Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Mmm that sounds lovely.... I'm hoping to get to grips with red days a bit more.

Make a work plan hun, I found that really helped me when I was doing my finals at Uni. E.g put a certain amount of time aside each day and work 100% at that time.

Although...... one difference, I only had myself to look after whilst you have two kids! x
Yh I know, I tend to go out and do my work :/ Not always easy tho...

I will get it all completed tho - Im gna do some tomorrow - woooo!x
Go girl, you'll be fine - it's normally just the thought of doing it that puts me off xxx
yer im like that - its the thought of it thats daunting and you're fine once you get into it! x
hi honey just popped in to check on how your doing and as always your a star!!!
chin up and keep smiling you are doing fantastic !
I have now moved to Buxton started new job today as caravan wardens and loving it ...hope to join local SW but being good anyway , must have got into good habits!
hope to be back here soon and crying on your shoulders as usual hahahaha good
love and hugs
gilly xxx
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Not too bad day :)

Been on the Wii Fit today and went on the hula hoop for 6 mins - 1700 spins!


So you all had a good day

Im a HAPPY HAPPY bunny!!

I went to Next this morn to get DD some socks and Jeans, whilst was there thought - Well why not try some siz 14 Jeans on....... THEY FIT
Have slight muffin top but OMG.
I bought them!!

Im having Fruit and Veg today - Must try and inc more fruit - so I have made a fruit salad that has to be eaten by this eve! Just had some and the remaining is in fridge! Wooooo

Lamb Shanks for Dinner (All in food diaries bit!)

Will Wii Fit later too, doing college bits at the mo tho :/ BORING!

So have a good day all

Thank You Taz...

That was soo nice - my dinner! OMG I shall be purchasing them again! x
Aww hun, that is fantasic news, I'm so pleased for you, I don't think I've ever been a size 14... well not since the age of 6 anyway!! xxx
way to go gal xxx
Yh I still have slight muffin top with the jeans but hey least they are doing up - more than what they were a few weeks ago! Yet I only a lb in 3 week!

Thanks Ladies! x
:woohoo: biatch pmsl
Why thanks Sarah! x
Good Morning!

How are ye all?

Im ok - going on wii fit in a min for 30 mins! Wooo....

Looking fwd to my dinner this eve - Chicken Kebab and Chunky Roasted Veg, maybe some rice!

I walked to the school yest to get DD too. As didnt wii fit!

My friend and I have wkd out a 5k route to walk when have the kids and maybe to run when we havent got them!! Oh god!

What else - MY kids are sending me mental! You would think the 2 yr old was 12! Shes a chip on shoulder and vile attitude atm... v v stubborn! tut


Have a good day all

That's why they call it the terrible 2's Claire!

5k isn't very far. I done RFL a few years ago before I lost all the weight and it only took 45 mins! You will do it no trouble
Did you run or walk Taz?

I wanna run and walk!!

Wooo Wooo! x