Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

Ive just realized I've added up my calories completely wrong for today, overestimated it by about 200 calories (why oh why did I write down that mushrooms were 90 calories and spring onions were 50?!). I'm only actually hitting 788 if I eat as planned. might actually stick with that, as I'm thinking of trying out 5:2 for a few weeks to boost my losses (must hit the stone mark at least!), and I know that's 500, we'll see.
I've been reading up on that and watched Eat, Fast and Live Longer doc the other day. Still undecided but I like the apparent health side of it.

Today it would be good as a feed day cos I'm friggin starving today and already eaten all my cals bar 20 :eek: x
That's my thinking too, I thought it seemed really faddy at first, but after I read up on it, I think it could benefit me. Think I might start off with 1 day a week, maybe Wednesday and weigh in on Thursdays and see if it works, then maybe up it to 2 if it doesn't completely suck! I think I could come up with some pretty interesting under 500 cal things. My chicken noodle soup is about 360, and that's a big bowl, which would still leave 140 for lunch, which I could do I think!

I'm sharing that today, could eat a horse, it's all this talking about calories, makes you want more!
I feel like death today, do you ever get those mornings when you wake up and just EVERYTHING hurts? :(

Planning on a fast-day today to see how I like it, but with feeling rubbish I'll probably go a bit over 500.

Breakfast: Muller light (90)
Lunch: Slice of toast and some spinach (60)
Dinner: Chicken soup (220 because I've taken away the noodles) and a banana (105)

Total - 475, I might put some butter (51) on my toast at lunch, so that'll take me up to 526. Full day with 2 Syns for the butter, so still within Slimming world limit. We'll see, think I might just do this for a week or two to boost me and then carry on with SW when I can exercise again (stupid spine)

Next time I do one I'll be trying for more fruit and veg, I've just run out of money at the moment so I'm living off what I have!
My fast day was...not a raving success, I ended up at about 740 calories, I think this might be easier to try after pay day when there's not than mugshots and bread in the house!
Mugshots and bread just makes me want a noodle sandwich. I LOVE noodle sandwiches *omnomnom*

Hope you're doing ok :) .x.
What's a noodle sandwich?!

I was so good yesterday untill dinner...and we had fish and chips, lots of Syns, but don't feel too bad about it as I'd finally gotten back into exercise an hour before, having a lot calorie day today (2 Syns and only 550 calories) to combat it, feeling good!

A noodle sandwich is literally just super noodles between bread haha. Its such student food but is a good quick comfort food.

Glad you're feeling positive about it :)
Hey Llama!
Fast days are bloody hard! Def need preparing for... Fruit is so calorific :( strawberries werent bad though :D like 60cal or so for a punnet around 200g (do check that though!)
I think I approached it all wrong last time, had a huge lunch then ran out of dinner calories... Best thing is salad, can have a massive bowl of leaves for like 30cal, bit dull though so need some more calories to spice it up. Sugar free jelly is great for sweet fixes- 10 cal a portion!

I liked the crush list going on a page back! Jared Leto is so damn pretty! But so into himself that it puts me off a bit :p I'm a huge Cristian Bale fan (especially in American Psycho, mmm!) and Ewan McGregor (in Moulin Rouge- I would not be looking at the cake he was holding ;))
I had a low calorie day yesterday, successfully, but I think it'll definitely be easier with the right things in the house! I've been living off spinach lately which is great 'cause it's delicious and REALLY low! Fish and Chips didn't hurt me much though, lost half a pound since Thursday WI, so can't have been too bad! Helps that I got my exercise back up and even did some ab crunches when Boy went down to get it!.

Ewan McGergor is divine in Moulin Rouge, but it's the only thing I've found him attractive in, everything else he's just a bit adorable and silly! I can't look at him the same since seeing him in I Love You Phillip Morris, because I just want to pat his head and give him a cuddle now!

I'm thinking of going to see 12 Years a Slave and The Railway Man, have you seen them? If so, what did you think?

I haven't seen them yet, not sure if I will now as going on a work trip in a couple of days and then busy when I'm back! Let me know what you think though!

I Love You Phillip Morris ruined Ewan a bit for me!! Haha... Still cute though ;) he's adorable in Big Fish too, don't you think?

