was so tired my body just needed to crash, though do resent getting up for work this morning.