planning on going out to a local House and Garden. if feeling energetic will walk there and back. Problem is with boyfriend family that they walk about twice as fast as I do, so end up feeling left behind the whole time which kinda ruins it for me. I think I've picked up the pace recently, but they seem to just stride so much faster than me!!!
down 1lb for me today. Steady Eddie...
am trying to work my way round the fact that when I started on this diet at 27st, I couldn't 'use' my scales properly - I had to lean on my heels to get a reading. I've tried to continue standing in the same way on them, but it's not reliable (if I rock backwards and forwards on my heels I can get a range of about a stone!!). now I'm so much lighter, I can stand on the standing up straight, count to three and get a really accurate, repeatable reading each time - annoyingly that is about a stone above what I get doing it 'my way). actually - it used to be over a stone, but I have whittled it down now to 10lbs. am trying to close the gap!!! Confused everyone?? Essentially I am still losing weight, that's what matters![]()
Oh god yeah, that scale sitch must be frustrating. I think you are right, don't change your stats but when you do get it to read out the weight you've recorded and you've closed the gap maybe you could adjust your starting weight? That would only be fair, because you would have actually lost more than you'd be giving yourself credit for? Ok, am I making any sense now? Hope so! Well done on your loss hun!!