I just checked Spinach cals yest- like 35 cal for the whole bag!? Do you cook yours? I like it raw and have never really looked into how to cook it properly/tastily haha!
Well done on your low cal day! :) x
Ah, enjoy your trip! :)

He just looked so helpless the whole time, bless, definitely not a good bleach blonde though!

I sometimes cook it in food, like a risotto or omlette, but mostly just raw with some salad toppings on it, I've never really liked lettuce, so was always put off salads, but I could eat Spinach and Rocket all day!!

My day today is a bit screwy, we got called out to work at 3am, so I've already been awake for 8 hours and running on empty, feels like it should be dinner time! Didn't have time to prepare food so breakfast (or lunch as I've yet to eat it!) will be Weetabix with milk and a bit o' sugar, followed by a mugshot. I can't even remember what day it is, so not sure about Dinner, will update later!

Oh no! Why did you get called in at 3am? That doesn't seem fair at all :( xx
The OH does on-call (works in aviation so someone needs to be there to go in for parts if something breaks down) but I usually go because 1) Last time he came back home on his own the dogs went for him because I was still home and they were protecting me, so if I go they just wait for us patiently to come home! 2) I make it go quicker usually, we'd actually finished by about 5 but the courier didn't turn up till 7 despite saying they were 10 minutes away at 4, not a happy bunny! 3) We'd been watching Zombie films so I was not prepared to be alone! :p

I'm really hungry but not at all hungry at the same time, does that make any sense?!
3am sounds so nasty!
I feel you on the hungry/not hungry thing from the fast I just did (0 food/42hrs experiment!) like felt I needed fuel but mouth wasnt bothered for once :O

I hear you on the spinach as a salad- and it's waaay more nutritious than a lot of other leaves. They always talk about it being a superfood on 'I Used To Be Fat' and Biggest Loser :D
I'm doing a fast day today, only partly by choice, partly because I forgot my lunch...

Breakfast: 2 Weetabix (HeB - 135) Milk (1/2 HeA - 65) 1tsp sugar (2Syns - 16)
Lunch: I think I can find a slice of wholemeal tucked in the work fridge (3Syns - 58) with a tsp marmite (9)
Dinner: Chinese style mugshot (175) on a bed of spinach (7) and rocket (3)

Total - 2 Syns and 465 calories, which leaves me 35 for something else if still peckish, might be cheeky and have half a Taco shell for 25 calories with some salt and pepper, like a giant Dorito!

I'm aware there's not a lot of superfree there, but boy got paid today, so my next fast day (Thursday) will be full of goodies!

Lol doughnut forgetting your lunch :p
Do you feel up to a fast day today? can you manage them at work ok?

I couldn't watch that slave film, for the same reason that i can't watch any with animals in either. I realise they are designed to be emotive, but they break my heart and play on me for months after. There was a 5 second animal abuse scene in a tv show i watched years ago and i still have nightmares about it now! Think i may be a tad over sensitive lol
Have a good day sweets xx
Lol doughnut forgetting your lunch :p
Do you feel up to a fast day today? can you manage them at work ok?

I couldn't watch that slave film, for the same reason that i can't watch any with animals in either. I realise they are designed to be emotive, but they break my heart and play on me for months after. There was a 5 second animal abuse scene in a tv show i watched years ago and i still have nightmares about it now! Think i may be a tad over sensitive lol
Have a good day sweets xx

I was in such a tizz this morning, we've got 3 roads closed near us, 4 lots of traffic lights and I was half an hour late yesterday, packed it all and then got to work and went...balls!
I'm actually not very hungry today and I tend to eat much less/better food at work than I do at home (we'll blame that on Boy, not my lack of willpower) so think I can do it, I know it's 500, but if I really need I'll let myself have 600 :)

Oh I'm the same with anything to do with animals! I remember watching a film when I was younger, and the dog died at the end, I cried for about 3 days and I still can't watch anything like it! I'm always the person yelling at films when they possibly put the animals in danger!

Hope your diets going okay Hun, just off to check out your diary!
Wells this sucks, I've used all my calories, I am hungryyyy!
Boooo :( do something fun instead? paint your nails? drink warm water or tea? or go to bed haha

Sorry not much help, I know

Hope you're ok though.x.x.